Liana Orfei

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Liana Orfei (born June 6, 1937 in San Giovanni in Persiceto ) is an Italian actress and circus artist.


Orfei, who, like her cousin Moira , comes from a family of circus performers, artists and owners, began as a small child in the ring. Later she also worked as an actress; between 1959 and 1970 she played in a number of genre works , especially sandals and adventure films . With her "remarkable beauty and natural lightness and sympathetic charisma" she was often the love interest of these films. In addition to working for the screen, she was also seen regularly on television and on stage from the mid-1960s, where she played in the ensemble around Eduardo De Filippo and Emma Gramatica . She also tried her hand as a singer and went on tour in 1978.

In the 1980s she focused her work again on her professional background, the circus , but separated from her brother Nando's company in 1984 and started working as an independent artist a. a. with the North Korean State Circus. To this day she has presented the Golden Circus Festival , which she co-founded and with which she performed in 56 countries. In 2005 she played in the stage musical Se il tempo fosse un gambero with Rosanna Ruffini , Max Giusti and Roberto Lanfranchi .


  • 1969: “Volto del juke-box” of the festival bar
  • 2011: “Grand Prix Corallo” for life's work

Filmography (selection)

Web links

Commons : Liana Orfei  - collection of images

Individual evidence

  1. Liana Orfei | MYmovies. Retrieved July 1, 2019 .
  2. 34 ° edizione. Retrieved July 1, 2019 (it-it).
  4. notes. Retrieved July 1, 2019 .