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Ribeira Lianau ( pt )
location Baucau municipality , northern East Timor
River system Lianau
Drain over Wetar Strait  → Pacific Ocean
Source height 331  m

The East Timorese Lianau ( Portuguese Ribeira Lianau ) is a river in the north of Timor , in the municipality of Baucau . Outside of the rainy season, like most others in the north of the country, the river falls dry.


The Lianau has its source in Suco Guruça ( Quelicai administrative office ), east of the town of Cotaissi . Past the town of Maebu, it flows north into the Suco Tequinaumata ( Laga administrative office ). To the east of the village of Mulla , the Lianau finally flows into the Strait of Wetar .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Timor-Leste GIS-Portal ( Memento from June 30, 2007 in the Internet Archive )