Liebfrauenschule Sigmaringen

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Liebfrauenschule Sigmaringen
School grounds Liebfrauenschule Sigmaringen.jpg
type of school School , Aufbaugymnasium , Realschule
founding 1956

Liebfrauenweg 2

place Sigmaringen
country Baden-Württemberg
Country Germany
carrier School foundation of the Archdiocese of Freiburg
management Rector Gerald Eisen

The Liebfrauenschule Sigmaringen is a free Catholic school in sponsorship of the School Foundation of the Archdiocese of Freiburg in Baden-Württemberg Sigmaringen . The school comprises the secondary school , general high school and advanced high school courses . The school was founded in 1956.


In 1956 the Franciscan Sisters of Erlenbad founded the Liebfrauenschule, named after Maria , the mother of Jesus, initially as a purely girls' school with boarding school. The short name Lize , which is still used today for the school, is derived from the term lyceum (for girls' high school) . The school began operations on May 22, 1956, with 281 students at that time, who were taught by 27 exclusively female teachers, including 20 nuns. In the city of Sigmaringen, this closed the gap perceived by the population of the lack of an all-girls school. Almost two years earlier, the local Marienschule, a girls' school run by the Paderborn Sisters of Christian Love , had to shut down due to a lack of staff and financial difficulties. The fact that the Princely House of Hohenzollern made the land available for the school building at very favorable conditions contributed to the successful establishment of the school . In the 1980s, various social developments made clear changes at the school necessary. The number of boarding school students decreased, as did the number of members of the Franciscan Order, so that they gradually withdrew from school operations, and the boarding school was finally given up completely. In 1992, shortly after the introduction of coeducation at the school, the Liebfrauenschule became the responsibility of the school foundation of the Archdiocese of Freiburg. Since 2015, the Liebfrauenschule program has included an advanced high school, at which there is a high school course for secondary school students from the 7th grade with the possibility of taking the Abitur after 13 school years.


At the school there is the possibility of acquiring a double qualification parallel to a school career. There are eight modules certified by the Chamber of Industry and Commerce to train as a chef , the students then complete their school years with a journeyman's certificate as a chef in addition to their Abitur or secondary school leaving certificate , while the school works with around 30 sponsored companies. The school describes a “Christian school culture based on Franciscan traditions” as the basis of its work. This is expressed, for example, in the one-hour subject GOMES (worship, meditation, singing). Belonging to a Christian denomination is not a requirement for admission, but participation in Catholic or Protestant religious instruction as well as in religious school life is mandatory. In memory of the founding order, the School of Our Lady takes place annually on October 4th, the commemoration day of St. Francis of Assisi, a school's own St. Francis Day . The Liebfrauenschule has extensive school grounds with a wide range of sports facilities, including indoor and outdoor climbing facilities. There is a student house and the canteen called Lizeria , with which a full-day course ( external school ) is guaranteed. A wind class is offered on the Gymnasium and Realschule trains . In the oldest building of the school complex, the Liebfrauenschule maintains a school museum in the rooms of the former school sick bay, which shows exhibits from school history. In 2017 the Liebfrauenschule was certified as a Fairtrade school .

Well-known former students

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Georg Loges: 50 years of the Liebfrauenschule Sigmaringen. School Foundation of the Archdiocese of Freiburg, accessed on March 4, 2020 .
  2. Christoph Wartenberg: Liebfrauenschule starts with an advanced high school. In: Schwäbische Zeitung Sigmaringen, March 12, 2014
  3. Double qualification at LIZE. Friends of the Liebfrauenschule Sigmaringen eV, accessed on March 4, 2020 .
  4. Admission requirements Liebfrauenschule Sigmaringen. Liebfrauenschule Sigmaringen, accessed on March 4, 2020 .
  5. St. Francis Day . Liebfrauenschule Sigmaringen, accessed on March 4, 2020 .
  6. School community donates 1000 euros for Nigeria. Schwäbische Zeitung, October 15, 2013, accessed on March 4, 2020 .
  7. Christine Bollmann: Our school museum. Liebfrauenschule Sigmaringen, August 28, 2018, accessed on March 4, 2020 .
  8. Jürgen Witt: Liebfrauenschule recognized as a Fairtrade school. Südkurier, December 8, 2017, accessed March 4, 2020 .