Lingre Pema Dorje

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Padma Dorje
Tibetan name
Wylie transliteration :
gling ras padma rdo rje
Chinese name
Simplified :
岭 热 • 白 玛多杰; 林 热 • 白 玛多吉
Pinyin :
Lingre Baima Duojie; Linre Baima Duoji

Lingre PEMA Dorje ( Tib. Gling ras Padma rdo RJE ; born 1128 ;. Gest 1188 ) or short Lingrepa was a minister of the Drukpa Lineage selected from the Phagdru Kagyu -Schule, a lower school of Kagyu -Tradition, emerged.

He was a student of Phagmodrupa Dorje Gyelpo and teacher of Tsangpa Gyare . He is the founder of the Middle Drugpa Tradition (Bardrug) and is therefore considered the founder of the Drugpa-Kagyu tradition.

See also


Web links

References and comments

  1. tib. Bar 'brug ; Chinese Zhong Zhuba pai 中 竹 巴 派 / Zhong Zhuba 中 主 巴
Lingre Pema Dorje (alternative names of the lemma)
gling ras pad ma rdo rje; Lingre Pema Dorje; Lingre Baima Duojie 岭 热 • 白 玛多杰; Linre Baima Duoji 林 热 • 白 玛多吉; Ling Re Pema Dorje; gLing Ras Padma rDo rje; Lingrepa; Lingchen Repa; gLing Ras Padma rDo rje; gling ras pa pad ma rdo rje; Gling-ras-pa; Napuba Lingre Baima Duojie 纳普巴. 岭 热. 白 玛多杰; Drubthob Naphupa; Linreba 林 热 巴; gling ras pa; Nephupa; sna phu ba; Lingre Padma Dorje