Lionel von dem Knesebeck

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Lionel Karl Bernhard Adolf Paridam von dem Knesebeck (born January 20, 1849 in Munich , † May 15, 1916 in Wildungen ) was a German officer and court official.


Lionel von dem Knesebeck was born as the son of the Hanoverian lieutenant general, envoy and writer Ernst Julius Georg von dem Knesebeck and Agnes. from Linsingen born. He studied at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn and became a member of the Corps Borussia Bonn in 1869 . He made a career as an officer and became a general staff officer . His last rank was a lieutenant colonel. For two years he was court chief to Prince Friedrich Karl of Hesse , who later became King of Finland. After leaving the service he lived in Berlin and Stolp .


  • Friedrich Karl Devens : Biographical corps album of Borussia in Bonn 1827-1902 . Düsseldorf, 1902, p. 176
  • GG Winkel : Biographical corps album of Borussia in Bonn 1821–1928 . Aschaffenburg 1928, p. 169

Individual evidence

  1. Kösener corps lists 1910, 19 , 459