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Liopropoma rubre

Liopropoma rubre

Spinefish (Acanthopterygii)
Perch relatives (Percomorphaceae)
Order : Perch-like (Perciformes)
Family : Grouper (Epinephelidae)
Subfamily : Liopropomatinae
Genre : Liopropoma
Scientific name
Gill , 1861

Liopropoma ( Gr .: "Leio" = smooth + "pro" = before + "poma", - "atos" = cover, operculum ) is a genus of groupers (Epinephelidae) in the tropical Indo-Pacific (approx. 2/3 of the species ), in the tropical western Atlantic (approx. 1/3 of the species) and in the eastern Atlantic near the Cape Verde Islands (1 species). Because of their small size, the fish are often referred to as dwarf groupers in German.


Liopropoma species are small groupers, sharp-mouthed, relatively elongated and reach lengths of 6 to 27 cm. Their color is often reddish or brownish, monochrome or with dark or yellowish vertical stripes. A combination of the following characteristics are considered diagnostic characteristics of the genus. The dorsal fin is continuous or divided and is supported by 8 spines and 11 to 14 soft rays. The anal fin has 3 spines and 8 to 11 soft rays. The body is covered with weak comb scales. The sideline is continuous and runs in an arc shape above the pelvic fins. The number of lateral line scales provided with pores is between 43 and 67. Both jaws are covered with a row of brush-like (villiform) teeth. Canines are missing. There are three spines on the gill cover .


The genus contains over 30 species:

Liopropoma aberrans
Liopropoma aurora
Liopropoma eukrines
Liopropoma olneyi
Liopropoma santi
Liopropoma swalesi

Individual evidence

  1. Takeshi Kon, Tetsuo Yoshino, You Sakurai: Liopropoma dorsoluteum sp. nov., a new serranid fish from Okinawa, Japan , Ichthyological Research, February 15, 1999, Volume 46, Issue 1, DOI: 10.1007 / BF02674949 , ISSN  1341-8998

Web links

Commons : Liopropoma  - collection of images, videos and audio files