List of abbreviations for tree species in forest management in Saxony

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This list shows the abbreviations of the tree species in forest management in Saxony . With these shortcuts, the tree species in the business books (Revier books) are the forest districts referred. They are very often used for terrain inspections in the forest.

Abbreviation German name scientific name
1. Spruce trees
GFI Norway spruce Picea abies
OFI Omorika spruce Picea omorika
PFI Spruce Picea pungens
FIS Other spruces Picea spec.
2. Pine trees
GKI Common pine Pinus sylvestris
WKI White pine Pinus strobus
SKI Black pine Pinus nigra (ssp. Nigra )
MKI Murray pine Pinus contorta
RKI Rumelian pine Pinus peuce
BKI Mountain pine Pinus mugo
KIS Other pines Pinus spec .
3. larches
ELA European larch Larix decidua
JLA Japanese larch Larix Kaempferi
HLA Hybrid larch Larix x eurolepis
READ Other larches Larix spec .
4. Other conifer species
WTA Silver fir Abies alba
KTA Sea fir Abies grandis
CTA Colorado fir Abies concolor
NTA Nordmann fir Abies nordmanniana
TAS Other fir trees Abies spec.
DGL Douglas fir Pseudotsuga spec.
LIVE Trees of life Thuja spec .
SZP False cypress trees Chamaecyparis spec.
HLO Hemlock Tsuga canadensis
EIB yew Taxus baccata
SNA Other conifer species
5. Oaks
BE English oak Quercus robur
TEI Sessile oak Quercus petraea
REI Red oak Quercus rubra
ICE Other oaks Quercus spec.
6. Book
RBU European beech Fagus silvatica
7. Hard deciduous tree species
HBU Hornbeam Carpinus betulus
TOTAL Common ash Fraxinus excelsior
BAH Sycamore maple Acer pseudoplatanus
SAW Norway maple Acer platanoides
FAH Field maple Acer campestre
BUL Elm (-rüster) Ulmus glabra
FUL Elm (-rüster) Ulmus laevis
MUL Field elm Ulmus minor , alternatively ULS - other elms
ROB Black locust Robinia pseudoacacia
VKI Bird cherry Prunus avium ( ssp.avium )
SKB Late blooming bird cherry tree Prunus serotina
SHL Other hard deciduous tree species
8. Birch
GBI Common birch Betula pendula
MBI Downy birch Betula pubescens
9. Other soft leaf tree species
RER Red alder (black alder) Alnus glutinosa
WHO White alder (gray alder ) Alnus incana
GER Green alder Alnus viridis
RKA buckeye Aesculus hippocastanum
GEB Common mountain ash Sorbus aucuparia
WLI Winter linden Tilia cordata
SLI Summer linden tree Tilia platyphyllos
HAS Hazel bush Corylus avellana
PAP poplar Populus spec .
ASP Aspe Populus tremula
FLB Buckthorn Frangula alnus
SWE Common willow Salix caprea
ESPE Other tree pastures Salix spec .
SWL Other soft leaf tree species
