List of canton schools in the canton of Lucerne

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The list of canton schools in the canton of Lucerne shows the public and private canton schools in the canton of Lucerne .


  • Name of the canton school: states the name of the canton school and any additional designations.
  • Sponsorship: Indicates whether the canton school is sponsored by the state or by a private sponsor.
  • Opening: states the year in which the canton school was opened at the current location.
  • Students: Displays the total number of students.
  • Rector: Names the current Rector of the canton school.
  • Town: Indicates the town in which the canton school is located.
  • Image: Displays a picture of the canton school.

Note: The list can be sorted: clicking on a column header sorts the list according to this column, clicking twice reverses the sorting. Any desired combination can be achieved by clicking two columns in a row.

Canton schools

Name of the canton school
Sponsorship opening student Rector Locality image
Cantonal School Alpenquai state 1574 circa 1800 Hans Hirschi Lucerne
St. Klemens high school state Ebikon
Cantonal school Musegg state Lucerne
Reussbühl Cantonal School state Lucerne
Beromünster Cantonal School state Beromünster
Schüpfheim Cantonal School state Schüpfheim
Seetal Cantonal School state Baldegg, Hochdorf LU
Willisau Cantonal School state Willisau
Cantonal school in Sursee state Sursee

Individual evidence