List of nature reserves in Zweibrücken

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In Rhineland-Palatinate two bridges there is a nature reserve .

Surname image Identifier

circle details position Area

Old clay pit Commons-logo.svg Alte Tongrube.jpg 7320-082
WDPA:  162100
Zweibrücken Mörsbach district
humid to alternately humid biotope as a location for plant species and their plant communities and as a habitat for endangered animal species
1.58 1986

Legend for nature reserve

Individual evidence

  1. WDPA identifier, area, date and coordinates were taken from the European Nature Information System (EUNIS) of the European Environment Agency , downloaded from there via the Nationally designated areas (CDDA) on May 25, 2014.
  2. Landscape information system of the Rhineland-Palatinate Nature Conservation Administration : nature reserve , there linked legal ordinances for information on communities or districts as well as descriptions.