List of preachers and pastors of the evangelical parish of Büderich

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This list contains the terms of office and names of the preachers and pastors of the evangelical parish of Büderich .

Start of office End of office Surname comment
1521 1528 Chaplain Johann Klopreis
1528 1528 Adolf Clarenbach , Gerhard Omcke and Brictius thom Norde
1557 1574 Cornelius Gerhardi First employed evangelical preacher, he was expelled from the city in 1574.
1592 Heinrich Thewer
1598 H. Copius
1602 1602 Dietrich Schmithalß
1609 1609 Theodor Rumph
1610 1610 Bernhard Petreus
1610 1614 Bernhard Brant
1614 1623 T. Strack
1630 Johann Theodoricus
1637 1680 Wilhelmus Smetterus (also Wilhelm Smetter or W. Schmetberg)
1660 Heinrich Kirchhoff
1665 Jan de Graen
1695 1725 Anton von Dorth
1726 1731 Joh. P. Wintgens
1732 1759 Johann Wilhelm Carp * around 1690, † 1759 in Büderich.
1759 1781 Johann Heinrich Achenbach * January 13, 1719 in Ferndorf , † June 27, 1781 in Büderich.
1781 1798 J. Schneider
1799 1832 Franz Heinrich Hagenberg * January 20, 1762 in Moers , † April 14, 1832 in Büderich. The foundation stone of the Ev. Church in Neu-Büderich on September 26, 1820 and the inauguration of the new church on November 3, 1822.
1833 1839 Wilhelm Karl Esch * March 21, 1805 in Neukirchen-Vluyn , † September 8, 1839 in Büderich.
1840 1845 Johann Adam Hermann Wolf * May 22, 1810 in Mülheim / Ruhr , † July 31, 1880 in Mülheim / Ruhr.
1845 1879 Ahasuerus Ludwig Greeven * October 28, 1801, † April 23, 1893, married to Louise Greeven * October 6, 1810, † August 21, 1875.
1879 1895 Superintendent Otto Greeven * October 9, 1836, † March 8, 1895, son of Ahasverus Ludwig Greeven and Louise Greeven, married to Auguste Greeven, * December 8, 1840, † February 15, 1898.
1895 1933 Wilhelm Wolf * October 8, 1866, † July 3, 1946, married to Luise Greeven, * September 26, 1870, daughter of Otto Greeven and Auguste Greeven. He is the author of the history of the Protestant community of Büderich near Wesel , Lehe, 1912 and the book of the Büderich community in World War I and during the occupation , Büderich, 1933.
1933 Hans Heinrich Will He was active in the Confessing Church and was betrayed to the Gestapo by members of the community . As a result, he was drafted and has been considered missing ever since.
1990 2014 Joachim Wolff * 1960 in Düsseldorf - Kaiserswerth During his term of office, the renovation of the classicist church building designed by Karl Friedrich Schinkel fell under monument protection aspects. He is one of the authors of the book: Pictures of a Church - The Evangelical Church Büderich , Ev. Church community Büderich, Wesel, 2001, ISBN 3-9802870-2-5
2014 2016 Gernot Thölke (vacancy representation)
Since 2016 Susanne Kock


  • Joachim Wolff, Eginhard Brandt, Eugen Aaldering: Pictures of a Church - The Evangelical Church Büderich , Ev. Church community Büderich, Wesel, 2001, ISBN 3-9802870-2-5
  • Wolfgang Gertges in Our Homeland Volume 5 , Heimatverein Büderich, 1987
  • Wilhelm Wolf: Municipality of Büderich in World War I and during the occupation , Büderich, 1933.
  • Wilhelm Wolf: History of the Protestant community Büderich near Wesel , Lehe, 1912.
  • Johann Heinrich Schoofs: History of the Catholic community in Büderich, from the days of the Reformation to the most recent times, according to the acts of the parish archives and the dean's archives in Xanten . Romen, Wesel 1880 ( digitized edition of the University and State Library Düsseldorf )

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See also