List of legal norms of the Federal Republic of Germany / laws

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List of legal norms of the Federal Republic of Germany - laws

AABG Law to limit the pharmaceutical expenditure of the statutory health insurance
AAG Expenditure Compensation Act (Act on Compensating Employer Expenses for Continued Pay)
ÄArbVtrG Law on fixed-term contracts with doctors in training
AAÜG Entitlement and expectancy transfer law (law on the transfer of entitlements and expectancies from supplementary and special pension systems in the acceding area)
AAÜG-AmendmentG Law to amend and supplement the entitlement and expectancy transfer law
ABAG Pharmaceutical budget replacement law (law to replace the pharmaceutical and therapeutic budget)
AbfG Recycling law (law on the prevention and disposal of waste)
AbfVerbrG Law implementing Regulation (EC) No. 1013/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of June 14, 2006 on shipments of waste 1) and the Basel Convention of March 22, 1989 on the control of transboundary shipments of hazardous waste and their Disposal 2)
AbgG Deputies Act (Act on the Legal Relationships of Members of the German Bundestag)
AbsFondsForstAuflG Law on the dissolution and liquidation of the establishment of the German forestry and timber industry's sales promotion fund
AbsFondsLwAuflG Law on the dissolution and liquidation of the establishment of the German agricultural and food industry's sales promotion fund
AbwAG Wastewater Charges Act (law on charges for discharging sewage into waters)
ABZusForstAbkPOLG Act on the agreement of March 20, 1995 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Poland on the merger of the motorway and the construction and reconstruction of a border bridge in the forest and alder wood area (Olszyna)
ABZusGrBrückVtrCESG Act on the Treaty of July 13, 1995 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Czech Republic on the merger of the German A 6 and Czech D 5 autobahns at the common national border by building a border bridge
ABZusPolAbkG Law on the agreement of April 23, 1993 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Poland on the motorway merger in the Frankfurt / Oder and Schwetig area
AdenauerHStiftG Law on the establishment of a foundation for the Federal Chancellor Adenauer House
AdG Law on Adoption as a Child and Amending Other Regulations
AdKG Law establishing the Academy of Arts
ADRÄndProtG Act to the Protocol of October 28, 1993 amending the European Agreement of September 30, 1957 concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR)
ADRG Law on the European Agreement of September 30, 1957 concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR)
AdÜbAG Act implementing the Hague Convention of 29 May 1993 on the Protection of Children and Cooperation in the Field of International Adoption
AdVermiG Law on the mediation of adoption as a child and on the prohibition of the placement of surrogate mothers
AdWirkG Law on the Effects of Adoption as a Child under Foreign Law
AEG General Railway Act
AEntG Posted Workers Act (Act on mandatory working conditions for cross-border posted workers and for workers regularly employed in Germany)
AFBG Advancement Advancement Promotion Act (Act to promote professional advancement training)
AFG§116G Law to ensure the neutrality of the Federal Labor Office in the event of industrial disputes
AFIG Law on the publication of information on the payment of funds from the European Fund for Agriculture and Fisheries
AfrEntwBkÜbkG Law accompanying the Convention of August 4, 1963 establishing the African Development Bank
AFRG Employment Promotion Reform Act
AFRG Law regulating certain old claims
AFSG Act on the International Convention of 2001 on the restriction of the use of harmful antifouling systems on ships
AFuG 1997 Amateur Radio Act (Law on Amateur Radio)
AFWoG Law on the elimination of false subsidies in the housing sector
AGB DDR Labor Code of the German Democratic Republic
AGG general equality law
AG-KJHG Law for the implementation of the Child and Youth Welfare Act
AgrarAbsFDG Law for the implementation of legal acts of the European Community or the European Union on Community information and sales promotion measures for agricultural products
Agricultural MSG Law on the further development of the market structure in the agricultural sector
AgrarZahlVerpflG Law regulating compliance with requirements and standards within the framework of EU regulations on agricultural payments
AgrStatG Law on Agricultural Statistics
AgrStruktGÄndG Law amending the law on the joint task "Improvement of the agricultural structure and coastal protection"
AG-SGG Law for the implementation of the Social Court Act in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia
AHiVwVtrAUTG Law on the contract of May 31, 1988 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Austria on administrative and legal assistance in administrative matters
AHStatGes Law on the statistics of the cross-border movement of goods
AIIBÜbkG Law on the Convention of June 29, 2015 establishing the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank
AKG General Consequences of War Act (Act for the general regulation of damage caused by the war and the collapse of the German Reich)
AkkStelleG Law on the Accreditation Body
AKostG Foreign Expenses Act
AKP / EWGAbk4G Law on the Fourth ACP-EEC Convention of Lomé of 15 December 1989 and the conventions connected with this convention
AktG Stock Corporation Act
ALG Law on Old-Age Insurance for Farmers
AlkopopStG Law on the levying of a special tax on alcoholic sweet drinks (alcopops) to protect young people
AlkoVerfrG Law on the carriage of alcoholic goods
AlkStG Alcohol Tax Act
AltEinkG Retirement Income Act
AltfAbwG Law on the accelerated settlement of some old claims
AltGG Old Age Allowance Act
AltPflG Act on Professions in Elderly Care
AltSchG Old Debt Aid Act (law on old debt aid for municipal housing companies, housing cooperatives and private landlords in the area named in Article 3 of the Unification Agreement)
AltTZG 1996 Partial Retirement Act
AltZertG Law on the Certification of Retirement Provision and Basic Pension Contracts
AMbG General maglev law
AMG Medicines Act (Act on the Marketing of Medicines)
AMRabG Law on Medicines Discounts
AMRNOG Law to reorganize pharmaceutical law
Beginning Avoidance Act (law on contesting legal acts of a debtor outside of insolvency proceedings)
AnlEntG Investor Compensation Act
AnpflEigentG Law regulating the ownership of plantings made by agricultural production cooperatives
AnSVG Investor Protection Improvement Act
AntarktMeerSchÜbkG Law accompanying the Convention of May 20, 1980 for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources
AntarktUmwSchProtAG Law for the Implementation of the Environmental Protection Protocol of October 4, 1991 to the Antarctic Treaty
AntarktVtrG Antarctic Treaty Act of December 1, 1959
AntiDHG Law on Assistance to People Infected by Anti-D Immunoprophylaxis with the Hepatitis C Virus
AntiDopG Law against doping in sport
AO Tax Code
APAstErG Law on the establishment of an auditor oversight body at the Federal Office of Economics and Export Control
ApoAnwRstG Law on the legal status of pre-examined pharmacists
ApoG Pharmacy Act (Act on Pharmacy)
ArbGG Labor Court Act
ArblVAbkCHEG Law on the agreement of October 20, 1982 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Swiss Confederation on unemployment insurance
ArbnErfG Employee Invention Act (Employee Invention Act)
ArbPlSchG Workplace Protection Act (Act on the protection of the workplace when drafting into military service)
ArbSchG Occupational Health and Safety Act (law on the implementation of occupational health and safety measures to improve the safety and health protection of employees at work)
ArbVAbkGBRG Act on the Agreement of April 20, 1960 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland on Unemployment Insurance
ArbZG Working Hours Act
ArbZRG Law to standardize and make working time law more flexible
ArchLG Law regulating engineering and architectural services
ARG Law on the regulation of old debts for social institutions
ARGEuaÄndG Law regulating old debts for social institutions, amending the Inherited Debt Repayment Fund Act and amending the Investment Promotion Act Construction East
ARSchiedsGAufhG Law repealing the law on the establishment and procedure of arbitration boards for labor law and amending the law on employment promotion
ARUG Act to implement the shareholder rights directive
Doctor Residence G. Law on the introduction of the residence principle in fee agreements for doctors and dentists
ASchulG Law on the promotion of German schools abroad
AsEntwBkÜbkG Law relating to the Convention of December 4, 1965, establishing the Asian Development Bank
ASG Law on Ensuring Labor Services for Defense Purposes, including the Protection of Civilians
ASiG Occupational Safety Act (law on company doctors, safety engineers and other specialists for occupational safety)
ASLwApFG Law to promote the structural and agricultural-social adaptation of agriculture in the GDR to the social market economy - Promotion Act
ASRG 1995 Law on the Reform of Agricultural Social Security
ASOG General Safety and Order Act (Berlin)
Association Agreement / ALBG Law on the Stabilization and Association Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States, on the one hand, and the Republic of Albania, on the other
Association AbkEWG / TURG Law on the Association Agreement of September 12, 1963 between the European Economic Community and Turkey and the agreements connected with this Agreement
AStG Foreign tax law (law on taxation for foreign relations)
AsylbLG Asylum Seekers Benefits Act
AsylG Asylum Act
AsylVfGNG Law to reorganize the asylum procedure
ATAÜbkG Law on the Brussels Customs Convention of December 6, 1961 on the ATA Carnet for the temporary importation of goods
ATDG Law to establish a standardized central counter-terrorism database for police authorities and intelligence services of the federal and state levels
AtG Atomic Energy Act (Act on the peaceful use of nuclear energy and the protection against its dangers)
AtHaftAbkCHEG Law on the agreement of October 22, 1986 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Swiss Confederation on liability towards third parties in the field of nuclear energy
AtHaftProtParis2004G Act on the Protocols of February 12, 2004 amending the Convention of July 29, 1960 on Liability to Third Parties in the Field of Nuclear Energy, as amended by the Additional Protocol of January 28, 1964 and the Protocol of November 16, 1982 and amending the Additional Convention of January 31, 1963 to the Paris Convention of July 29, 1960 on Liability to Third Parties in the Field of Nuclear Energy, as amended by the Additional Protocol of January 28, 1964 and the Protocol of November 16, 1982
AtHaftÜbkG Act on the Convention of July 29, 1960 on Liability Towards Third Parties in the Field of Nuclear Energy and Additional Agreements, on the Convention of May 25, 1962 on the Liability of Owners of Reactor Ships and the Additional Protocol and on the Convention of December 17, 1971 on the civil liability for the transport of nuclear material by sea
ATPAnl1 / 3AndG Law on the amendments of November 22, 1980, August 13, 1982, July 15, 1983, October 20, 1985 and April 19, 1986 to Appendix 1 and of October 28, 1980 and January 20, 1985 to Appendix 3 of the Convention of 1 September 1970 about the international transport of perishable food and about the special means of transport that are to be used for this transport
ATPG Act on the Convention of September 1, 1970 on the International Carriage of Perishable Food and the Special Means of Transport to be used for this Carriage (ATP)
AtSchÜbkG Act on the Convention of October 26, 1979 on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material
AufbhG Law for the establishment of a special fund "development aid"
Residence Act Residence Act (Act on Residence, Employment and Integration of Foreigners in the Federal Territory)
AufhFG Law establishing a "Development Aid" Fund
AufsRatAbkCHEG Law on the contract between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Swiss Confederation on the regulation of questions that concern the supervisory boards of the stock corporations established in the Federal Republic of Germany to operate border power plants on the Rhine
AUG Law for the assertion of maintenance claims in dealings with foreign countries
AÜG Temporary Employment Act (law regulating temporary employment)
ORDER Foreign Legal Information Act (Act implementing the European Convention on Information on Foreign Law and its Additional Protocol)
AusglFoG 1965 Law on the repayment of compensation claims
AusglLeistG Compensation Act (Act on state compensation for expropriations based on occupation law or occupation sovereignty, which can no longer be reversed)
AusglVtrNLDG Law on the Treaty of April 8, 1960 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Kingdom of the Netherlands on the settlement of border issues and other problems existing between the two countries (Compensation Treaty)
AuslInvG Law on tax measures for foreign investments by the German economy
AuslPflVG Law on liability insurance for foreign vehicles and trailers
AuslSchuldAbkAG Act implementing the agreement of February 27, 1953 on German foreign debts
AuslStreitkrNotWG Law on the Exchange of Notes of April 29, 1998 on the Legal Status of the Danish, Greek, Italian, Luxembourg, Norwegian, Portuguese, Spanish and Turkish Armed Forces in the Federal Republic of Germany
AuslVerbindlG Law on Payment Liabilities to Foreign Countries
AuslWBEntschG Law on the detailed regulation of the compensation claims for foreign bonds
AuslWBG Law on the adjustment of German bonds denominated in foreign currency
AuslWoBauG Law on reintegration assistance in housing construction for returning foreigners
ExpSG Law for the protection of emigrants
AutGAAPolAbkG Law on the agreement of July 29, 1992 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Poland on the merger of the Autobahn and the construction of border control systems for the new border crossing in the Görlitz and Zgorzelec area
AutobBrVtrBELG Law to the contract of February 5, 1979 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Kingdom of Belgium on the construction and maintenance of a motorway bridge over the Our near Steinebrück
AVAG Law for the execution of intergovernmental agreements and for the implementation of agreements of the European Union in the field of recognition and enforcement in civil and commercial matters
AVmG Retirement Property Act
AVWG Drug supply economic efficiency law
AWaffV General Gun Law Ordinance
AWG Foreign Trade Act
AZG Share Customs Act
AZRG Law on the Central Register of Foreigners
BABauRaumOG Law on the establishment of a Federal Office for Building and Regional Planning (Article 1 of the law on the establishment of a Federal Office for Building and Regional Planning and on the amendment of salary regulations)
BABG Law on the property relations of federal motorways and other federal highways for long-distance traffic
BABWismarG Law on the construction of the Wismar West-Wismar Ost section of the A 20 Lübeck federal border (A 11)
BAFG Law on the establishment of the Federal Supervisory Office for Air Traffic Control
BAFlSBAÜbnG Law to take over the officials and employees of the Federal Agency for Air Traffic Control
BAföG Federal law on individual promotion of training
BahnG Law on measures to maintain the operation of public transport railway companies
BahnVorschrAnwG Law on the application of state legal regulations on railway units
BaktWaffVernÜbkG Act on the Convention of April 10, 1972 on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Storage of Bacteriological (Biological) Weapons and Toxin Weapons and on the Destruction of Such Weapons
BÄOuaÄndG 2004 Law amending the Federal Doctors' Ordinance and other laws
BAPostG Law on the establishment of a Federal Agency for Post and Telecommunications Deutsche Bundespost
BArchG Law on the Use and Protection of Federal Archives
BASIG Law on the Federal Institute for Vaccines and Biomedical Medicines
BaslÜbkG Act on the Basel Convention of March 22, 1989 on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Waste and Their Disposal
BAStrlSchG Law on the establishment of a Federal Office for Radiation Protection
BattG Law on the placing on the market, return and environmentally compatible disposal of batteries and accumulators
BauFordSiG Law on Securing Construction Claims
BauGB Building Code
BauPG Law for the implementation of Regulation (EU) No. 305/2011 establishing harmonized conditions for the marketing of construction products and for the implementation and implementation of other legal acts of the European Union with regard to construction products
BAusfAmtG Law on the establishment of a federal export office
BauSparkG Law on building societies
BauStiftG Law establishing a "Federal Building Culture Foundation"
BAW / BAFAG Law on the amalgamation of the Federal Office for Economic Affairs with the Federal Export Office
BBahnG Federal Railway Act
BBahnVermG Law on the property relations of the Deutsche Bundesbahn
BBankG Law on the Deutsche Bundesbank
BBergG Federal Mining Act
BBesG Federal Salary Act
BBG Federal Civil Service Act
BBiG Vocational Training Act
BBKG Law on the establishment of the Federal Office for Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance
BBodSchG Law on the protection against harmful soil changes and the remediation of contaminated sites
BBPlG Law on the Federal Requirements Plan
BBVAnpG 91 Law on the adjustment of salaries and pensions in the federal and state levels 1991
BBVAnpG 98 Act on the adjustment of salaries and pensions in the federal and state levels 1998
BBVLG 1975 Law on capital-building benefits for civil servants, judges, professional soldiers and temporary soldiers
BDBOSG Law on the establishment of a federal agency for digital radio for authorities and organizations with security tasks
BDG Federal Disciplinary Act
BDNOG Law on the reorganization of federal disciplinary law
BDSG Federal Data Protection Act
Official / BesRÄndG 5 Fifth law amending civil service and salary regulations
BeamtStG Law regulating the status of civil servants in the federal states
BeamtVG Law on the Supply of Officials and Judges of the Federal Government
BeamtVGÄndG 1993 Law amending the Civil Service Supply Act, the Soldier Supply Act and other provisions under supply law
BeamtVGÄndG Law amending the Civil Service Welfare Act and other service and pension law regulations
BEDBPStruktG Law to improve the personnel structure in the federal railway assets and in the postal successor companies
BEEG Parental Allowance and Parental Leave Act
BefBezG 2008 Law on pacified districts for federal constitutional organs
BEG Federal Law on Compensation for Victims of National Socialist Persecution
BEGÄndG 3 Third law amending the Federal Supplementary Law on Compensation for Victims of National Socialist Persecution
Accompanying Act accompanying the Telecommunications Act
BEGSchlG Second law amending the Federal Compensation Act
BEGTPG Law on the Federal Network Agency for Electricity, Gas, Telecommunications, Post and Railways
BeherbStatG Law to reorganize the statistics on tourist accommodation
Contribution Law on the relief of contributions in the statutory health insurance
Contribution Act Law on the contribution relief of the statutory health insurance
Contribution S. RV / BA Amendment Act Law to change the contribution rates in the statutory pension insurance and at the Federal Labor Office
BergArbWoFöG Law for the Promotion of Miners Housing Construction in Coal Mining
BergÜbkG Act on the 1989 International Convention on Salvage
BerHG Law on Legal Advice and Representation for Low Income Citizens
Berlin / BonnG Law to implement the resolution of the German Bundestag of June 20, 1991 to complete the unity of Germany
BerlinFG Law to promote the Berlin economy
BerRehaG Law on Compensating Professional Disadvantages for Victims of Political Persecution in the Accession Area
BesatzRBerG Law to clean up the law of occupation
BeschG Law on the testing and approval of firearms, firearms, devices that use ammunition for propulsion, as well as ammunition and other weapons
BeschNeuRG Law on the new regulation of part-time employment
BesÜG Salary Transition Act
BetrAVG Law to improve company pension schemes
BetrPrämDurchfG Law on the implementation of the single farm payment
BetrVG Works Constitution Act
BetrVRG Law to reform the Works Constitution Act
BeurkG Notarization Act
BevStatG Law on the statistics of the population movement and the updating of the population
BEVVG Law on the Federal Railway Administration
BewÄndG 1971 Law to change valuation and other tax regulations
BewÄndG Law on the application and amendment of valuation regulations
BewG Evaluation Act
BewGÄndG Law amending the Valuation Act
BEZNG Law to merge and reorganize the federal railways
BfAG Law on the establishment of the Federal Insurance Institution for Salaried Employees
BfAIPG Law on the staff of the Federal Agency for Foreign Trade
BFDG Federal Voluntary Service Act
BFinHBRuaG Law on federal financial aid according to Article 104a Paragraph 4 of the Basic Law to the states of Bremen, Hamburg, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Lower Saxony and Schleswig-Holstein for seaports
BFinHSHuaG Law on federal financial aid according to Article 104a Paragraph 4 of the Basic Law to the states of Schleswig-Holstein, Lower Saxony, the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen and the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg
BfJG Law on the establishment of the Federal Office of Justice
BfkEG Law on the establishment of a Federal Office for the Safety of Nuclear Waste Management
BfNatSchG Law on the establishment of a Federal Agency for Nature Conservation
BfRG Law on the establishment of a federal institute for risk assessment
BFStrMG Law on the collection of route-related fees for the use of federal motorways and federal highways
BGA-NachfG Law on successor institutions of the Federal Health Office
BGB Civil Code
BGBEG Introductory Act to the Civil Code
BGebG Federal Fees and Expenses Act
BGeoRG Law on the geodetic reference systems, networks and geotopographical reference data of the federal government
BGG Law on Equality for People with Disabilities
BGL 2002 Law on the determination of contributions and contribution subsidies in the old-age insurance of farmers for 2002
BGL 2003 Law on the determination of contributions and contribution subsidies in the old-age insurance of farmers for 2003
BGL 2004 Law on the determination of contributions and contribution subsidies in the old-age security of farmers for 2004
BGL 2007 Law on the determination of contributions and contribution subsidies in the old-age insurance of farmers for 2007
BGleiG Law for the equality of women and men in the federal administration and in federal companies and courts
BGremBG Law on the participation of the federal government in the composition of bodies
BGruVerkOlympG Law on the sale of federally owned land in Munich for the construction of freely financed apartments to be used as the men's Olympic village during the 1972 Olympic Games
BGRWG Law on the further development of disability equality law
BGSG Law on the Federal Border Guard
BGSNeuRegG Law to revise the regulations on the Federal Border Guard
BGSPersG Law on the personnel structure of the Federal Border Guard
BGSVVermG Law regulating property issues relating to social security in the accession area
BGVPLTErG Law establishing the professional association for traffic management, post-logistics and telecommunications
Beer Tax Act Beer Tax Act
BierStGemBY / BAG Law on the entry of the Free States of Bavaria and Baden into the beer tax community
BierStGemWÜG Law on the entry of the Free State of Württemberg into the beer tax community
BImAG Law on the Federal Agency for Real Estate Tasks
BImSchG Law on the protection against harmful environmental effects from air pollution, noise, vibrations and similar processes
BinSchAbkCSKG Law on the Agreement of January 26, 1988 between the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Government of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic on Inland Waterways Transport
BinSchAbkGEORG Law on the Agreement of June 25, 1993 between the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Government of the Republic of Georgia on Inland Navigation
BIN SHEET Law on the Agreement of January 15, 1988 between the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Government of the Hungarian People's Republic on Inland Navigation
BinSchAufgG Law on the tasks of the federal government in the field of inland navigation
BinSchEÜbkG Law on the Convention of February 15, 1966 on the calibration of inland vessels
BinSchFondsG Law on the establishment of the German Inland Shipping Fund
BinSchG Law on the private law relationships of inland navigation
BinSchGerG Law on judicial proceedings in inland waterway matters
BinSchÜbkG Law on the Convention of March 15, 1960 for the standardization of individual rules on the collision of inland waterway vessels and for the amendment of the Inland Navigation Act and the Rafting Act
BinSchUkrAbkG Law on the Agreement of July 14, 1992 between the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Government of Ukraine on Inland Navigation
BinWaStrBGRAbkG Law on the Agreement of July 4, 1989 between the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Government of the People's Republic of Bulgaria on navigation on inland waterways
BismStiftG Law on the establishment of an Otto von Bismarck Foundation
BJagdG Federal Hunting Act
BJagdGÄndG 2 Second law amending the Federal Hunting Act
BJagdGÄndG Law amending the Federal Hunting Law
BKAG Law on the Federal Criminal Police Office and cooperation between the Federation and the Länder in criminal police matters
BKATerrAbwG Law to ward off the dangers of international terrorism by the Federal Criminal Police Office
BKGG Federal Child Benefit Act
BKleingÄndG Act amending the Federal Allotment Garden Act
BKleingG Federal Allotment Garden Act
BKnEG Law establishing the Federal Miners' Union
BKrFQG Law on the basic qualification and further training of drivers of certain vehicles for the transport of goods by road or passenger
BKRG Federal Cancer Registry Data Act
BLEG Law on the establishment of a federal agency for agriculture and food
BLG 2000 Law on the determination of the amounts and contribution subsidies in the old-age insurance of farmers for 2000
BLG Federal Benefits Act
BMG Federal Registration Act
BMinG Law on the Legal Relationships of Members of the Federal Government
BMJMaßschriftenBerG Law on the non-application of the provisions of the Unification Treaty in the area of ​​responsibility of the Federal Ministry of Justice
BNatSchG Law on nature protection and landscape management
BNDG Law on the Federal Intelligence Service
BNichtrSchG Law introducing a smoking ban in federal institutions and public transport
BodSchätzG Agricultural Soil Estimate Act
BodSchVereinhG Law to standardize the legal relationships with natural resources
BörsG Stock Exchange Act
BoSoG Law on the separation of unmeasured and built-up plots according to the map
BPersVG Federal Personnel Representation Act
BPolBG Federal Police Officer Act
BPolG Law on the Federal Police
BPresRuhebezG Law on the Federal President's Pensions
BPresTHHStiftG Law on the establishment of a foundation Federal President-Theodor-Heuss-Haus
BPäsWahlG Law on the election of the Federal President by the Federal Assembly
BQFG Law on Determining the Equivalence of Professional Qualifications
BranntwMonVwG Law on the establishment of the federal monopoly administration for spirits
Brexit-StBG Law on tax and other regulations accompanying the withdrawal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland from the European Union ( Brexit Tax Accompanying Act )
BRHG Law on the Federal Audit Office
BRKG Federal Travel Expenses Act
BRRG Framework law to standardize civil service law
BRüG Federal law regulating the monetary liabilities of the German Reich and equivalent legal entities under reimbursement law
BRüG-Saar Federal law introducing the federal law regulating the monetary liabilities of the German Reich and equivalent legal entities (Federal Reimbursement Act - BRüG) in Saarland
BSchuWG Law to regulate the federal debt system
BSG 1999 Law to determine the contribution rates in the statutory pension insurance for 1999 and to determine further calculation variables for social insurance for 1999
BSG 2000 Law to determine the contribution rates and to determine the conversion factors for the pension adjustment in the statutory pension insurance for 2000
BSG 2002 Law to determine the contribution rates, the contribution payment of the federal government for child-rearing periods and to determine the conversion factors for the pension adjustment in the statutory pension insurance for 2002
BSG 2003 Law to determine the contribution rates in the statutory pension insurance and the federal contribution payment for child-rearing periods for the year 2003
BSG 2004 Law to determine the contribution rates in the statutory pension insurance and the federal contribution payment for child-rearing periods for the year 2004
BSG 2007 Law to determine the contribution rates in the statutory pension insurance for 2007
BSG 2013 Act setting the contribution rates in the statutory pension insurance for 2013
BSG 2014 Law setting the contribution rates in the statutory pension insurance for 2014
BSIG Law on the Federal Office for Information Security
BStatG Law on Statistics for Federal Purposes
BSWAG Law on the expansion of federal railways
BtBG Law on the performance of official tasks in the care of adults
BTHG Law to strengthen the participation and self-determination of people with disabilities
BtMG Law on the traffic in narcotics
BuchPrG Law on Fixed Prices for Books
BUKG Law on relocation allowance for federal civil servants, federal judges and soldiers
BürgerPoRPaktGG Law on the International Covenant of December 19, 1966 on Civil and Political Rights
BUrlG Minimum Leave Act for Employees
BVAG Law on the establishment of the Federal Insurance Office, the supervision of the social insurance agencies and the regulation of administrative responsibilities in social insurance and company pension schemes
BVerfGAmtsGehG Law on the official salary of the members of the Federal Constitutional Court
BVerfGG Law on the Federal Constitutional Court
BVerfSchG Law on cooperation between the Federation and the Länder in matters relating to the protection of the constitution and on the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution
BVersTG Law on the internal division of civil service pension entitlements of federal civil servants in pension adjustment
BVFG Law on the Affairs of Displaced Persons and Refugees
BVG Law on the Care of Victims of War
BVGSaarEG Law introducing the federal supply law in Saarland
BVLG Law on the establishment of a Federal Office for Consumer Protection and Food Safety
BVS AuflG Law on the dissolution of the Federal Association for Self-Protection (Article 2 of the Law on the Reorganization of Civil Protection)
BVwAG Law on the establishment of the Federal Office of Administration
BWahlG Federal Election Act
BWaldG Law for the preservation of the forest and the promotion of forestry
BwBeamtAusglG Law on the outsourcing of civil servants of the Bundeswehr
BWKAusl Federal law on the reparation of National Socialist injustice in the provision of war victims for beneficiaries abroad
BWKAuslGÄndG Law amending and supplementing the law on the reparation of National Socialist injustices in the provision of war victims for beneficiaries abroad
BwKoopG Federal Armed Forces Cooperation Act
BWpVerwPG Law on the staff of the Federal Securities Administration
BzBlG Law on the reduction of air pollution by lead compounds in petrol for motor vehicle engines
BZRG Law on the Central Register and the Education Register
CCDSekrSitzAbkG Act on the Agreement of August 18, 1998 between the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany, the United Nations and the Secretariat of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification on the seat of the Permanent Secretariat of the Convention
ChemG Law on protection against dangerous substances
CLNIG Law on the Strasbourg Convention of 4 November 1988 on the limitation of liability in inland waterway transport (CLNI)
CMRG Act on the Convention of May 19, 1956 on the Contract for the International Carriage of Goods by Road (CMR)
ComKrimÜbkG Law on the Council of Europe Convention on Cybercrime of 23 November 2001
ContStifG Law on the Contergan Foundation for disabled people
CSCG Law on the Convention of December 2, 1972 on Safe Containers
CsgG Law on the preferential treatment of car sharing
CWSSRechtsG Common Wadden Sea Secretariat (CWSS) Act conferring legal capacity on the Common Wadden Sea Secretariat
CWÜAG Implementation Act of the Convention of January 13, 1993 on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Storage and Use of Chemical Weapons and on the Destruction of Such Weapons
DBAAbkÄndProtBELG Act on the amending protocol of January 21, 2010 to the agreement of April 11, 1967 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Kingdom of Belgium on the avoidance of double taxation and on the regulation of various other questions in the field of taxes on income and property, including trade tax and property taxes as well as the associated final protocol in the version of the additional agreement of November 5, 2002
DBAAbkBGRG Law on the Agreement of January 25, 2010 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Bulgaria on the Avoidance of Double Taxation and Tax Reduction in the Field of Taxes on Income and Property
DBAAbkGBRG Act on the Agreement of March 30, 2010 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Tax Reduction in the Field of Taxes on Income and Property
DBAAbkMYSG Law on the agreement of February 23, 2010 between the Federal Republic of Germany and Malaysia to avoid double taxation and to prevent tax reduction in the field of income taxes
DBAAbkSYRG Law on the Agreement of February 17, 2010 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Syrian Arab Republic on the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Tax Reduction in the Field of Income Taxes
DBAÄndProtG IND Law to the Protocol of June 28, 1984 amending the Agreement signed in New Delhi on March 18, 1959 between the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Government of the Republic of India to avoid double taxation of income
DBAÄndProtG NOR Act on the Protocol of June 24, 2013 amending the Agreement of October 4, 1991 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Kingdom of Norway for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and on Mutual Administrative Assistance in the Field of Taxes on Income and Assets, as well as the associated protocol
DBAAREG Law on the agreement of July 1, 2010 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the United Arab Emirates on the avoidance of double taxation and tax reduction in the field of income taxes
DBAbkG ARM Law on the Agreement of June 29, 2016 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Armenia on the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Tax Reduction in the Field of Taxes on Income and Property
DBAbkG ISR 2015 Act on the agreement of August 21, 2014 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the State of Israel to avoid double taxation and tax abatement in the area of ​​taxes on income and property
DBAbkG Jersey 2015 Act on the agreement of 7 May 2015 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Government of Jersey on cooperation in tax matters and the avoidance of double taxation on certain income
DBAbkG TUR Act on the agreement of September 19, 2011 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Turkey to avoid double taxation and tax reduction in the field of income taxes
DBACHE1971Prot1978G Law to the Protocol of November 30, 1978 to the Agreement of August 11, 1971 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Swiss Confederation for the Avoidance of Double Taxation in the Field of Taxes on Income and Assets
DBACHE1971Prot1989G Law on the Protocol of October 17, 1989 to the Agreement of August 11, 1971 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Swiss Confederation for the Avoidance of Double Taxation in the Field of Taxes on Income and Assets in the version of the Protocol of November 30, 1978
DBACHE1971Prot1992G Law to the Protocol of December 21, 1992 to the Agreement of August 11, 1971 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Swiss Confederation to Avoid Double Taxation in the Field of Taxes on Income and Assets
DBADZAG Law on the Agreement of November 12, 2007 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria to avoid double taxation and to prevent tax avoidance and tax evasion in the field of taxes on income and property
DBAESTG Law on the Agreement of November 29, 1996 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Estonia for the Avoidance of Double Taxation in the Field of Taxes on Income and Property
DBAG BOL Law on the agreement of September 30, 1992 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Bolivia to avoid double taxation in the area of ​​taxes on income and property
DBAG CHN Law on the Agreement of June 10, 1985 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the People's Republic of China to avoid double taxation in the field of taxes on income and property
DBAG FRA 2006 Law on the Agreement of October 12, 2006 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the French Republic to avoid double taxation of estates, inheritances and gifts
DbAG Law on Compensation for Service Injuries in the Accession Area
DBAG KAZ Law on the Agreement of November 26, 1997 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Kazakhstan on the Avoidance of Double Taxation in the Field of Taxes on Income and Property
DBAG LTU Law on the Agreement of July 22, 1997 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Lithuania on the Avoidance of Double Taxation in the Field of Taxes on Income and Property
DBAG MAN Act on the agreement of March 2, 2009 between the government of the Federal Republic of Germany and the government of the Isle of Man to avoid double taxation of shipping companies active in international traffic
DBAG SAU Law on the Agreement of November 8, 2007 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to avoid double taxation in the field of taxes on the income and assets of airlines and taxes on the remuneration of their employees
DBAG USA 1980 Law on the Agreement of December 3, 1980 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the United States of America to avoid double taxation in the area of ​​estate, inheritance and gift taxes
DBALETG Law on the Agreement of February 21, 1997 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Latvia on the Avoidance of Double Taxation in the Field of Taxes on Income and Property
DBAMLTÄndProtG Law on the protocol of June 17, 2010 amending the agreement of March 8, 2001 between the Federal Republic of Germany and Malta to avoid double taxation in the field of taxes on income and property
DBAMUSG Law on the agreement of October 7, 2011 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Mauritius to avoid double taxation and tax reduction in the field of income taxes
DBANAMG Law on the Agreement of December 2, 1993 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Namibia on the avoidance of double taxation in the area of ​​taxes on income and property
DBAPAKG Law on the Agreement of July 14, 1994 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Islamic Republic of Pakistan on the Avoidance of Double Taxation in the Field of Taxes on Income
DBAProtVerArabEmG Law on the protocol of July 4, 2006 extending the agreement of April 9, 1995 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the United Arab Emirates to avoid double taxation in the field of taxes on income and property and to stimulate economic relations
DBARevProtG FRA Law on the revision protocol of June 9, 1969 to the agreement signed in Paris on July 21, 1959 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the French Republic on the avoidance of double taxation and on mutual administrative and legal assistance in the field of taxes on income and property and trade taxes and property taxes
DBARUSÄndProtG Law on the Protocol of October 15, 2007 amending the Agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Russian Federation for the Avoidance of Double Taxation in the Field of Taxes on Income and Property of May 29, 1996 and the Protocol on May 29, 1996
DBATaipehG Law on the Agreement of December 19 and 28, 2011 between the German Institute in Taipei and the Taipei Representation in the Federal Republic of Germany on the avoidance of double taxation and the prevention of tax reductions with regard to taxes on income and property
DBAVENG Act on the Agreement of February 8, 1995 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Venezuela on the Avoidance of Double Taxation in the Field of Taxes on Income and Property
DBAVerArabEmG Law on the Agreement of April 9, 1995 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the United Arab Emirates to avoid double taxation in the field of taxes on income and assets and to stimulate economic relations
DBAZAbkBELG Law to the Supplementary Agreement of November 5, 2002 to the Agreement of April 11, 1967 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Kingdom of Belgium on the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Regulation of Various Other Questions in the Field of Taxes on Income and Property, including Business Taxes and Property Taxes
DBAZusAbkG FRA 2015 Law to the Supplementary Agreement of March 31, 2015 to the Agreement of July 21, 1959 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the French Republic on the Avoidance of Double Taxation and on Mutual Administrative and Legal Assistance in the Field of Taxes on Income and Property as well as Business Taxes and Property taxes
DBBankAbkG GBR Act on the agreement of December 7, 2011 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to avoid the double burden of the bank levy
DBeglG Service law accompanying law in connection with the resolution of the German Bundestag of July 20, 1991 to complete the unification of Germany
DBGrG Law on the establishment of a Deutsche Bahn Aktiengesellschaft
DBSeeLuftAbkG PAN Law on the Agreement of November 21, 2016 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Panama to avoid double taxation in the field of income taxes relating to the operation of seagoing ships or aircraft in international traffic
DBUStiftG Law establishing a foundation "German Federal Environment Foundation"
GDR-EErfG Law regulating unfulfilled claims for compensation from expropriation in the German Democratic Republic
GDR IG Law to remove barriers to investments in the German Democratic Republic including Berlin (East)
DEFG Law on the establishment of a "German Unity" fund
De-Mail-G De-Mail Act
DepotG Law on the Safekeeping and Acquisition of Securities
DesignG Law on the Legal Protection of Design
DGBankUmwG Law to transform the German cooperative bank
DGIAG Law establishing a Foundation for German Humanities Institutes Abroad, Bonn
DHMG Law to establish a foundation "German Historical Museum"
DietAssG Law on the Profession of Dietician and Dietician (Article 1 of the Law on the Profession of Dietician and Dietician and amending various laws on access to other medical professions)
Diets G. Law on Compensation for Members of the Bundestag
DietsGÄndG 2 Second law amending the Diet Act 1968
DietsGÄndG Law amending the law on the compensation of members of the Bundestag
DienstRÄndG 2 Second law amending service regulations (members of the public service in state parliaments)
DienstRÄndG 5 Fifth law amending service regulations
DIMRG Law on the legal status and tasks of the German Institute for Human Rights
DIndBVermVerwG Law on the use of Deutsche Industriebank's assets
DiplBezÜbkG Law on the Vienna Convention of April 18, 1961 on Diplomatic Relations
DirektZahlDurchfG Law on the implementation of direct payments to owners of agricultural holdings within the framework of the support schemes of the common agricultural policy
DKfAG Legal Consequences of War Conclusion Act
DLKonjStatG Law on business statistics surveys in certain service sectors
DlStatG Law on statistics in the service sector
DMBeEndG Law on the termination of the payment status of banknotes denominated in Deutsche Mark and federal coins denominated in Deutsche Mark or German Pfennig
DMBilG Law on the opening balance sheet in Deutscher Mark and the capital redefinition
DNBG Law on the German National Library
DOHG 2 Second law on financial aid for doping victims in the GDR
DöKVAG Implementation law for the German-Austrian bankruptcy agreement
DollBBerAbk2G Law to the Second Agreement of August 16, 1960 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the United States of America on certain matters arising from the settlement of German dollar bonds
DopingÜbkG Act on the Convention of November 16, 1989 against Doping
DRAG ISR 1980 Law on the Agreement of May 29, 1980 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the State of Israel to Avoid Double Taxation in the Field of Estate and Inheritance Taxes in the version of the Protocol of Amendment of January 20, 1984
DRiG German judges law
Third Federal Law Law on employee participation on the supervisory board
DRKG Law on the German Red Cross and other voluntary aid societies within the meaning of the Geneva Red Cross Agreement
DSLBUmwG Law on the conversion of the Deutsche Siedlungs- und Landesrentenbank into a stock corporation
DSÜbkG Act on the Convention of January 28, 1981 for the Protection of Individuals with regard to Automatic Processing of Personal Data
DtA-VÜG Law on the transfer of the assets of the German Compensation Bank to the Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau
DublÜbkG Law on the Convention of June 15, 1990 on the determination of the State responsible for examining an asylum application lodged in a Member State of the European Communities
DÜGAufhG Law to repeal the discount rate transition law
Fertilizer Act Fertilizer Act
Fertilizer Seed Act Law to secure the supply of fertilizers and seeds
DüngMSaatGVerlG Law to extend the law to secure the supply of fertilizers and seeds
DWDG Law on the German Weather Service
DWG Law on the Broadcasting Company of Federal Law "Deutsche Welle"
DWGÄndG Law amending the Deutsche Welle law
EALG Law on compensation in accordance with the law on the regulation of open property issues and on state compensation payments for expropriations on the basis of occupation law or occupation sovereignty
EbertStiftG Law on the establishment of a foundation Reichspräsident-Friedrich-Ebert-Gedenkstätte
EBIG European Citizens' Initiative Act
EBKrG Railroad and Road Crossings Act
EBPensNOG Law to reorganize the Pension Fund of German Railways and Trams
EBPfSchG Law on the inadmissibility of the seizure of railway rolling stock
EBRG Law on European Works Councils
EDL-G Law on energy services and other energy efficiency measures
EEG 2017 Law for the expansion of renewable energies
EEWärmeG Law for the promotion of renewable energies in the heating sector
EGAktG Introductory Act to the Stock Corporation Act
EGAO Introductory Act to the Tax Code
EGBeitrESP / PRTG Act on the Treaty of June 12, 1985 and the accession of the Kingdom of Spain and the Portuguese Republic to the European Economic Community, the European Atomic Energy Community and the European Coal and Steel Community
EGBes725 / 2003UmsG Law to implement the Council Decision (2003/725 / JHA) of October 2, 2003 amending Article 40 Paragraphs 1 and 7 of the Agreement on the Implementation of the Schengen Agreement of June 14, 1985 regarding the gradual abolition of controls on the joint Limits
EGBGB Introductory Act to the Civil Code
EG-EStRG Introductory Act to the Income Tax Reform Act
EGFinSchAProtG Law to the Protocol of November 29, 1996 based on Article K.3 of the Treaty on European Union on the interpretation of the Convention on the Protection of the Financial Interests of the European Communities by the Court of Justice of the European Communities by way of preliminary ruling
EGGenTDurchfG Law to implement the regulations of the European Community or the European Union in the field of genetic engineering and on the labeling of foods produced without the use of genetic engineering
EGGmbHG Introductory Act to the Act on Limited Liability Companies
EGGVG Introductory Act to the Courts Constitution Act
EGHGB Introductory Act to the Commercial Code
EGInsO Introductory Act to the Insolvency Code
EGKSVtrÄndVtrG Law on the Treaty of October 27, 1956 amending the Treaty establishing the European Coal and Steel Community
EGMRKHG Law on the introduction of financial aid for third parties affected in proceedings before the European Court of Human Rights
EGovG Electronic Administration Promotion Act
EGStGB Introductory Act to the Criminal Code
EGStPO Introductory Act to the Code of Criminal Procedure
EGVertrG Law on the Treaty of April 8, 1965, establishing a common council and a common commission of the European Communities
EgVG Law for the creation of macroeconomic forecasts of the federal government
EGVVG Introductory Act to the Insurance Contract Act
EGWStrG Introductory Act to the Military Penal Act
EGZVG Introductory Act to the Act on Foreclosure Auction and Forced Administration
EheAnerkG Law on the Recognition of Free Marriage of Racially and Politically Persecuted People
EhefZeugnÜbkG Law relating to the Convention of September 5, 1980 on the Issuance of Certificates of No Marriage
EheschlRWirkgG Law on the legal effects of a subsequent marriage
EhfG Development Aid Act
EigZulG Home Ownership Allowance Act
EinhZeitG Law on the units in metrology and the determination of time
EinigVtrG Act on the contract of August 31, 1990 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic on the establishment of the unity of Germany - Unification Treaty Act - and the agreement of September 18, 1990
UseWVG Law on the regulation of re-use after operational accidents
EinSiG Deposit Protection Act
EJG Law implementing Council Decision (2002/187 / JHA) of 28 February 2002 on the establishment of Eurojust to step up the fight against serious crime
EKFG Law for the establishment of a special fund "Energy and Climate Fund"
ElektroG Law on the placing on the market, return and environmentally compatible disposal of electrical and electronic equipment
EmoG Law on the preferential use of electrically powered vehicles
EmsDolKoopVtrNLDG Law on the contract of September 10, 1984 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Kingdom of the Netherlands on cooperation in the Ems and Dollart area and in the adjacent areas (Ems-Dollart cooperation agreement)
EMVG Law on the electromagnetic compatibility of equipment
EnEG Law on saving energy in buildings
EnergieStG Energy Tax Act
ENeuOG Law on the reorganization of the railway system
EnLAG Law on the expansion of power lines
EnSiG 1975 Law to secure the energy supply
EnStatG Energy Statistics Act
UnbundlingG Law on the unbundling of community tasks and grants
EntgFG Law on payment of wages on public holidays and in the event of illness
EntgTranspG Act to promote pay transparency between women and men
Decision Law on Compensation under the Law Regulating Open Property Issues
Decision Compensation Pension Act
EntsorgFondsG Law establishing a fund to finance nuclear waste management
Disposal Law Act regulating the transition of the financing and action obligations for the management of radioactive waste of the operators of nuclear power plants
DevLStG Law on tax measures to promote private capital investments in developing countries
EnVKG Law on the labeling of energy-related products, vehicles and tires with information on the consumption of energy and other important resources
EnWG Electricity and Gas Supply Act
ErbbauRG Law on the heritable building right
ErbStG Inheritance tax and gift tax law
ErbStRG Law on the reform of inheritance tax and gift tax law
ErdölBevG Law on the storage of petroleum and petroleum products
ERegG Railway Regulation Act
ErgThG Law on the occupation of occupational therapists
ErholNutzG Law on the adjustment of the rights of use granted for recreational purposes in the acceding area
ErKGNAnrG Law on the non-crediting of retrospective increases in child benefit
ERPBürgschG Third law on the assumption of security deposits and guarantees to promote the German economy
ERPEntwHiG Law on financial aid for developing countries from resources of the ERP special fund
ERPSchG Law on the assumption of debts and rights of the ERP special fund in the federal debt and in the federal assets, on the transfer of funds from the ERP special fund to the federal budget and on the transfer of ERP assets to the Reconstruction Loan Corporation
ERPVerwG 2007 Law on the Administration of the ERP Special Fund
ERPVwG Law on the Administration of the ERP Special Fund
ERPWiPlanG 1962 Law on the establishment of the business plan of the ERP Special Fund for the 1962 financial year
ERPWiPlanG 1964 Law on the establishment of the business plan of the ERP Special Fund for the 1964 financial year
ERPWiPlanG 1965 Law on the establishment of the business plan of the ERP special fund for the financial year 1965
ERPWiPlanG 1966 Law on the establishment of the business plan of the ERP Special Fund for the 1966 financial year
ERPWiPlanG 1967 Law on the establishment of the business plan of the ERP Special Fund for the 1967 financial year
ERPWiPlanG 1968 Law on the establishment of the business plan for the ERP Special Fund for the 1968 financial year
ERPWiPlanG 1969 Law on the establishment of the business plans of the ERP Special Fund for the 1969 financial year
ERPWiPlanG 2018 Law on the establishment of the business plan of the ERP Special Fund for 2018
First Act Law on the extension of industrial property rights
ERVGerFöG Law to promote electronic legal communication with the courts
ErwSÜAG Act implementing the Hague Convention of 13 January 2000 on the international protection of adults
ESBiSGDBest 4 Fourth implementing provision for the law on the uniform socialist education system - education and training in the bilingual area of ​​the districts of Cottbus and Dresden
ESchG Embryo Protection Act
ESMFinG Law on financial participation in the European Stability Mechanism
EStFreigG Law on the release of the set aside funds from the surcharge on income tax and corporation tax as well as on the abolition of the set-aside obligation for future amounts
EStG Income Tax Act
ESA Law on ensuring the basic supply of food in a supply crisis and measures to prevent a supply crisis
EthRG Law establishing the German Ethics Council
EuAbgG Law on the legal relationships of members of the European Parliament from the Federal Republic of Germany
EUAHiG Law on the implementation of mutual administrative assistance in tax matters between the member states of the European Union
EuAuslf / RHiÜbkG Law on the European Convention on Extradition of December 13, 1957 and on the European Convention of April 20, 1959 on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters
EUAuslÜbkG Law on the Convention of September 27, 1996 on Extradition between the Member States of the European Union
EuAuslVwZ / AuskÜbkAG Act implementing the European Convention of November 24, 1977 on the Service of Documents in Administrative Matters Abroad and the European Convention of March 15, 1978 on the Obtaining of Information and Evidence in Administrative Matters Abroad
EUBeitrG Law on the implementation of administrative assistance in the recovery of claims relating to certain taxes, levies and other measures between the member states of the European Union
EUBeitrVtrBGR / ROMG Law on the Treaty of April 25, 2005 on the Accession of the Republic of Bulgaria and Romania to the European Union
EUBeitrVtrCZEuaG Law on the Treaty of April 16, 2003 on the Accession of the Czech Republic, the Republic of Estonia, the Republic of Cyprus, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania, the Republic of Hungary, the Republic of Malta, the Republic of Poland, the Republic of Slovenia and the Slovak Republic Republic to the European Union
EUBeitrVtrG Act on the Treaty of June 24, 1994 on the accession of the Kingdom of Norway, the Republic of Austria, the Republic of Finland and the Kingdom of Sweden to the European Union
EUBestBekämpfÜbkG Law on the Convention of May 26, 1997 on Combating Bribery, in which officials of the European Communities or the Member States of the European Union are involved
EU-FahrgRBusG EU passenger rights bus and coach law
EU-FahrgRSchG EU Passenger Rights Shipping Act
EuFernsAbkG Law on the European Convention of June 22, 1960 for the Protection of Television Programs
EuFernsAbkProtG Law on the Protocol to the European Convention of June 22, 1960 for the Protection of Television Programs, signed in Strasbourg on January 22, 1965
EÜG Law on the influence of aptitude exercises of the armed forces on contractual relationships of employees and commercial agents as well as on civil servant relationships
EUGewSchVG Law on the European Procedure for Protection against Violence
ECJG Law on referral to the Court of Justice of the European Communities by way of preliminary ruling proceedings in the field of police cooperation and judicial cooperation in criminal matters under Article 35 of the EU Treaty
EuHSchul / EUROCONTROLBeschlG Law on the decision of the Board of Governors of the European University Institute No. 8/93 of December 2, 1993 and on the decision of the Eurocontrol Permanent Commission of October 28, 1994
EuKrSchwAusbkG Law on the European Convention of October 25, 1967 on the theoretical and practical training of nurses and nurses
EuLRaumÜbkG Law on the Convention of 19 September 1979 on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Wildlife and Their Natural Habitats
EuOEÜbkG Law on the European Convention of November 24, 1983 on Compensation for Victims of Violent Crimes
EuPAG Law on the Activities of European Patent Attorneys in Germany
EuRAG Law on the activity of European lawyers in Germany
EuRatWahlG Law on the election of representatives of the Federal Republic of Germany to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
EuRFVerhÜbkG Law relating to the European Convention of January 22, 1965 for the Prevention of Broadcasting from Broadcasting Centers outside the State's territories
EuRHiAUTÜbkErgVtrG Law on the contract of January 31, 1972 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Austria on the amendment to the European Convention of April 20, 1959 on mutual assistance in criminal matters and the facilitation of its application
EuRHiCHEÜbkErgVtrG Law on the Treaty of November 13, 1969 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Swiss Confederation on the Supplement to the European Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters of April 20, 1959 and the facilitation of its application
EuRHiISRÜbkErgVtrG Law on the Treaty of July 20, 1977 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the State of Israel on the amendment to the European Convention of April 20, 1959 on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters and the Facilitation of its Application
EuRHiÜbkErgVtrCZEG Act on the Treaty of February 2, 2000 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Czech Republic on the Supplement to the European Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters of April 20, 1959 and the facilitation of its application
EuRHiÜbkErgVtrPOLG Law on the Treaty of July 17, 2003 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Poland supplementing the European Convention of April 20, 1959 on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters and Facilitating its Application
EuRHiÜbkVtrFRAG Law on the Treaty of October 24, 1974 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the French Republic on the European Convention of April 20, 1959 on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters
EuRHiÜbkVTRITAG Law on the Treaty of October 24, 1979 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Italian Republic supplementing the European Convention of April 20, 1959 on mutual assistance in criminal matters and facilitating its application
EuRHiÜbkVtrNLDG Act on the Treaty of August 30, 1979 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Kingdom of the Netherlands on the amendment to the European Convention of April 20, 1959 on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters and the Facilitation of its Application
EUROCONTROLÜbkÄndProtG Law on the Protocol of February 12, 1981 amending the International Convention on Cooperation for the Safety of Aviation "EUROCONTROL" of December 13, 1960 and on the multilateral agreement of February 12, 1981 on air traffic control route charges
EUROCONTROLÜbkG Law on the International Convention of December 13, 1960 on Cooperation for the Safety of Aviation "EUROCONTROL"
EUROCONTROLÜbkNFProtG Law to the Protocol of June 27, 1997 to the revision of the International Convention of December 13, 1960 on Cooperation for the Safety of Aviation "EUROCONTROL"
Euromed-LuftvAbkG-Moroc Law on the Euro-Mediterranean Air Transport Agreement of 12 December 2006 between the European Community and its Member States, on the one hand, and the Kingdom of Morocco, on the other
EuropolG Law implementing Regulation (EU) 2016/794 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 May 2016 on the European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Cooperation (Europol) and replacing and repealing decisions 2009/371 / JI, 2009/934 / JI, 2009/935 / JI, 2009/936 / JI and 2009/968 / JI of the Council
EuStiftÜbkG Law on the Convention of 29 March 1982 on the establishment of a European Foundation
EUTELSATÜbkÄndG Law on the amendments of February 13, 1997 to the agreement establishing the European Telecommunications Satellite Organization "EUTELSAT" (EUTELSAT Agreement)
EuTerrorÜbkG Law on the European Convention of 27 January 1977 for the Suppression of Terrorism
EUVtrG Law on the Treaty of February 7, 1992 on the European Union
EuVtrÜbkG Law on the Convention of June 19, 1980 on the Law Applicable to Contractual Obligations
EuVtrÜbkProtG Law on the Protocols of December 19, 1988 on the interpretation of the Convention of June 19, 1980 on the law applicable to contractual obligations by the Court of Justice of the European Communities and on the transfer of certain powers for the interpretation of this Convention to the Court of Justice of the European Communities
EuWaffKontrÜbkG Act on the European Convention of June 28, 1978 on the Control of Acquisition and Possession of Firearms by Individuals
EuWAktG Law on the decision and act of the Council of the European Communities of September 20, 1976 introducing direct universal elections to Members of the Assembly
EuWG Law on the election of members of the European Parliament from the Federal Republic of Germany
EUZBBG Law on the cooperation between the Federal Government and the German Bundestag in matters relating to the European Union
EUZBBGVbg Agreement between the German Bundestag and the Federal Government on cooperation in matters of the European Union in implementation of Section 6 of the Act on Cooperation between the Federal Government and the German Bundestag in matters of the European Union
EUZBLG Law on cooperation between the federal and state governments in matters relating to the European Union
EVPG Law on the environmentally friendly design of energy-related products
EVZStiftG Law establishing a foundation "Remembrance, Responsibility and Future"
EWGFinBeistG Law on the implementation of medium-term financial assistance in the European Economic Community
EWIVAG Law implementing the EEC Regulation on European Economic Interest Grouping
EWRAbkAG Act implementing the Agreement of May 2, 1992 on the European Economic Area
EZBAbkG Law on the Agreement of September 18, 1998 between the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany and the European Central Bank on the seat of the European Central Bank
FABECVtrG Law on the Treaty of December 2, 2010 on the establishment of the Functional Airspace Block "Europe Central" between the Federal Republic of Germany, the Kingdom of Belgium, the French Republic, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Swiss Confederation (FABEC Treaty)
FAG Law on financial equalization between the federal and state levels
FahrlG Driving Instructor Act
FamFG Law on the procedure in family matters and in matters of voluntary jurisdiction
FamGKG Law on Legal Fees in Family Matters
FamRÄndG Law to standardize and amend family law regulations
CATCH Law to revise the law on third-party pensions and foreign pensions and to adapt the Berlin pension insurance to the provisions of the New Employee Pension Insurance Act and the New Employee Insurance Act
FAnpG Law to adapt various regulations on financial relations between the federal government and the states to the new regulation of the financial constitution
FehmarnbeltqVtrG Law on the contract of September 3, 2008 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Kingdom of Denmark on a fixed link across the Fehmarnbelt
FeinGehG Law on the fineness of gold and silver goods
FELEG Act to encourage the cessation of agricultural activity
FernstrÜG Law on transitional regulations to the Infrastructure Company Establishment Act and the Federal Highway Agency Establishment Act as well as tax regulations
FernUSG Law on the Protection of Participants in Distance Learning
FeuerschStG Fire Protection Tax Act
FFG Law on Measures to Promote German Films
FGG-RG Law reforming the procedure in family matters and in matters of voluntary jurisdiction
FGlG Law on the equalization of set-aside and agricultural areas
FGO Tax court rules
Fidei AuflAufhG Law on the repeal of entails dissolution right
FinÄndG 1967 Act to implement the federal government's multi-year financial planning, Part II
FinBerG DDR Law to rectify financial relationships established in the former German Democratic Republic between public budgets and state-owned companies, cooperatives and traders
FinDAG Law on the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority
FinPlG First law to transition federal budget management into multi-year financial planning
FinStabG Financial Stability Monitoring Act
FinVermStVtrG Law on the State Treaty of December 14, 2012 on the final division of financial assets in accordance with Article 22 of the Unification Treaty between the Federal Government, the new states and Berlin (State Treaty on Financial Assets)
FishDNKVtrG Law on the agreement of May 29, 1958 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Kingdom of Denmark on joint fishing in the Flensburg Inner Fjord
Fish label G. Law implementing the legal acts of the European Community on the labeling of fish and fishery products
FischNATÜbkG Law relating to the Convention of June 1, 1967 on Behavior in Fishing in the North Atlantic
FischWiVorschrAufhG Law to repeal the Fisheries Act and the Fisheries Regulation
FKAG Law on the additional supervision of supervised companies of a financial conglomerate
FKAustG Law on the automatic exchange of information on financial accounts in tax matters
FlaggRG Law on the right to flag flags for seagoing vessels and flag flying of inland vessels
FlG Meat law
FlugDaG Law on the processing of passenger data for the implementation of Directive (EU) 2016/681
FlugkmkRBÜbkG Law relating to the Convention of 11 December 1987 between the United States of America and the Kingdom of Belgium, the Federal Republic of Germany, the Italian Republic, the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland on Inspections relating to the Treaty between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on the elimination of their medium and short-range missiles
FluHfSalzbVtrAUTG Law on the contract of December 19, 1967 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Austria on the effects of the facility and operation of Salzburg Airport on the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany
FlüHG Refugee Assistance Act
FluLärmG Law on protection against aircraft noise
FluLärmSchutzVerbG Law to improve protection against aircraft noise in the vicinity of airfields
FlurbG Land Consolidation Act
FLUUG Law on the investigation of accidents and incidents in the operation of civil aircraft
FMStBG Law to accelerate and simplify the acquisition of shares in and risk positions of companies in the financial sector by the "Finanzmarktstabilisierungsfonds - FMS" fund
FMStFG Law establishing a financial market stabilization fund
FMVtr1965G Law on the International Telecommunications Treaty of November 12, 1965
FMVtr1973G Law on the International Telecommunications Treaty of October 25, 1973
FoltÜbkFakProtG Act on the Optional Protocol of December 18, 2002 to the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment
ForstSchAusglG Law to compensate for the effects of special damaging events in forestry
FoVG Forest Reproductive Property Act
FPersG Law on the drivers of motor vehicles and trams
FPfZG Family Care Leave Act
FPStatG Law on statistics of public finances and civil servants
FrBordÜbkG Law on the International Convention on Load Lines of 1966 of April 5, 1966
FreizügG / EU Law on the general free movement of EU citizens
FRG Foreign Pension Act
FrHfDEG / DUG Law to establish new free ports and to amend the customs law
FrHfEmd / Kiel AufhG Law to repeal the free ports of Emden and Kiel
FrHfHbgAufhG Law to repeal the free port of Hamburg
FStrAbG Law on the expansion of federal highways
FStrBAG Law for the establishment of a federal trunk road authority
FStrG Federal Trunk Road Act
FStrPrivFinG Law on the construction and financing of federal trunk roads by private individuals
FuAG Law on the provision of radio equipment on the market
FührposGleichbergG Law for the equal participation of women and men in management positions in the private and public sectors
FVG Law on Financial Management
FzgTeilÜbkG Act on the Convention of March 20, 1958 on the adoption of uniform conditions for the approval of equipment and parts of motor vehicles and on the mutual recognition of approval
G 10 Law on the restriction of the secrecy of correspondence, mail and telecommunications
G 115 Law implementing Article 115 of the Basic Law
G Article 29 Paragraph 6 Law on the procedure for referendums, referendums and referendums in accordance with Article 29 Paragraph 6 of the Basic Law
G Article 29 Paragraph 7 Law on the procedure in the event of other changes to the territories of the states in accordance with Article 29 Paragraph 7 of the Basic Law
G21 BY Law No. 21 on the reparation of National Socialist injustices in the administration of criminal justice
GAD Foreign Service Act
GAKG Law on the joint task "Improvement of the agricultural structure and coastal protection"
GastG Catering Act
GATTAbkProt1967G Act on the Geneva Protocol of 1967 to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, the Convention of June 30, 1967 for the implementation of Article VI of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade and the Agreement of June 30, 1967 between the European Economic Community and its Member States and the Swiss Swiss Confederation of Watchmaking
GATTG Law on the Torquay Protocol of April 21, 1951 and on the accession of the Federal Republic of Germany to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
GAW Law on foreign trade, capital and payment transactions
GBBerG Land Register Clearing Act
GBMaßnG Law on Measures in the Field of Land Registry
GBO Land register regulations
GDtWahlVDVtrG Law on the contract of August 3, 1990 for the preparation and implementation of the first all-German election of the German Bundestag between the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic and the amending treaty of August 20, 1990
GebrMG Utility Model Act
MoneyWNOG Law on the issuing of ordinances in the field of the reorganization of the monetary system and on the redefinition of the nominal capital of financial institutions in the legal form of corporations
GemFinRefG Law on the reorganization of municipal finances
GenBeschlG Law to speed up approval procedures
GenDG Human Genetic Testing Act
GenevaRKAbkZProtIIIG Law to the Additional Protocol of December 8, 2005 to the Geneva Convention of August 12, 1949 on the Adoption of an Additional Protective Symbol (Protocol III)
GenG Law on trade and business cooperatives
GenTG Law regulating genetic engineering
GeoZG Law on access to digital geospatial data
GesundZAAbkFRAG Law on the framework agreement of July 22, 2005 between the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Government of the French Republic on cross-border cooperation in the health sector and on the administrative agreement of March 9, 2006 between the Federal Ministry of Health of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Minister of Health and Solidarity of the French Republic on the implementation modalities of the framework agreement of July 22, 2005 on cross-border cooperation in the health sector
GesWZustG Law on the transfer of competences in the field of health law
GewBezG Law on the weight designation for heavy items of cargo carried on ships
FabricG Law on the quality and safety of human tissues and cells
GewO Trade Regulations
GewSchG Law on civil protection against acts of violence and stalking
GewStG Trade tax law
GFG Law on the Promotion of Young Scientists at Universities
GG Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany
GGArt104aAbs4SLG Law on Federal Financial Aid under Article 104a Paragraph 4 of the Basic Law to the Saarland
GGArt115dGO Rules of procedure for the procedure under Article 115d of the Basic Law
GGArt45cG Law on the Powers of the Petitions Committee of the German Bundestag
GGArt91cVtrG Law on the contract on the establishment of the IT planning council and on the principles of cooperation in the use of information technology in the federal and state administrations - contract for the implementation of Article 91c GG (see: GGArt91cVtr)
GGBefG Law on the transport of dangerous goods
GHfBetrG Law on the creation of a special employer for port workers (entire port operation)
GII041138 Act accompanying the Convention of 9 September 2002 on the Privileges and Immunities of the International Criminal Court
GII041181 Law on the International Meuse Convention of December 3, 2002
GII041202 Law on the Convention of October 14, 2003 on the participation of the Czech Republic, the Republic of Estonia, the Republic of Cyprus, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania, the Republic of Hungary, the Republic of Malta, the Republic of Poland, the Republic of Slovenia and the Slovak Republic Republic in the European Economic Area
GII041730 Law relating to the agreement of November 18, 2002 establishing an association between the European Community and its members, on the one hand, and the Republic of Chile, on the other
GII050699 Law on the contract of August 28, 1997 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Kyrgyz Republic on the promotion and mutual protection of capital investments
GII050708 Law on the contract of October 30, 2003 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Angola on the promotion and mutual protection of capital investments
GII050716 Law on the contract of March 28, 2000 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Federal Republic of Nigeria on the promotion and mutual protection of capital investments
GII050725 Law on the contract of October 17, 2003 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Guatemala on the promotion and mutual protection of capital investments
GII050732 Law on the agreement of December 1, 2003 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the People's Republic of China on the promotion and mutual protection of capital investments
GII050743 Law on the contract of January 19, 2004 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Democratic Federal Republic of Ethiopia on the promotion and mutual protection of capital investments
GII050778 Law on the OCCAR Security Convention of September 24, 2004
GII061362 Law on the Agreement of October 26, 2004 between the European Union, the European Community and the Swiss Confederation on the association of this state with the implementation, application and development of the Schengen acquis
GII081222 Law on the Optional Protocol of May 25, 2000 to the Convention on the Rights of the Child with regard to the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography
GII090932 Law on the International Convention of December 20, 2006 for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance
GII101381 Act on the agreement of March 19, 2010 between the government of the Federal Republic of Germany and the government of Anguilla on the exchange of tax information
GII121378 Law on the proposal for a Council decision establishing a multiannual framework (2013-2017) for the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights
GII170002 Law on the agreement of May 31, 2013 between the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Albania on cooperation in the security sector
GII170016 Law on the Agreement of March 22, 2016 between the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Government of the Republic of Serbia on Security Cooperation
GKAR Law on changes to the provisions of Book Two of the Reich Insurance Code and to supplement the Social Court Act
GKG Court Fees Act
GKVBegrG 2003 Law to limit the expenditure of the statutory health insurance for the year 2003
GKVRefG 2000 Law to reform statutory health insurance from 2000
GKV-SolG Law to strengthen solidarity in statutory health insurance
GKVStabG 2003 Law to stabilize the contribution rates in the statutory health insurance in 2003
GlAufrG 1957 Law on calling the creditors of IG Farbenindustrie Aktiengesellschaft in liquidation
GleichberG Law on equality between men and women in the field of civil law
GmbHG Law on Limited Liability Companies
GNG Law on the reorganization of central health care institutions
GNotKG Law on costs of voluntary jurisdiction for courts and notaries
GPatG Law on the Community Patent and Amending Patent Law Regulations
GrAbfErlPolAbkG Law on the agreement of July 29, 1992 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Poland on the facilitation of border clearance
GrAbfertAUTVtrG 1967 Law on the contract of May 31, 1967 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Austria on customs and passport law issues that arise at the German-Austrian border at barrages and border bridges
GrAbfertCESVtrG Act on the contract of May 19, 1995 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Czech Republic on the facilitation of border clearance in rail, road and ship traffic
GrAbfertCHEAbkG Law on the Agreement of June 1, 1961 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Swiss Confederation on the establishment of adjacent border clearance points and border clearance in means of transport while driving
GrAbfertDNKVtrG Act on the contract of March 30, 1967 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Kingdom of Denmark on customs relief in local border traffic
GrAbfertFRAAbkG Law on the Agreement of April 18, 1958 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the French Republic on adjacent national border clearance points and joint or company transfer stations on the German-French border
GrAbfertLUXAbkG Law on the Agreement of February 16, 1962 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg on the consolidation of border clearance and the establishment of joint or company transfer stations on the German-Luxembourg border
GrAbfertNLDAbkG Act on the agreement of 30 May 1958 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Kingdom of the Netherlands on the consolidation of border clearance and the establishment of joint or company transfer stations on the German-Dutch border
GrAbfertVtrAUT1962G Law to the contract of September 6, 1962 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Austria on customs relief in local border traffic and in transit traffic
GrAbfertVtrAUT1967ÄndVtrG Law on the contract of April 27, 1983 amending the contract of May 31, 1967 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Austria on customs and passport law issues that arise at the German-Austrian border at barrages and border bridges
GräbG Law on the Preservation of the Graves of Victims of War and Tyranny
GrBerichtVtrNLD1G Act on the Treaty of October 30, 1980 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Kingdom of the Netherlands on border adjustments
GrBerichtVtrNLD2G Act on the Treaty of October 20, 1992 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Kingdom of the Netherlands on Border Adjustments (Second Border Adjustment Treaty)
GrBerKrAC / MalVtrBELG Law on the contract of March 26, 1982 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Kingdom of Belgium on the correction of the German-Belgian border in the area of ​​the regulated border waters of Breitenbach and Schwarzbach, districts of Aachen and Malmedy
GrBrückAbk2000POLG Law on the Agreement of November 21, 2000 between the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Government of the Republic of Poland on the construction and maintenance of border bridges in the subordinate road network
GrBrückAbkCESG Act on the contract of July 13, 1995 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Czech Republic on the construction of a border bridge at the common national border on the European route E 49
GrBrückAbkPOLG Law on the Agreement of March 20, 1995 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Poland on the maintenance of the border bridges on the German federal highways and the Polish state roads on the German-Polish border
GrBrückPerlAbkLUXG Law on the agreement of April 18, 1994 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg on the merger of the autobahn and the construction of a border bridge over the Moselle in the Perl and Schengen area
GrBrückVtr2000CZEG Act on the Treaty of September 12, 2000 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Czech Republic on the merger of the German A 17 and Czech D 8 autobahns at the common national border by building a border bridge
GrdstVG Law on measures to improve the agricultural structure and to secure agricultural and forestry operations
GrenzgNLDZusProt3G Act on the Third Additional Protocol of June 4, 2004 to the Agreement of June 16, 1959 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Kingdom of the Netherlands for the Avoidance of Double Taxation in the Field of Taxes on Income and Assets and Various Other Taxes and for the Regulation of Other Questions tax areas
GrenzVerkAUTVtrG 1 Law on the contract of February 17, 1966 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Austria on through traffic on Roßfeldstrasse
GrenzVerkAUTVtrG 2 Law on the Treaty of February 17, 1966 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Austria on through traffic on the roads on the Walchen Ache and on the Pittenbach as well as to the Bächen and Riss valleys in the German and Austrian border areas
GrenzVtrPOLG Act on the Treaty of November 14, 1990 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Poland on the confirmation of the existing border between them
GrEStG Land Transfer Tax Act
GRG Law on structural reform in health care
GrStG Real Estate Tax Act
GrundVtrG Law to the contract of December 21, 1972 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic on the basis of relations between the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic
GRWG Law on the joint task "Improvement of the regional economic structure"
GSA meat Law to secure workers' rights in the meat industry
GSG Law to secure and improve the structure of statutory health insurance
GTNSitzAbkG Law on the agreement of June 29, 2012 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Global Trust Fund for Crop Diversity on the seat of the Global Trust Fund for Crop Diversity
GÜG Law on the supervision of the traffic with raw materials that can be misused for the unauthorized manufacture of narcotics
GüKG Road Freight Transport Act
GüKGÄndG 4 Fourth law amending the Road Haulage Act
GVFG Law on federal financial aid to improve traffic conditions in the municipalities
GVG Courts Constitution Act
GVGEG Introductory Act to the Courts Constitution Act
GvKostG Law on Bailiff's Costs
GMO Real estate traffic regulations
GWB Act against Restraints of Competition
AMLA Serious Crime Profits Tracking Act
HaagÜbkAG Act implementing the Hague Convention of November 15, 1965 on the Service Abroad of Judicial and Extrajudicial Documents in Civil or Commercial Matters and the Hague Convention of March 18, 1970 on the Taking of Evidence Abroad in Civil or Commercial Matters
HaftPflG Liability Act
HAG Home Work Act
HalblSchG Law on the protection of the topographies of microelectronic semiconductor products
Budget Act 2017 Law on the adoption of the federal budget for the financial year 2017
HAuslG Law on the legal status of homeless foreigners in the federal territory
HBauStatG Law on the statistics of construction activity in building construction and the updating of the housing stock
HBegleitG 1984 Law on measures to relieve the public budget and stabilize the financial development in the pension insurance as well as on the extension of the investment aid tax
HBeglG 1991 Law on measures to relieve the public budgets and on structural adjustments in the area named in Article 3 of the Unification Treaty
HdGStiftG Law for the establishment of a foundation "House of the History of the Federal Republic of Germany" (Article 1 of the Law for the establishment of a foundation "House of the History of the Federal Republic of Germany")
HdlKlG Commercial Class Act
HdlStatG Law on Statistics in Commerce and Hospitality
HebG Law on the Profession of Midwife and Maternity Carer
HeilprG Law on the professional practice of medicine without appointment
HeimG Home Law
HeimGÄndG 1 First law amending the Home Law
HeimGÄndG 2 Second law amending the Home Law
HeizkZG Law on the granting of a one-time heating allowance
HeuerVtrÜbkG Law on the International Convention on the Employment Contract of Shipmen
HfreqBetrGen General authorization under the Act on the Operation of High Frequency Equipment
HfzHvzVStG Law amending the main assessment period for the economic units of business assets and the main assessment period for wealth tax
HG 2016 Law on the adoption of the federal budget for the financial year 2016
HGB Commercial Code
HGBEG Introductory Act to the Commercial Code
HGrG Law on the principles of federal and state budget law
HHG Law on relief measures for people who were taken into custody outside the Federal Republic of Germany for political reasons
HiKassGAufhG Law regarding the repeal of the Aid Fund Law
Help telephone G. Law on the establishment and operation of a nationwide helpline for "violence against women"
HIVHG Law on Humanitarian Aid to Persons Infected by Blood Products
HiWerkBehKGÄndG Law amending the law on the establishment of a foundation "charity for disabled children"
HKEntschG Law on one-off compensation for returnees from the acceding area
HkGAufhuaÄndG Law to repeal the Returnees Act and to amend other regulations
HKStG Law on the Homecoming Foundation
HöfeOÄndG 2 Second law amending the court rules
HoheSeeEinbrG Law on the Prohibition of Discharge of Litter and Other Substances and Objects in the High Seas (Article 1 of the Act Implementing the Protocol of 7 November 1996 to the Convention on the Prevention of Pollution by Discharge of Litter and Other Substances, 1972)
HoheSeeÜbkG Law relating to the Convention of 29 April 1958 on the High Seas
HolzSiG Law against the trade in illegally felled timber
HopfG Hop Law
HRFEG Law on the further development of budget law by the federal and state governments
HRG University Framework Act
HSchmidtStiftG Law on the establishment of a Federal Chancellor Helmut Schmidt Foundation
HSeeZG Law on international cooperation for the implementation of United Nations sanctions law and on international criminal cooperation on the high seas
HStatG Law on statistics for higher education and professional academies
HStruktG Law to improve the budget structure
HufBeschlG Hoof and Claw Shoeing Act
HundVerbrEinfG Law on Restricting the Movement or Importation of Dangerous Dogs inland
HWG Law on Advertising in the Medical Sector
HwO Law on the Order of Crafts
HwOuaÜG Transitional Act on the occasion of the Second Act to Change the Crafts Code and other craft regulations
HwStatG Law on Statistics in Crafts
HwWahlO Election regulations for the elections of the members of the general assembly of the chambers of crafts (Appendix C to the law on the regulation of the crafts (Handwerksordnung)
HypBkGÄndG 5 Fifth law amending and supplementing the Mortgage Bank Act
HypKrlosErklG Law on the nullification of mortgage, land charge and pension certificates in special cases
HypÜberlG Law on the reconciliation of mortgages under the previous law
HZvG Law on the new regulation of the supplementary insurance for miners in the Saarland
HZvNG Law on the introduction of a funded supplementary insurance for the miners' union and amending other laws
IAEOBen / IAEOHiLÜbkG Act on the IAEA Conventions of September 26, 1986 on Early Notification of Nuclear Accidents and Assistance in the Event of Nuclear Accidents or Radiological Emergencies
IAmEntwBkÜbkG Act accompanying the Convention of April 8, 1959, establishing the Inter-American Development Bank
IAmInvGesÜbkUSA / uaG Law relating to the Convention of November 19, 1984 establishing the Inter-American Investment Company
ILOÜbk118G Act on Convention No. 118 of the International Labor Organization of June 28, 1962 on the equal treatment of nationals and foreigners in social security
IAOÜbk121G Law relating to Convention No. 121 of the International Labor Organization of July 8, 1964 on benefits in the event of accidents at work and occupational diseases
ILOÜbk147G Law relating to Convention No. 147 of the International Labor Organization of October 29, 1976 on minimum standards on merchant ships
IBRD / IFCAbkÄndG Law Amending the Agreement on the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the Agreement on the International Finance Corporation
IEnProgÜbkG Law relating to the Convention of November 18, 1974 on an International Energy Program
IEntwOrgAbkG Law on the Agreement of January 26, 1960 on the International Development Organization
IFCAbkG Law Concerning the Agreement on the International Finance Corporation and Governors and Directors in the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and in the International Finance Corporation
IFG Law regulating access to federal information
IfSG Law for the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases in Humans
IFUKK1992ÄndUrk1996G Law of November 24, 2006 amending the Constitution and Convention of the International Telecommunication Union of December 22, 1992
IFUKK1992ÄndUrkG Law of 6 November 1998 amending the Constitution and Convention of the International Telecommunication Union of 22 December 1992
IFUKK1992G Law on the Constitution and Convention of the International Telecommunication Union of December 22, 1992 and on the amendments to the Constitution and the Convention of the International Telecommunication Union of October 14, 1994
IGV-DG International Health Regulations Implementation Act (2005)
IHKG Law on the provisional regulation of the law of the chambers of industry and commerce
IMF / IBRDBeitrAbkG Law on the accession of the Federal Republic of Germany to the agreements on the International Monetary Fund and on the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
IMFAbkG Law on the Convention on the International Monetary Fund, as amended in 1976
IndKredBkG Law on the Industriekreditbank Aktiengesellschaft
InfoGesStatG Information Society Statistics Law
InfrAG Law on the collection of a time-based infrastructure charge for the use of federal highways
InfrGG Law establishing an infrastructure company for motorways and other federal highways
InhPapG Law on Bearer Securities with Premiums
InsO Bankruptcy Code
InsStatG Bankruptcy Statistics Act
IntBestG Act on the Convention of December 17, 1997 on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions
INTELSATÜbkÄndG Law on the amendments of September 1, 1995 to the Convention on the International Telecommunications Satellite Organization "INTELSAT"
INTELSATÜbkG Act on the Convention of August 20, 1971 on the International Telecommunications Satellite Organization "INTELSAT"
IntErbRVG International Inheritance Law Procedure Act
INTERSPUTNIKG Law on the Convention of November 15, 1971 on the Creation of the International System and Organization for Cosmic Telecommunications “INTERSPUTNIK” and the Protocol of November 30, 1996 on the introduction of corrections to this Convention
IntFamRVG Law on the implementation and implementation of certain legal instruments in the field of international family law
IntKakaoÜbk1980G Law on the International Cocoa Convention 1980
IntKakaoÜbk1986G Act on the International Cocoa Agreement 1986
IntMeerSchÜbk1973G Act on the 1973 International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships and the 1978 Protocol to that Convention
IntPatÜbkG Law on the Convention of November 27, 1963 on the Unification of Certain Terms of the Substantive Law of Patents for Invention, the Treaty of June 19, 1970 on International Cooperation in the Field of Patents and the Convention of October 5, 1973 on the Grant of European Patents
IntRaumsÜbkG Law relating to the Agreement of January 29, 1998 between the Government of Canada, Governments of Member States of the European Space Agency, the Government of Japan, the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the United States of America on Civil International Space Station Cooperation
IntSchVermÜbkG Law on the International Ship Surveying Convention of June 23, 1969
IntVG Law on the exercise of the Bundestag's and Bundesrat's responsibility for integration in matters relating to the European Union
IntZLuftAbkProtG Act to the Protocol of May 10, 1984 amending the Convention of December 7, 1944 on International Civil Aviation (9th Amendment to the Convention on International Civil Aviation)
InVeKoSDG Law on the processing and use of data within the framework of the integrated administration and control system in accordance with the EU regulations for agricultural payments
InvHSG Law on Conclusion of Investment Aid for Business and Industry
InVorG Law on the priority for investments in the case of retransfer claims under the Property Law
Investment Tax Act Investment Tax Act
InvStreitÜbkG Act on the Convention of March 18, 1965 for the Settlement of Investment Disputes between States and Nationals of Other States
InvZulBerG Law on the accounting treatment of investment grants in price-linked housing construction
InvZulG 1996 Investment Allowance Act 1996
InvZulG 1999 Investment Allowance Act 1999
InvZulG 2005 Investment Allowance Act 2005
InvZulG 2007 Investment Allowance Act 2007
InvZulG 2010 Investment Allowance Act 2010
IRENASaG Law on the statutes of January 26, 2009 of the International Renewable Energy Organization
IRENASitzAbkG Law on the agreement of April 5, 2011 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the International Organization for Renewable Energy on the headquarters of the IRENA Innovation and Technology Center
IRG Law on International Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters
IStGHG Law on Cooperation with the International Criminal Court
ITFG Law for the establishment of a special fund "Investment and redemption fund"
IT Network Act Act on the connection of the information technology networks of the Federation and the Länder - Act implementing Article 91c paragraph 4 of the Basic Law -
IVSG Law on intelligent traffic systems in road traffic and their interfaces to other modes of transport
IWG Law on the re-use of information from public bodies
YEAR DAY Law on the retention and storage of files of the courts and public prosecutors after the end of the proceedings
JAOÜbk99G Law on the Convention of the International Labor Organization of June 28, 1951 (No. 99) on the Procedures for Fixing Minimum Wages in Agriculture
JArbSchG Law for the Protection of Working Youth
JBeitrG Judicial Collection Act
JFDG Law on the Promotion of Youth Voluntary Services
JGG Juvenile Justice Act
JMBStiftG Law establishing a "Jewish Museum Berlin Foundation"
JudDenkmStiftG Law establishing a "Foundation Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe"
JurAusbRefG Law on the Reform of Legal Education
JuSchG Youth Protection Act
JVEG Law on the remuneration of experts, interpreters, translators and the compensation of honorary judges, witnesses and third parties
JVertrAmtszVerlG Law to extend the term of office of youth representatives in companies
JVKostG Law on Costs in Justice Administration Matters
KaEntwBkÜbkG Act accompanying the Convention of October 18, 1969, establishing the Caribbean Development Bank
Coffee Tax Act Coffee Tax Act
CoffeeÜbk1983G Law on the International Coffee Convention of 1983 and the Extension of the International Coffee Convention of 1976
KAGB German Capital Investment Code
KAGG / GewOErgG Law amending and supplementing the law on capital investment companies and the trade regulations
KapErhStG Law on tax measures when increasing the nominal capital from company funds
KapMuG Law on model proceedings in disputes under capital market law
KastrG Act on Voluntary Castration and Other Treatments
KatHiLAbkBELG Law on the Agreement of November 6, 1980 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Kingdom of Belgium on mutual assistance in the event of disasters or serious accidents
KatHiLAbkCHEG Law on the agreement of November 28, 1984 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Swiss Confederation on mutual assistance in the event of catastrophes or serious accidents
KatHiLAbkCZEG Act on the treaty of September 19, 2000 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Czech Republic on mutual assistance in the event of disasters and serious accidents
KatHiLAbkDNKG Act on the Agreement of May 16, 1985 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Kingdom of Denmark on mutual assistance in the event of disasters or serious accidents
KatHiLAbkFRAG Law on the Agreement of February 3, 1977 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the French Republic on mutual assistance in the event of catastrophes or serious accidents
KatHiLAbkLITG Law on the Agreement of March 15, 1994 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Lithuania on mutual assistance in the event of disasters or serious accidents
KatHiLAbkLUXG Law on the Agreement of March 2, 1978 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg on mutual assistance in the event of catastrophes or serious accidents
KatHiLAbkPOLG Law on the Agreement of April 10, 1997 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Poland on mutual assistance in the event of disasters or serious accidents
KatHiLAbkRussFöG Law on the Agreement of December 16, 1992 between the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Government of the Russian Federation on Mutual Assistance in the Event of Disasters or Serious Accidents
KatSchErwG Law on the expansion of civil protection
KBAG Law on the establishment of a Federal Motor Transport Authority
KBFG Law for the establishment of a special fund "childcare expansion"
KBNAnrG Law on the exclusion of the child bonus
KDVG Law on conscientious objection to military service with a weapon
KernbrStG Nuclear Fuel Tax Act
KErzG Law on Religious Raising of Children
KfbG Law on the Adjustment of Consequences of War Laws
KfSachvG Law on officially recognized experts and officially recognized inspectors for motor vehicle traffic
KfzAbkGBRG Act on the Agreement of 5 November 1971 between the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland on the tax treatment of road vehicles in international traffic
KfzAnmVerlG Law to extend the regulation on the rental of motor vehicles in works traffic according to the Unification Agreement
KGSG Law for the Protection of Cultural Property
KGUG Law on the subsequent conversion from Mark of the German Democratic Republic to Deutsche Mark for account balances of natural persons
KGUGEG Law on the subsequent conversion of account balances, on the repayment of share rights in the old balance redemption bond, on the amendment of the burden equalization provisions and on the addition of the law on the establishment of the "State Insurance of the GDR in liquidation"
KHEntgG Law on fees for full and part inpatient hospital services
KHG Law on the economic security of hospitals and on the regulation of hospital care rates
KHNG Law on the reorganization of hospital financing
KInvFErrG Law for the establishment of a special fund "Municipal Investment Promotion Fund"
KInvFG Law to promote investments by financially weak municipalities
KitaFinHG Law on federal financial aid to expand day care for children
KJHG Law on the reorganization of child and youth welfare law
KKG Law on cooperation and information in child protection
KKÜNOG Law on transitional regulations for the reorganization of self-administration by statutory health insurance providers and the organization of health insurance companies
KKVerbdG Law on the associations of statutory health insurance funds and substitute funds
KlWalAbkG Law on the Agreement of March 31, 1992 for the Conservation of Small Whales in the North and Baltic Seas
Coal Registration Act Law on reports from companies in the German hard coal mining industry
CONSENSUS-G Law on the coordination of the development and use of new tax administration software
KonsG Law on Consular Officers, Their Duties and Powers
KonsHilfG Law on granting consolidation aid
KonsÜbkG Law on the Vienna Convention of April 24, 1963 on Consular Relations
KontrGerätBeglG Law on accompanying regulations for the introduction of the digital recording device to control driving and rest times
KostErmÄndG Law to change cost authorizations, social security law and other regulations
KoStrukStatG Law on cost structure statistics
KOVAUTVtrG Law on the contract of May 7, 1963 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Austria on the provisions for war victims and the employment of the severely disabled
KOVRentKapG Law to ensure basic pension settlement in war victims' benefits
KOVVfG Law on the Administrative Procedure for War Victims Care
KOVVtrESPG Law on the Treaty of May 29, 1962 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Spanish State on War Victims Care and on the Exchange of Notes of May 16, 1963
KOVVwG Law on the Establishment of Administrative Authorities for War Victims' Care
KOVZusVtrAUTG Law to the supplementary contract of February 7, 1969 for the implementation and amendment of the contract of May 7, 1963 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Austria on provisions for war victims and the employment of severely disabled people
KraftStG Motor Vehicle Tax Act
KraftStKompG Law regulating financial compensation in favor of the federal states as a result of the transfer of the revenue sovereignty of vehicle tax to the federal government
KrArchG Law on the central archiving of documents from the area of ​​the law on the consequences of war
KredAAG Law on the adjustment of loan agreements to market conditions and on compensation payments to borrowers
KredAnstWiAG Law on the Reconstruction Loan Corporation
Loans Federal Loan Borrowing Act for United States Economic Aid
KredFinG 1967 Law on the taking out and provision of loans to stimulate investment activity and ensure steady economic growth in the 1967 financial year
KredInstNdlAufhG Law abolishing the restriction on the area of ​​business of credit institutions
KredInstNdlG Law on the Area of ​​Establishment of Credit Institutions
KredReorgG Law on the reorganization of credit institutions
KredWGÄndG 2 Second law amending the law on banking
KredWGÄndG 3 Third law amending the law on banking
KrFArbZG Law regulating the working hours of self-employed drivers
KrFrHemmG Law on the expiry of deadlines blocked by war or post-war regulations
KrFrHemmGErgG Law supplementing the law on the expiry of periods blocked by war or post-war regulations
KrGlasKennzG Law on the marking of lead crystal and crystal glass
KrimBekAbkUSAAG Act implementing the agreement between the government of the Federal Republic of Germany and the government of the United States of America of October 1, 2008 on the deepening of cooperation in the prevention and control of serious crime
KrPflG Law on the Professions in Nursing
KrWaffKontrG Implementation Act to Article 26 Paragraph 2 of the Basic Law
KrWG Law to promote the circular economy and ensure environmentally friendly waste management
KSchG Dismissal Protection Act
KSEVtrAG Implementation Act to the Treaty of November 19, 1990 on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe (CFE Treaty)
KSEVtrG Act on the Treaty of November 19, 1990 on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe
KSpG Act to demonstrate the permanent storage of carbon dioxide
KStG Corporate Income Tax Act
KSVG Law on the social security of self-employed artists and publicists
KultgSchKonvG Act on the Convention of May 14, 1954 for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict
KunstSchAbkG Act on the International Convention of October 26, 1961 on the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Companies
KunstUrhG Law on the copyright in works of the fine arts and photography
KVArbNÜbkG Law on the International Conventions on the Health Insurance of Industrial and Commercial Workers and Domestic Servants and the Health Insurance of Agricultural Workers
KVG Law on the property of municipalities, towns and districts
KVKG Law to dampen the development of expenditure and to improve the structure of statutory health insurance
KVLG 1989 Second Law on Farmers Health Insurance
KVWG Law on the further development of statutory health insurance law
KWG Law on Credit
KWKG Law for the maintenance, modernization and expansion of combined heat and power
KyotoProtAnpfondsG Law conferring legal capacity on the Council of the Adjustment Fund
KyotoProtG Law on the Kyoto Protocol of December 11, 1997 on the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (Kyoto Protocol)
LAAbkErgAbkCHEG Law on the agreement of March 16, 1962 to supplement the agreement of August 26, 1952 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Swiss Confederation on the equalization of German burdens
LadSchlG Closing hours law
LA-EG-Saar Law for the introduction of regulations of the equalization law in Saarland
LAG Law on equalization of burdens
LagerstG Law on exploring the Reich for usable deposits
LastG Law on burden-bearing in the federal-state relationship in the event of a violation of supranational or international obligations
LBG Law on the acquisition of land for defense purposes
LEBPAbkG POL Law on the Agreement of December 5, 2014 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Poland on the export of special services for entitled persons who are resident in the territory of the Republic of Poland
LegRegG Law on the registration of holdings for keeping laying hens
LInfG Constitutional law for the formation of countries in the German Democratic Republic
LFBAG Law on the Federal Aviation Office
LFGB Food, consumer goods and feed code
LFGG BW State law on voluntary jurisdiction
LfüG Law on the transition to the new food and feed law
LFZ / KVRÄndG Law on the continued payment of wages in the event of illness and changes to statutory health insurance law
LFzPfSchG Law on the inadmissibility of the security seizure of aircraft
LiBiUrhFrVerlG Law to extend the protection periods for copyright in photographs
LJG-NRW State Hunting Law of North Rhine-Westphalia
LMeerSchÜbkG Law relating to the Convention of 4 June 1974 for the Prevention of Land-based Pollution
LMG1974§25AnwG Law on the further applicability of Section 25 of the Food and Consumer Goods Act
LogopG Law on the profession of speech therapist
LPachtVG Law on the notification and objection of land leases
LPartG Registered Civil Partnership Act
LSpG Law implementing the legal acts of the European Union on quality regulations concerning guaranteed traditional specialties and optional quality indications
LSVAAbkBüsG Law on the agreement of December 7, 2004 between the government of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Swiss Federal Council on the treaty of November 23, 1964 on the inclusion of the municipality of Büsingen am Hochrhein in the Swiss customs area, on the collection and distribution of a share of the amount from Switzerland In their national territory and in the area of ​​the municipality of Büsingen am Hochrhein, performance-based heavy vehicle tax (LSVA agreement Büsingen)
LuftFzgAbkG Law on the accession of the Federal Republic of Germany to the agreement of June 19, 1948 on the international recognition of aircraft rights
LuftFzgG Aircraft Rights Act
LuftNaSiG Act to ensure proof of ownership and control of air carriers for the maintenance of the air traffic operating license and air traffic rights
LuftRAAbkDG Act implementing the First Convention on the Unification of Private Air Law
LuftSiG Aviation Security Act
LuftVerkUSAAbkG Act on the Agreement of July 7, 1955 on Air Transport between the Federal Republic of Germany and the United States of America
LuftVG Aviation Act
LuftVGÄndG 10 Tenth law amending the Air Transport Act
LuftVGÄndG 11 Eleventh law amending the Aviation Act
LuftVGÄndG Law amending the Air Transport Act
LuftVStG Aviation Tax Act
LVANDZustÄndG Law to change the local competences of the state insurance institutions in Lower Saxony and to change the federal pension law
LwAltschG Law amending the regulations on old debts of agricultural companies
LwAnpG Law on the structural adjustment of agriculture to the social and ecological market economy in the German Democratic Republic
LwErzgSchulproG Law on the implementation of EU regulations on the school program for fruit, vegetables and milk
LwG Agriculture Act
LwRentBkG Agricultural Rentenbank Act
LwVfG Law on Judicial Procedure in Agricultural Matters
MADG Military Counterintelligence Act
MainDonWasStrG 2 Second law on the legal status of the Main-Danube waterway
MarkenG Law on the protection of trademarks and other symbols
MarktONOG Law on Reports on Market Regulations Goods
MarshallplAbkG Law on the Agreement on Economic Cooperation between the United States of America and the Federal Republic of Germany of December 15, 1949
MeasureG Law on constitutional general standards for the distribution of sales tax revenue, for financial equalization among the states and for the granting of federal supplementary allocations
MauerG Law on the sale of masonry and border land to the previous owners (Article 1 of the law on the sale of masonry and border land to the former owners and amending other regulations)
MautSysG Law on the Operation of Electronic Toll Systems
MBergG Seabed Mining Regulation Act
MBPlG Law regulating the planning process for magnetic levitation trains
MeAnlG Law to regulate the legal relationships at melioration plants
MediationsG Mediation Act
MessEG Law on the placing on the market and making available measuring instruments on the market, their use and calibration, as well as prepackaging
MForschG Law on the Conduct of Marine Scientific Research
MgVG Law on the co-determination of employees in a cross-border merger
MietPfG Law on the attachment of rent and lease claims due to claims from public land charges
MietRVerbG Law to improve tenancy law and to limit rent increases as well as regulating engineering and architectural services
MilkFat G. Law on the trade in milk, milk products and fats
MilkMargG Law on milk, milk products, margarine products and similar products
MilchSonMaßG Law for the implementation of special measures by the European Union in the milk market area
MilchSoPrG Law on a special program with measures for dairy farmers
MiLoG Law regulating a general minimum wage
MilSeelsG Law on Military Chaplaincy
MindlohnÜbkG Law on the International Convention on the Establishment of Procedures for Fixing Minimum Wages
MindNamÄndG Law implementing Article 11, Paragraph 1 of the Framework Convention of the Council of Europe of February 1, 1995 for the Protection of National Minorities
MinÖlDatG Law on the collection of reports in the mineral oil industry
Co-determination Law to maintain participation in the exchange of shares and the transfer of company parts that affect companies in different member states of the European Union
MitbestG Law on Employee Participation
MittelweserG Law on the acquisition of land for the canalization of the Central Weser
ModG AufhG Law to repeal the modulation law
MOG Law on the implementation of common market organizations and direct payments
MontanMitbestG Law on the participation of employees on the supervisory boards and executive boards of companies in the mining and iron and steel industries
MontanMitbestGErgG Law to supplement the law on employee participation in supervisory boards and executive boards of companies in the mining and iron and steel industries
MontanMitbestGErgGWO 2005 Election regulations for the Codetermination Supplementary Act
MontÜG Law for the implementation of the Convention of May 28, 1999 for the standardization of certain regulations on international air transport and for the implementation of compulsory insurance to cover liability for damage to goods in accordance with Regulation (EC) No. 785/2004
MoselVtrFRA / LUXG Law on the treaty of October 27, 1956 between the Federal Republic of Germany, the French Republic and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg on making the Moselle navigable
MPG Medical Devices Act
MPhG Law on the Professions in Physiotherapy
MSAG Act on the Hague Convention of October 5, 1961 on the Competence of Authorities and Applicable Law in the Field of the Protection of Minors
MsbG Law on metering point operation and data communication in intelligent energy networks
MTAG Law on technical assistants in medicine
MTInfoG Law on an information system for evaluating medical technologies
MuKFrRGDBest 1 First implementing regulation for the law on mother and child protection and women's rights - issuing identity cards for pregnant women and women who have recently given birth
MuKStiftG Law establishing a foundation "Mother and Child - Protection of Unborn Life"
Münz10DMBek 1999-05 Announcement on the issue of federal coins with a face value of 10 Deutsche Mark (commemorative coin "50 Years of the Basic Law of the Federal Republic of Germany")
MünzG Coin Act
MuSchG Law on the protection of mothers at work, in training and in study
MuSchÜbkG Washington Convention Act on the Pre- and Postpartum Employment of Women
MVzAFWoG Law to reduce false subsidies and rent distortions in the housing sector
MZG 2005 Law for the implementation of representative statistics on the population and the labor market as well as the housing situation of households
MZG Law for the implementation of representative statistics on the population and labor market participation as well as the housing situation of households
NABEG Grid expansion acceleration law transmission network
NachhG Law on additional liability for dismantling and disposal costs in the nuclear energy sector
NachwG Law on proof of the essential conditions applicable to an employment relationship
NagProtUmsG / EUV511 / 2014DG Law to implement the obligations under the Nagoya Protocol and to implement Regulation (EU) No. 511/2014
NamÄndG Law on changing surnames and first names
NATOProtG Act on the Protocol of August 28, 1952 on the Legal Status of the International Military Headquarters established on the basis of the North Atlantic Treaty and on the agreements supplementing this Protocol
NATOTrStatÄndZAbkG Law to the Agreement of October 21, 1971 amending the Supplementary Agreement of August 3, 1959 to the Agreement between the Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty on the Status of Their Troops with regard to foreign troops stationed in the Federal Republic of Germany
NATOTrStatVtrG Law on the agreement between the parties to the North Atlantic Treaty of June 19, 1951 on the status of their troops and on the supplementary agreements of August 3, 1959 to this agreement
NATOTRPATZAbkÄndAbkG Law on the Agreement of March 18, 1993 amending the Supplementary Agreement to the NATO Forces Statute and other agreements
NDPHSG Act on the Convention of 25 November 2011 on the establishment of the Secretariat of the Partnership for Public Health and Social Welfare in the Northern Dimension (NDPHS)
Neckar / MainG Law on the expropriation of real estate and on the contribution for the canalization of the Neckar from Mannheim to Plochingen and the Main from Aschaffenburg to Bamberg as well as the expansion of the Danube from Passau to Kelheim
NEhelG Law on the legal status of illegitimate children
NetzDG Law to improve law enforcement in social networks ( Network Enforcement Act )
NotAnpG Law on the non-adjustment of the official salary and local allowance of the members of the Federal Government and the Parliamentary State Secretaries
NiederlFrhEWGDG 1 Act implementing directives of the European Economic Community on the freedom of establishment and the free movement of services
NiederlFrhEWGDG 2 Second law implementing directives of the European Economic Community on the freedom of establishment and the free movement of services
NiSG Law on protection from non-ionizing radiation when used on humans
NKRG Law establishing a National Regulatory Control Council
NordSBrWeinG Law concerning the execution of the international treaty of November 16, 1887/14. February 1893 to suppress the liquor trade among North Sea fishermen on the high seas
EmergencySanG Law on the profession of paramedic and paramedic
NpSG New Psychoactive Substances Act
NSAhndG BY Law No. 22 on the Punishment of National Socialist Crimes
NSAhndG WB Law No. 28 on the Punishment of National Socialist Crimes
NSAhndgG BR Law to punish National Socialist crimes
NSAhndgG HE Law to punish National Socialist crimes
NS-AufhG Law to Repeal National Socialist Injustice Judgments in the Administration of Criminal Justice
NSOEBGG Law on Compensation for Victims of National Socialism in the Accession Area
NSUnrG BR 2 Second law for the reparation of National Socialist injustices in the administration of criminal justice
NSUnrG BR Law for the reparation of National Socialist injustices in the administration of criminal justice
NSUnrG BY 2 Second law for the reparation of National Socialist injustices in the administration of criminal justice
NSUnrG HE 2 Second law for the reparation of National Socialist injustices in the administration of criminal justice
NSUnrG HE Law for the reparation of National Socialist injustices in the administration of criminal justice
NSUnrG RP State law for the elimination of National Socialist injustice in the administration of criminal justice
NSUnrG WB 2 Law No. 207 Second Law for the Reparation of National Socialist Injustices in the Administration of Criminal Justice
NSUnrG WB Law No. 29 on the reparation of National Socialist injustice in the administration of criminal justice
NSUnrUrtBesG Law on the Elimination of National Socialist Judgments
NS-VEntschG Nazi Persecute Compensation Act
NSVerbG Law regulating the liabilities of National Socialist institutions and the legal relationships with their assets
NTSG Law on the Protection of Troops of the North Atlantic Pact through Criminal and Administrative Offenses Law
NukHaftÜbk / AtHaftÜbkGemProtG Act on the Joint Protocol of September 21, 1988 on the Application of the Vienna Convention and the Paris Convention (Act on the Joint Protocol on the Application of the Vienna Convention and the Paris Convention)
NutzZG Law on usage-related surcharges when using the electronic health card outside of statutory health insurance
NWRG Law establishing a National Arms Register
OASG Law to secure the civil rights of victims of crime
ÖDZustG Law on Competence in the Field of Public Service Law
OEG Law on Compensation for Victims of Violence
OffshStAbkG Law on the Agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and the United States of America of October 15, 1954 on the tax concessions to be granted by the Federal Republic for the expenditure made by the United States in the interests of common defense
OffshStAbkGÄndG Act amending the Offshore Tax Act
ÖkoKennzG Law on the introduction and use of a label for products from organic farming
OKZusAAbkLTU / SVNG Law on the Agreement on Cooperation in Combating Organized Crime between the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Government of the Republic of Lithuania of February 23, 2001 and between the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Government of the Republic of Slovenia of March 2, 2001
OKZusAAbkVNMG Law on the Agreement of August 31, 2006 between the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Government of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam on Cooperation in Combating Serious Crimes and Organized Crime
OldenbG Law on the regulation of the state affiliation of the administrative district of Oldenburg and the district of Schaumburg-Lippe according to Article 29 Paragraph 3 Clause 2 of the Basic Law
ÖLG Law implementing the legal acts of the European Union in the field of organic farming
Oil Liability Act Act on the International Conventions of November 29, 1969 on Civil Liability for Oil Spill Damage and of December 18, 1971 on the establishment of an International Fund for Compensation for Oil Spill Damage
OilSG Act on Liability and Compensation for Oil Spill Damage by Sea Ships
OlympSchG Law for the Protection of the Olympic Emblem and Names
OPrAGebG Law on the fees of the chief examination office for the higher technical administrative officials
Order G. Law on titles, medals and decorations
OrthoptG Law on the Profession of Orthoptist
OstSUmwSchÜbkG Act on the Convention of March 22, 1974 on the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea Area
OWiG Administrative Offenses Act
OZG Law to improve online access to administrative services
OzonSÜbkG Law on the Convention of March 22, 1985 for the Protection of the Ozone Layer
Lease LoanG Lease Credit Act
ParlBG Law on parliamentary participation in the decision-making process for the deployment of armed forces abroad
ParlStG Law on the Legal Relationships of Parliamentary State Secretaries
PartG DDR Law on parties and other political associations
PartG Law on Political Parties
PartGG Law on Partnerships of Liberal Professions
PaßG Passport law
PatAnwArmSG 1966 Law on the assignment of patent attorneys for legal aid
PatG Patent Act
PatGebG1976uaAndG Law amending the Patent Fees Act and other laws
PatKostG Law on the costs of the German Patent and Trademark Office and the Federal Patent Court
PAuswG Law on identity cards and electronic proof of identity
PBefG Passenger Transport Act
PBefGÄndG 6 Sixth law amending the Passenger Transport Act
PersAdjustG Law to adjust the strength of the armed forces
PersBG Personnel law accompanying the Telecommunications Act
PerseinspG Law to save personnel expenses in the indirect federal administration as well as at the Deutsche Bundesbahn and the Deutsche Bundespost
PersStärkeG Law on the Reduction of Manpower in the Armed Forces
PersStdAuszÜbkG Law on the Convention of 8 September 1976 on the Issuance of Multilingual Extracts from Civil Status Books
PersStdGÄndG 2 Second law amending and supplementing the Civil Status Act
PersStdNamZProtG Law on the Additional Protocol of September 6, 1989 to the Convention of September 4, 1958 on the International Exchange of Information on Civil Status Matters
PersStruktG armed forces Law to improve the personnel structure in the armed forces
PfandBG Pfandbrief Act
PfandBrAUmwG Law on the conversion of the Deutsche Pfandbriefanstalt into a stock corporation
PfandBrÜblG Law to transfer the participation of the former State of Prussia in the share capital of the Deutsche Pfandbriefanstalt to the federal government
CareVG Law on social protection against the risk of long-term care
CareZG Law on Nursing Leave
PflSchAbkG Law on the International Plant Protection Convention of December 6, 1951
PflSchG Law for the Protection of Cultivated Plants
PflVG Law on compulsory insurance for motor vehicle owners
PflZSchÜbkG Law on the International Conventions of December 2, 1961 for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants
PfPTrStatG Law on the Agreement of June 19, 1995 between the States Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty and the other States Participating in the Partnership for Peace on the Status of their Troops and the Additional Protocol
PharmTAG Law on the Profession of Pharmaceutical Technical Assistant
PKGrG Law on parliamentary control of federal intelligence activities
PlVereinfG Law to simplify planning procedures for traffic routes
PodG Law on the profession of podiatrist
PolZusuaVtrCHEG Law on the treaties of April 27, 1999 and July 8, 1999 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Swiss Confederation on cross-border police cooperation, extradition, mutual legal assistance and on the agreement of July 8, 1999 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Swiss Confederation on rights of passage
PostAGSa Articles of Association of Deutsche Post AG (Appendix to the law on the conversion of Deutsche Bundespost companies into the legal form of a stock corporation)
PostbAGSa Articles of Association of Deutsche Postbank AG (Appendix to the law on the conversion of Deutsche Bundespost companies into the legal form of a stock corporation)
PostG Postal Act
PostPersRG Law on personnel law for employees of the former Deutsche Bundespost
PostUmwG Law to convert the companies of the Deutsche Bundespost into the legal form of a stock corporation
PreisAngG Law on Price Indications
PriceG Transitional law on pricing and price monitoring
PreisStatG Law on Price Statistics
Press CouncilG Law to ensure the independence of the complaints committee set up by the German Press Council
PrHaushStatG Law on the statistics of household accounts
PrKG Law prohibiting the use of price clauses in determining monetary debts
PrKultbG Law for the establishment of a foundation “Prussian cultural property” and for the transfer of assets of the former state of Prussia to the foundation
ProdGewStatG Law on Statistics in the Manufacturing Industry
ProdHaftG Law on liability for defective products
ProdSG Law on making products available on the market
ProMechG Law on project-related mechanisms under the Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change of December 11, 1997
ProstG Law regulating the legal relationships of prostitutes
ProstSchG Law for the Protection of Persons Working in Prostitution
PrümVtrAG Implementation Act to the Prüm Treaty and the Prüm Council Decision
PStG Civil Status Act
PsychKVVerbG Law to improve the outpatient and day inpatient care of the mentally ill
PsychPbG Law on psychosocial support in criminal proceedings
PsychThG Law on the Professions of Psychological Psychotherapist and Child and Adolescent Psychotherapist
PsychThG / SGB5uaÄndG Law on the Professions of Psychological Psychotherapist and Child and Adolescent Psychotherapist, amending Book Five of the Social Code and other laws
PTNeuOG Law on the reorganization of the postal system and telecommunications
PTSG Law to ensure postal and telecommunications services in special cases
PTStiftG Law establishing a Post and Telecommunications Museum Foundation
PUAG Law regulating the law of the German Bundestag's committees of inquiry
PublG Law on the accounting of certain companies and groups
PVÜG Act relating to the copyright conventions signed in Paris on July 24, 1971
RAAG 2006 Law on the suspension of the adjustment of pensions from July 1, 2006
RAAG Act suspending the adjustment of pensions from July 1, 2004
RAG 1982 Pension Adjustment Act 1982 (Article 1 of the Act on the Adjustment of the Pensions of the Statutory Pension Insurance in 1982)
RAG 1983 Pension Adjustment Act 1983 (Article 18 of the Act to Revitalize the Economy and Employment and Relieve the Federal Budget - Budget Accompanying Act 1983)
RAG 1984 Pension Adjustment Act 1984 (Article 1 of the Act on the Adjustment of the Pensions of the Statutory Pension Insurance and the Cash Benefits of the Statutory Accident Insurance in 1984)
RAG 1985 Pension Adjustment Act 1985 (Article 1 of the Act on Adjustment of Statutory Pension Insurance Pensions and Statutory Accident Insurance Cash Benefits in 1985)
RAG 1986 Pension Adjustment Act 1986 (Article 1 of the Act on the Adjustment of the Pensions of the Statutory Pension Insurance and the Cash Benefits of the Statutory Accident Insurance in 1986)
RAG 1987 Pension Adjustment Act 1987
RAG 1988 Pension Adjustment Act 1988
RAG 1989 Pension Adjustment Act 1989
RAG 1990 Pension Adjustment Act 1990
RAG 1991 Pension Adjustment Act 1991
RAÜG Law on delegation of administrative tasks in the field of space travel
RAuskÜbkZProtG Law to the Additional Protocol of March 15, 1978 to the European Convention on Information on Foreign Law
RBEG Law to determine the standard needs according to Section 28 of Book Twelve of the Social Code
RBkG Law on the German Reichsbank
RdFunkAuslG Law on German international broadcasting
RdFunkGÄndG 1 First law amending the law on the establishment of broadcasters under federal law
RdFunkNG Law on the reorganization of broadcasters under federal law and the RIAS Berlin
RDG Law on Extrajudicial Legal Services
RDGEG Introductory Act to the Legal Services Act
RED-G Law to establish a standardized central file for police authorities and intelligence services of the federal and state governments to combat violence-related right-wing extremism
ReföDG Public Service Reform Law
RegG Law on the regionalization of local public transport
REITG Law on German real estate joint-stock companies with listed shares
RennwLottG Racing Betting and Lottery Act
RennwLottGABest Implementing provisions for the Racing Betting and Lottery Act
RentBkGrSchG RP State law on the Rentenbank land charge in the state of Rhineland-Palatinate
ResG Law on the Reservist Status
Rescue Act Law to rescue companies to stabilize the financial market
RHBG Law on the liability of the Reich for its officials
RHeimstGAufhG Law to repeal the Reichsheimstätten Act
Rhine / BinSchAbfÜbkAG Implementation Act to the Convention of September 9, 1996 on the Collection, Delivery and Acceptance of Waste by Rhine and Inland Waterways
RheinBrückEschauVtrG Law on the contract of June 5, 1996 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the French Republic on the construction of a road bridge over the Rhine between Altenheim and Eschau
RheinfallVtrG CHE Law on the contract of November 23, 1964 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Swiss Confederation on the adjustment of the border in the Konstanz-Neuhausen section on the Rhine Falls
RheinMainDonSchStrG Law on the legal status of the Rhein-Main-Donau-Großschiffahrtsstrasse between the Main and Nuremberg and the ownership structure associated with it
RheinMainDonSchStrGBek 1968-05-06 Announcement on the law on the legal status of the Rhein-Main-Donau-Großschiffahrtsstrasse between the Main and Nuremberg and on the related ownership of November 29, 1967
RheinMainDonSchStrGBek 1970-10-23 Announcement on the law of November 29, 1967 on the legal status of the Rhein-Main-Donau-Großschiffahrtsstrasse between the Main and Nuremberg and on the ownership structure associated with it
RheinMainDonSchStrGBek 1972-08 Announcement on the law on the legal status of the Rhein-Main-Donau-Großschiffahrtsstrasse between the Main and Nuremberg and on the ownership structure associated with it
RheinMainDonSchStrGBek Announcement on the law on the legal status of the Rhein-Main-Donau-Großschiffahrtsstrasse between the Main and Nuremberg and on the ownership structure associated with it
RheinSchÜbkG Law to the Convention of November 20, 1963 for the revision of the Revised Rhine Navigation Act signed in Mannheim on October 17, 1868
RHiVtrCANG Act on the Treaty of May 13, 2002 between the Federal Republic of Germany and Canada on mutual legal assistance in criminal matters
RHiVtrPRTG Act on the Treaty of June 15, 1964 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Portugal on extradition and mutual assistance in criminal matters
RHiVtrYUGG Law on the Treaty of October 1, 1971 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia on mutual legal assistance in criminal matters
RiFlEtikettG Law implementing the legal acts of the European Community or the European Union on the special labeling of beef and beef products and on the sales description and identification of meat from cattle less than twelve months old
RiRegDG Law on the use of data collected for the implementation of the legal acts of the European Community on the identification and registration of cattle
RiWG Judges Election Act
RMVerblG Law on Reichsmark liabilities between regional authorities
RobErhÜbkG Act accompanying the Convention of June 1, 1972 for the Conservation of Antarctic Seals
ROG Spatial Planning Act
RPflG Rechtspflegergesetz
RRG Law on the further reform of the statutory pension insurance and on the fifteenth adjustment of the pensions from the statutory pension insurance and on the adjustment of the cash benefits from the statutory accident insurance
RSiedlG Reich Settlement Act
RSiedlGABest Implementing provisions for the Reich Settlement Act
RSiedlGErgG 1935 Law to supplement the Reich Settlement Act
RsprEinhG Law to ensure the uniformity of the case law of the highest federal courts
RStruktFG Law establishing a restructuring fund for credit institutions
RTrAbwG Law to regulate the legal relationships of no longer existing public legal entities
RUAStrGHG Law on Cooperation with the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda
RückHG Return Assistance Act
RÜG Law to establish legal unity in statutory pension and accident insurance
Armor Control Act Law on the Convention of December 14, 1957 on Arms Control Measures of the Western European Union
RV / UVAbkPOLG Law on the Agreement of October 9, 1975 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the People's Republic of Poland on Pension and Accident Insurance together with the related agreement of October 9, 1975
RV / UVRAG 1987 Law on the adjustment of the pensions of the statutory pension insurance and the cash benefits of the statutory accident insurance in 1987
RVBund / KnErG Law establishing the German Federal Pension Insurance and the German Pension Insurance Knappschaft-Bahn-See
RVChilAbkG Law on the agreement of March 5, 1993 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Chile on pension insurance
RVermG Law regulating the legal relationships of the Reich assets and Prussian holdings
RVermVG Law for the provisional regulation of the legal relationships of the imperial property and the Prussian holdings
RVG Law on the remuneration of lawyers
RVKnSeemannskasseÜG Law on transitional regulations for the integration of the seaman's fund into the Deutsche Rentenversicherung Knappschaft-Bahn-See
RVOrgRefÜG Law on transitional regulations for organizational reform in the statutory pension insurance
RVStreitkrAbkUSAG Law relating to the Agreement of September 11, 1970 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the United States of America on the pension insurance of certain employees of the land forces of the United States of America
RWBestG 2008 Law on the determination of the current pension values ​​from July 1, 2008
SaarVtrG Law on the Treaty between the Federal Republic of Germany and the French Republic regulating the Saar question
SaatG Seed Traffic Act
ThingsRÄndG Law to change property law, land register law and other regulations
ThingsRBerG Law on the adjustment of property rights in the acceding area
SachvRatG Law on the formation of a council of experts to assess macroeconomic development
SAY Law on the reorganization and resolution of institutions and financial groups
SanG Redevelopment Aid Act
SaRegG Law on the establishment of a sperm donor register and the regulation of the provision of information about the donor after heterologous use of sperm
SatDSiG Law to protect against endangerment of the security of the Federal Republic of Germany through the dissemination of high-quality earth remote sensing data
SatellitÜbkG Act relating to the Convention of May 21, 1974 on the dissemination of program-carrying signals transmitted by satellites
SBG Soldiers' Participation Act
SBkBG Law on the Staatsbank Berlin
SBkBÜblG Law on the transfer of the Staatsbank Berlin (Annex I, Chapter IV, Section B, Section II, No. 46, EinigVtr)
SCEAG Law implementing Council Regulation (EC) No. 1435/2003 of July 22, 2003 on the Statute for a European Cooperative Society (SCE)
SCEBG Law on the participation of employees in a European cooperative society
SchadRegProtAG Law for the implementation of the Protocol on Pollutant Release and Transfer Registers of May 21, 2003 and for the implementation of Regulation (EC) No. 166/2006
SchaEVZG Law on a state advance payment to citizens harmed by crime
SchAnpG 2 Second law for the adaptation of certain conditions in maritime shipping to international standards
SchaumwZwStG Sparkling Wine and Intermediate Product Tax Act
SchBauG Law on Structural Measures to Protect the Civilian Population
SchBerG Real Estate Restriction Act for Military Defense
SchBrÜbkG Law on the International Convention on Compensation for Unemployment Following a Shipwreck
ScheckG Check Act
SchErsRÄndG Law amending the provisions of the law on compensation for damages
SchfHwG Law on professional law and supply in the chimney sweep trade
Arbitration Act Law on arbitration boards in the municipalities
SchKG Pregnancy Conflict Prevention and Management Act
SchlärmschG Law prohibiting the operation of noisy freight wagons
SchLHeimÜbkG Law on the International Convention on the Repatriation of Shipmen
SchlMonAufhG Law on the lifting of the state towing monopoly on the West German canals
SchlTSchÜbkG Law on the European Convention of 10 May 1979 for the Protection of Animals for Slaughter
Final FinG Law on the establishment of a special fund "Provision for final payments for inflation-indexed federal securities"
SchRG Law on Rights to Registered Ships and Shipbuilding Works
SchRGÄndG Law amending the Law on Rights to Registered Ships and Shipbuilding Works, the Ship Register Ordinance and the Law on Foreclosure and Foreclosure
SchrZAbkG Law on the Vienna Convention of June 12, 1973 on the Protection of Typographical Characters and their International Deposit
SchSG Ship Safety Act
SchSichVtr1960G Law on the Ship Safety Treaty of June 17, 1960
SchuldBBerG Law on the handling of debt register claims against the former German Democratic Republic
Debt MitüG Law to take over the debts of the Inherited Debt Redemption Fund, the Federal Railroad Assets and the Compensation Fund to secure the use of hard coal in the federal debt
SchuldRAnpG Law for the adjustment of contractual usage relationships on properties in the acceding area
SchUnfDatG Ship Accident Database Act
SchVerschrFrdWeG Foreign Currency Debt Securities Act
SchVG Total Issuance Bonds Act
SchwarzArbG Law to combat undeclared work and illegal employment
SchwarzArbVtrG NLD Act on the contract of January 12, 2012 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Kingdom of the Netherlands on cooperation in combating cross-border abuse of social security benefits and contributions through employment and basic security benefits for jobseekers as well as undeclared work and illegal cross-border temporary work (German-Dutch treaty to combat cross-border illegal work)
SDDSG Tracing Service Data Protection Act
SEAG Law implementing Council Regulation (EC) No. 2157/2001 of October 8, 2001 on the Statute for a European Company (SE)
SEBG Law on Employee Participation in a European Company
SEDDiktStiftG Law on the establishment of a foundation to come to terms with the SED dictatorship
SeeAnlG Maritime Law
SeeArbG Maritime Labor Act
SeeAufgG Law on the tasks of the federal government in the field of maritime shipping
SeeFischG Law regulating sea fishing and implementing European Union fishing law
SeeFischVtrG 1976 Law on the Convention of October 23, 1969 for the Conservation of Living Treasures of the Southeast Atlantic, on the Protocol of January 21, 1972 amending the Convention of December 20, 1962 on the Protection of Salmon Stock in the Baltic Sea, on the Convention of September 13, 1973 on Fisheries and the Protection of Living Resources in the Baltic Sea and the Belts, as well as amending the Sea Fisheries Treaty Act 1971
SeeGVG Law on the Enforcement of Decisions by International Courts in the Field of the Law of the Sea
SeeLG Sea pilotage law
SeemGÄndG Law amending and supplementing the Seaman's Law
SeeRÜbkAG Act for the implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of ​​December 10, 1982 and the Convention of July 28, 1994 for the implementation of Part XI of the Convention on the Law of the Sea
SeeSchHaftÜbk1976G Act accompanying the 1976 Convention on Limitation of Liability for Maritime Claims
SeeSchMeldPortalG Law on the procedure for the electronic submission of reports for ships in maritime traffic via the central reporting portal of the federal government
SeeSchSiÜbkG Law on the Convention of March 10, 1988 for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of Maritime Navigation and the Protocol of March 10, 1988 for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of Fixed Platforms on the continental shelf
SeeStrO1972ÜbkG Law accompanying the Convention of October 20, 1972 on the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea
SeeVersNachwG Law on certain proof of insurance in maritime shipping
SeilbDG Law implementing Regulation (EU) 2016/424 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 March 2016 on cable cars and repealing Directive 2000/9 / EC
SeilbDGGebV Cableway Implementation Act Fee Ordinance
SecG Law regulating secondments in the context of civilian crisis prevention operations
SG Law on the Status of Soldiers
SGÄndG 12 Twelfth law amending the Soldiers Act
SGÄndG 13 Thirteenth law amending the Soldiers Act
SGÄndG 4 Fourth law amending the Soldiers Act
SGÄndG 7 Seventh law amending the Soldiers Act
SGB ​​1 Social Code (SGB) first book (I) - general part - (Article I of the law of 11 December 1975, Federal Law Gazette I p. 3015)
SGB ​​10 Book 10 of the Social Code - Social Administration Procedures and Social Data Protection
SGB ​​10 / Kap1 / 2 Social Code - Administrative Procedure
SGB ​​10 / Chapter 3 Social Code - Cooperation between service providers and their relationships with third parties
SGB ​​11 Social Code (SGB) - Eleventh Book (XI) - Social long-term care insurance (Article 1 of the law of May 26, 1994, Federal Law Gazette I p. 1014)
SGB ​​12 Social Code (SGB) Book Twelve (XII) - Social Welfare - (Article 1 of the law of December 27, 2003, Federal Law Gazette I p. 3022)
SGB ​​2 Social Code (SGB) second book (II) - Basic security for job seekers - (Article 1 of the law of December 24, 2003, Federal Law Gazette I p. 2954)
SGB ​​3 Social Code (SGB) Third Book (III) - Employment Promotion - (Article 1 of the Act of March 24, 1997, Federal Law Gazette I p. 594)
SGB ​​4 Social Code (SGB) Volume Four (IV) - Common provisions for social insurance - (Article I of the law of 23 December 1976, Federal Law Gazette I p. 3845)
SGB ​​5 Social Code (SGB) Book Five (V) - Statutory Health Insurance - (Article 1 of the law of December 20, 1988, Federal Law Gazette I, p. 2477)
SGB ​​6 Social Code (SGB) Book Six (VI) - Statutory Pension Insurance - (Article 1 of the law of December 18, 1989, Federal Law Gazette I p. 2261, 1990 I p. 1337)
SGB ​​7 Seventh Book of the Social Code - Statutory Accident Insurance - (Article 1 of the Act of 7 August 1996, Federal Law Gazette I p. 1254)
SGB ​​8 Social Code (SGB) - Eighth book (VIII) - Child and youth welfare - (Article 1 of the law of June 26, 1990, Federal Law Gazette I p. 1163)
SGB ​​IX Social Code Book Ninth - Rehabilitation and Participation of People with Disabilities -
SGB4ErgG Law on the classification of the provisions on the employer's reporting obligations in health and pension insurance as well as in employment promotion law and on the collection of the total social security contribution in Book Four of the Social Code - Common Provisions for Social Insurance
SGB8ÄndG 1 First law to amend Book Eight of the Social Code
SGB9uaAndG Social Code - Ninth Book - (SGB IX) Rehabilitation and participation of disabled people
SGBAT Social Code - General Part
SGBSVVs Social Code - Common rules for social security
SGFFG Law to promote the railways of public, non-federally owned railways for long-distance rail freight transport
SGG Social Court Act
SGleiG Law on the equality of soldiers in the Bundeswehr
SHStatG Law on the Implementation of Statistics in the Field of Welfare of War Victims
SISIIG Second Generation Schengen Information System Act
SKAG Berlin Law introducing self-administration in the field of social insurance and harmonizing health insurance law in the State of Berlin
SkAufG Law on the legal status of foreign armed forces for temporary stays in the Federal Republic of Germany
SklHG Law on the Punishment of Slave Robbery and the Slave Trade
SKPersStruktAnpG Law to adjust the personnel structure of the armed forces
SokaSiG Law to secure social security procedures in the construction industry
SokaSiG2 Law to secure the collective bargaining social fund procedure
SoldGG Law on the equal treatment of soldiers
SolzG 1995 Solidarity Surcharge Act 1995
SolZG Solidarity Surcharge Act
SortSchG 1985 Plant Variety Protection Act
SozhiEinOG Law on the classification of social assistance law in the social security code
SozSichAbk1985RVbgDVbgCANG Act on the Agreement of November 14, 1985 between the Federal Republic of Germany and Canada on Social Security and the Agreement on Implementation of the Agreement and on the Agreement of May 14, 1987 between the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Government of Quebec on Social Security and the Implementation agreement for this
SozSichAbk1985ZusAbkCANG Law to the Supplementary Agreement of August 27, 2002 to the Agreement of November 14, 1985 between the Federal Republic of Germany and Canada on Social Security
SozSichAbk2ErgAbkESPG Law to the Agreement of December 4, 1973 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Spanish State on Social Security and the Supplementary Agreement of December 17, 1975
SozSichAbkALBG Law on the Agreement of 23 September 2015 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Albania on Social Security
SozSichAbkÄndAbk2ZAbkTURG Law to the Supplementary Agreement of November 2, 1984 to the Agreement of April 30, 1964 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Turkey on Social Security and to the Agreement of November 2, 1984 for the Implementation of the Agreement
SozSichAbkAUSErgAbkG Act on the Agreement of February 9, 2007 between the Federal Republic of Germany and Australia on the social security of persons temporarily employed in the territory of the other state ("Supplementary Agreement")
SozSichAbkAUSG Law on the Agreement of December 13, 2000 between the Federal Republic of Germany and Australia on Social Security
SozSichAbkAUT1995G Law on the Agreement of October 4, 1995 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Austria on social security
SozSichAbkBELG Law to the General Agreement of December 7, 1957 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Kingdom of Belgium on Social Security, together with the final protocol, the first, second and third additional agreements and the additional protocol to the agreement
SozSichAbkBGRG Law on the Agreement of December 17, 1997 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Bulgaria on Social Security
SozSichAbkBRAG Law on the Agreement of December 3, 2009 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Federal Republic of Brazil on Social Security
SozSichAbkCZEG Law on the Agreement of July 27, 2001 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Czech Republic on Social Security
SozSichAbkDVbgSWEG Law on the agreement of February 23, 1978 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Kingdom of Sweden implementing the agreement of February 27, 1976 on social security
SozSichAbkErgVbg2FRAG Law on the Second Agreement to Supplement the General Agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and France on Social Security and on the Fifth Supplementary Agreement on the Inclusion of the State of Berlin in the General Agreement, together with letters
SozSichAbkG MDA Law on the Agreement of January 12, 2017 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Moldova on Social Security
SozSichAbkG PHL Act on the Agreement of September 19, 2014 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of the Philippines on Social Security
SozSichAbkGBRDVbgG Act on the Agreement of December 10, 1964 Implementing the Agreement of April 20, 1960 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland on Social Security
SozSichAbkHRVG Law on the Agreement of November 24, 1997 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Croatia on Social Security
Social security settlement Law on the Agreement of May 2, 1998 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Hungary on Social Security
SozSichAbkINDG Law on the Agreement of October 12, 2011 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of India on Social Security
SozSichAbkISRÄndAbkG Law on the Agreement of January 7, 1986 amending the Agreement of December 17, 1973 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the State of Israel on Social Security
SozSichAbkJPNG Law on the Agreement of April 20, 1998 between the Federal Republic of Germany and Japan on Social Security
SozSichAbkKORG Law on the Agreement of March 10, 2000 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Korea on Social Security
SozSichAbkMARG Law on the Agreement of March 25, 1981 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Kingdom of Morocco on Social Security and on the Agreement of April 19, 1984 for the implementation of this Agreement
SozSichAbkMKDG Law on the Agreement of July 8, 2003 between the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Macedonian Government on Social Security
SozSichAbkPOLG Law on the Agreement of December 8, 1990 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Poland on Social Security
SozSichAbkPRTG Law on the Agreement of November 6, 1964 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Portuguese Republic on Social Security
SozSichAbkROMG Law on the Agreement of April 8, 2005 between the Federal Republic of Germany and Romania on social security
SozSichAbkSVKG Law on the Agreement of September 12, 2002 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Slovak Republic on Social Security
SozSichAbkSVNG Law on the Agreement of September 24, 1997 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Slovenia on Social Security
SozSichAbkSWEG Act on the Agreement of February 27, 1976 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Kingdom of Sweden on Social Security
Social security Law to the Agreement of April 16, 1984 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Tunisia on Social Security, the Additional Protocol to this Agreement and the Agreement on the Implementation of the Agreement
SozSichAbkUmsG Law on the implementation of social security agreements
SozSichAbkURYG Law on the Agreement of April 8, 2013 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of East Uruguay on Social Security
SozSichAbkYUGG Law on the Agreement of October 12, 1968 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia on Social Security
SozSichAbkZAbk2 / ZVbgCHEG Law to the Second Supplementary Agreement of March 2, 1989 to the Agreement of February 25, 1964 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Swiss Confederation on Social Security and the Additional Agreement of March 2, 1989 to the Agreement of August 25, 1978 on the Implementation of the Agreement
SozSichAbkZusAbkISRG Law to the Supplementary Agreement of February 12, 1995 to the Agreement of December 17, 1973 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the State of Israel on Social Security
SozSichAbkZusAbkZVbg / 2USAG Law to the Second Additional Agreement of March 6, 1995 to the Agreement of January 7, 1976 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the United States of America on Social Security and to the Second Additional Agreement of March 6, 1995 to the Agreement of June 21, 1978 for the Implementation of the Agreement
SozSichÄndAbkTURG Law on the Agreement of May 28, 1969 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Turkey amending the Agreement of April 30, 1964 on Social Security
SozSichEUG Law on the Coordination of Social Security Systems in Europe
SozSichRheinSchiffÜbkVwVbgG Law on the administrative agreement of November 26, 1987 for the implementation of the Convention of November 30, 1979 on social security for Rhine boatmen
SozSichVbgCANG Law on the Agreement of April 20, 2010 between the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Government of Quebec on Social Security
SparkGiroVerbG Law on the German Savings Banks and Giro Association
SparSichSaarG Law to secure savings in Saarland
SprAuG Act on Speaker Committees of Executive Employees
Explosives Act Explosive Substances Act
SpruchG Law on the corporate law award procedure
SpTrUG Law on the division of companies managed by the Treuhandanstalt
SpurVerkErprG Law on the construction and operation of test facilities for testing techniques for track-guided traffic
StaatlMindÜbkAG Implementation Act of the Convention of August 30, 1961 for the Reduction of Statelessness and the Convention of September 13, 1973 for the Reduction of Statelessness
StaatlÜbkG Law on the Convention of 28 September 1954 on the Status of Stateless Persons
StabG Law to promote the stability and growth of the economy
StabiRatG Law to establish a stability council and to avoid budget emergencies
StabMechG Law on the assumption of guarantees within the framework of a European stabilization mechanism
StAG Citizenship Act
StandAG Law on the search and selection of a site for a repository for high-level radioactive waste
StÄndG 1961 Act to amend the Income Tax Act, the Corporation Tax Act, the Trade Tax Act, the Valuation Act, the Property Tax Act, the Tax Abandon Act, the Reich Tax Code, the Tax Adjustment Act, the Act to Promote the Economy of Berlin (West) and other laws
StÄndG 1966 Second law on the transition of federal budget management to multi-year financial planning
StÄndG 1969 Law on the granting of investment grants and on changes to tax and bonus regulations
StÄndG 1975 Law amending the Income Tax Act and the Investment Allowance Act
StandOG Law to improve tax conditions to secure Germany as a business location in the European single market
StatRegG Law on the establishment and maintenance of a statistical register
StBAG Tax Official Training Act
StBerG Tax Advisory Act
StBerGÄndG 3 Third law amending the Tax Advisory Act
SteinKAGSaarG Law on the incorporation of the hard coal mines in Saarland into a stock corporation
Bituminous Coal FinG Law to finance the end of subsidized hard coal mining by 2018
SterilEntschAufhG Law to repeal sterilization decisions of the former hereditary health courts (Article 2 of the law for the repeal of national socialist judgments in criminal justice and of sterilization decisions of the former hereditary health courts)
StGB criminal code
StGBuaÄndG 1989 Law amending the Criminal Code, the Code of Criminal Procedure and the Law on Assemblies and introducing a leniency program for terrorist offenses
StGBuaÄndG Act amending the Criminal Code, the Code of Criminal Procedure, the Courts Constitution Act, the Federal Lawyers' Act and the Prison Act
StGrenzVtrAUT1989G Law on the contract of April 3, 1989 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Austria on the course of the common state border in section III of the "Scheibelberg-Bodensee" border section and in part of the "Dreieckmark-Dandlbachmünd" border section and the "Saalach" border section -Scheibelberg "
StGrenzVtrAUTG Law on the contract of April 20, 1977 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Austria on the course of the joint state border in the border section "Dreieckmark-Dandlbachmünd" and in part of the border section "Scheibelberg-Bodensee" as well as on the powers of the border commission
StGrenzVtrLUXG Law on the Treaty of December 19, 1984 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg on the course of the common national border
StiftBTG Law on the formation and activity of foundations
StImmÜbkG Law on the European Convention of May 16, 1972 on State Immunity
StipG Law Establishing a National Scholarship Program
StPO Code of Criminal Procedure
StPOEG Introductory Act to the Code of Criminal Procedure
StraBEG Law on Exemption from Punishment
StrbEG Law on the declaration of income from capital assets and capital assets exempt from punishment
StrBNÜbkÄndProtG Law on the Protocol of March 22, 2000 amending the Convention of February 9, 1994 on the collection of charges for the use of certain roads with heavy goods vehicles
StrBNÜbkSEG Law on the Protocol of September 18, 1997 on the accession of the Kingdom of Sweden to the Convention of February 9, 1994 on the collection of charges for the use of certain roads with heavy goods vehicles and on the Additional Convention of September 18, 1997 to the aforementioned Convention
StrEG Law on Compensation for Law Enforcement Actions
StreitkrAVbgInkrG Act on the Enforcement of Agreements on the Temporary Residence of Armed Forces of the French Republic, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States of America in Berlin and of Soviet Armed Forces in the area specified in Article 3 of the Unification Treaty Establishment of German unity
ARMED FORCE Law on the Treaty of October 12, 1990 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on the conditions of temporary residence and the modalities of the scheduled withdrawal of Soviet troops from the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany
StreitkrNotWG Law on the Exchange of Notes of September 25, 1990 and September 23, 1991 on the Legal Status of Allied Armed Forces stationed in Germany and on the Convention of September 25, 1990 regulating certain questions relating to Berlin
StrFinG Road Construction Financing Act
StrlSchG Law on protection against the harmful effects of ionizing radiation
StromStG Electricity Tax Act
StrRehaG Law on the Rehabilitation and Compensation of Victims of Unlawful Prosecution in the Accession Area
StrRehaHomG Law on the criminal rehabilitation of persons convicted of consensual homosexual acts after May 8, 1945
StRSaarEG Law on the introduction of German law in the field of taxes, customs duties and financial monopolies in Saarland
StruktHiGAufhDEFASG Law to repeal the Structural Aid Act and to increase the "German Unity" fund
StrVerjFrG Law on the calculation of criminal statute of limitations
StrZusGubenAbkPOLG Law on the agreement of March 20, 1995 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Poland on the merger of the German federal highway 97 and the Polish national highway 274 and the construction of a border bridge in the Guben and Gubinek area
StStatG Tax Statistics Act
StSWEAbkG Law on the Agreement of July 14, 1992 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Kingdom of Sweden on the Avoidance of Double Taxation on Taxes on Income and Property as well as on Inheritance and Gift Taxes and on Mutual Assistance with Taxes
StUG Law on the records of the State Security Service of the former German Democratic Republic
StVG Road Traffic Act
StVGHBetrÄndV Law to change the maximum liability amounts according to the Road Traffic Act
StVollzG Law on the execution of prison sentences and custodial measures for reform and security
StVUnfStatG Road Accident Statistics Law
StZG Law to ensure embryo protection in connection with the import and use of human embryonic stem cells
SubvG Subsidy Unlawful Use Act
SüdumfStG Law on the construction of the “Stendal southern bypass” on the Berlin-Oebisfelde railway line
SÜG Act on the requirements and procedures for federal security checks and the protection of classified information
SUG Law to improve the safety of the sea by investigating marine casualties and other incidents
SVAbkCHNG Law on the Agreement of July 12, 2001 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the People's Republic of China on Social Insurance
SVAbkING Law on the Agreement of October 8, 2008 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of India on social security
SVAbkPOLG Law on the Agreement of April 25, 1973 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the People's Republic of Poland on the social security of workers who are temporarily posted to the territory of the other country
SVBezGrG 2007 Law on decisive calculation variables for social security for 2007
SVDDRAuflG Law on the dissolution of the state insurance of the German Democratic Republic in liquidation
SVertO Law on the Procedure for Establishing and Distributing a Fund for Limiting Liability in Maritime and Inland Navigation
SVFAG Law on third-party pensions from social insurance to beneficiaries in the federal territory and in the state of Berlin, on social insurance benefits to beneficiaries abroad and on voluntary social insurance
SVG Law on the provisions for the former soldiers of the Bundeswehr and their surviving dependents
SVLFGG Law establishing social insurance for agriculture, forestry and horticulture
SVLfüG Law on transitional regulations for the establishment of social insurance for agriculture, forestry and horticulture
SVOrgSaarG Law for the reorganization of the social security agencies in Saarland
SVSaarAnglG Law to align social security law in Saarland with that in the rest of Germany
SVStFreigG Law on the release of the set aside funds from the tax for self-consumption as well as on the lifting of the set-aside obligation for future amounts
SVÜbkITAG Law on the Agreement of May 5, 1953 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Italian Republic on Social Insurance, including the final protocol and additional agreement
SVVtrYUGVtrG Law on the contract of March 10, 1956 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia on the regulation of certain social security claims
SVwGÄndG 8 Law on the further development of the right to self-government and the simplification of the electoral process
SZAG Law on the domestic distribution of sanctions to ensure budget discipline in the European Union
Tobacco Law Tobacco and Related Products Act
TabStG Tobacco Tax Act
TEHG Law on Trading in Allowances to Emit Greenhouse Gases
TelekAGSa Articles of Association of Deutsche Telekom AG (Appendix to the law on the conversion of Deutsche Bundespost companies into the legal form of a stock corporation)
TerrBekGeBefrVerlG Act to extend the time limit for provisions under the anti-terrorism laws
TestG Law on the drawing up of wills and inheritance contracts
TextilKennzG Textile Labeling Act
TFG Law regulating the transfusion system
THAKredG Law regulating the taking up of loans by the Treuhandanstalt
TherapAustÜbkG Law on the European Convention of December 15, 1958 on the Exchange of Therapeutic Substances of Human Origin
ThUG Law on the therapy and accommodation of mentally disturbed violent criminals
THWG Law on the technical relief organization
TierErzHaVerbG Law for the implementation of EU regulations on bans and restrictions with regard to trade in certain animal products and on keeping and sale bans in certain cases
TierGesG Animal Disease Prevention and Control Act
TierNebG Animal By-Product Disposal Act
TierSchG Animal Welfare Act
TierSchTÜbkG Law on the European Convention of December 13, 1968 on the Protection of Animals during International Transport
TierZG Animal Breeding Act
TIRÜbk1975G Act on the Customs Convention of November 14, 1975 on the International Transport of Goods with TIR Carnets (TIR Convention 19/5)
TKabelVtrAG Act implementing the international treaty for the protection of undersea telegraph cables of March 14, 1884
TKG Telecommunications Act
TMG Telemedia Act
TonTrÜbkG Law relating to the Convention of October 29, 1971 for the Protection of Sound Carriers Manufacturers Against the Unauthorized Reproduction of their Sound Carriers
TPG Law on the donation, removal and transfer of organs and tissues
Transparency G. Law on the transparency of the costs of the decommissioning and dismantling of nuclear power plants and the packaging of radioactive waste
TranspRLG Law transposing Commission Directive 2000/52 / EC of 26 July 2000 amending Directive 80/723 / EEC on the transparency of financial relationships between Member States and public companies
TreuhAbschlG Law for the final fulfillment of the remaining tasks of the Treuhandanstalt
TreuhG Law on the privatization and reorganization of nationally owned property
TrVerjG Law regulating the statute of limitations for claims due to unjustified or unlawful acquisition of equivalent values ​​from transfer ruble transactions
TrZollG Law for the implementation of the customs and tax law provisions of the NATO troop statute, the supplementary agreement to the NATO troop statute with regard to the foreign armed forces stationed in the Federal Republic of Germany and the protocol and the agreements relating to the international military headquarters established in the Federal Republic of Germany
TSG Law on changing first names and determining gender in special cases
TVG Collective Agreement Act
TVÜG Law to transfer the wills and the main files at the Schöneberg District Court in Berlin to the Central Register of Wills of the Federal Chamber of Notaries
TzBfG Part-Time Work and Fixed-Term Contracts Act
UAG Law implementing Regulation (EC) No. 1221/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 November 2009 on the voluntary participation of organizations in a community system for environmental management and environmental auditing and repealing Regulation (EC) No. 761/2001 , as well as the decisions of the Commission 2001/681 / EG and 2006/193 / EG
ÜAG Act implementing the Convention of March 21, 1983 on the Transfer of Sentenced Persons, the Additional Protocol of December 18, 1997 and the Schengen Implementation Convention
UAGAnwG Law on the application of the Environmental Audit Act and its statutory ordinances to Regulation (EC) No. 761/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council of March 19, 2001 on the voluntary participation of organizations in a community system for environmental management and environmental auditing
UBAG Law on the establishment of a Federal Environment Agency
UBGG Corporate Holding Companies Act
ÜblG 1 First law on the transfer of burdens and cover funds to the federal government
ÜblG 2 Second law on the transfer of burdens and cover funds to the federal government
ÜblG 3 Law on the position of the State of Berlin in the federal financial system
ÜblG 4 Law regulating financial relations between the federal government and the states
ÜblG 5 Law on the transfer of burdens and cover funds from Saarland to the federal government
ÜblG 6 Law on the transition from federal law to Berlin (West)
UErgG 2 Law on the amendment of provisions of the conversion law
UErgG 3 Third Conversion Amendment Act
UErgG Law on the amendment of provisions of the conversion law and on equipping the old Berlin banks with compensation claims
ÜFischKKonvG Law on the accession of the Federal Republic of Germany to the Convention of April 5, 1946 of the International Overfishing Conference
UhAnerkÜbkAG Law implementing the Hague Convention of April 15, 1958 on the Recognition and Enforcement of Judgments in the Field of Maintenance Obligations of Children
UhEntsch / UhPflÜbkHaagG Law on the Hague Convention of October 2, 1973 on the Recognition and Enforcement of Maintenance Decisions and on the Law Applicable to Maintenance Obligations
UhÜbkG Act on the Convention of October 24, 1956 on the Law Applicable to Maintenance Obligations of Children
UhVorschG Law on securing the maintenance of children of single mothers and fathers through maintenance advances or deficit payments
UIG Environmental Information Act
UKlaG Law on Injunctions for Consumer Rights and Other Violations
UmstG Third law for the reorganization of the monetary system
UmstGErwNwG Law on Proof of Legitimate Purchase of Conversion Credit
UmstRückstG Law on the formation of provisions in the conversion accounts of the financial institutions, insurance companies and building societies and in the old bank accounts of the Berlin old banks
UmvertPrämG 2014 Act on the granting of a redistribution premium 2014
EnvironmentHG Environmental Liability Act
UmwG Transformation Act
UmwRG Law on supplementary provisions on legal remedies in environmental matters according to EC Directive 2003/35 / EC
UmwStG 2006 Transformation Tax Act
UmwStG Transformation Tax Act
UnBefG 1979 Law on the free transport of severely disabled people in public transport
UNChG Law on the accession of the Federal Republic of Germany to the Charter of the United Nations
UNFreiwProgrAbkG Act on the agreement of November 10, 1995 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the United Nations on the seat of the United Nations Volunteer Program
UNOImmÜbkG Law accompanying the Convention of February 13, 1946 on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations
UNSKRITZAbkÄndProtG Law to the Protocol of December 7, 2005 amending the Agreement of June 20, 1996 between the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany, the United Nations and the Secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change on the seat of the Secretariat of the Convention
UNSKRSitzAbkG Act on the Agreement of June 20, 1996 between the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany, the United Nations and the Secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change on the seat of the Convention's Secretariat and amending the Federal Nature Conservation Act
UNSOrgVorRAbkG Law on the Accession of the Federal Republic of Germany to the Agreement on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations Special Organizations of November 21, 1947 and on the Granting of Privileges and Immunities to Other Intergovernmental Organizations
UNSOrgVorRAbkGÄndG 2 Second law amending the law of June 22, 1954 on the accession of the Federal Republic of Germany to the Agreement on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations' Special Organizations of November 21, 1947 and on the Granting of Privileges and Immunities to Other Intergovernmental Organizations
UntAbschlG Law on the conclusion of support for citizens of the former German Democratic Republic in the event of damage to health as a result of medical measures
UNWaVtrÜbkG Act on the United Nations Convention of April 11, 1980 on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods and on the Amendment of the Act on the Convention of May 19, 1956 on Contracts for the International Carriage of Goods by Road (CMR)
URaG Environmental Framework Act
UrhG Copyright and Related Rights Act
UrhRSchFrVerlG Law to extend the term of protection in copyright law
UrhUSAG United States Nationals' Copyright Protection Act
UrkBefrBELG Law on the Agreement of May 13, 1975 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Kingdom of Belgium on the Exemption of Public Documents from Legalization
UrkBefrFRAG Law on the Agreement of September 13, 1971 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the French Republic on the Exemption of Public Documents from Legalization
UrkBefrITAG Act on the Treaty of June 7, 1969 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Italian Republic on the waiver of the legalization of documents
UrkBefrÜbkG Haag Law on the Hague Convention of October 5, 1961 on the Exemption from Legalization of Foreign Public Documents
OriginBezAbkFRAG Act on the Agreement of March 8, 1960 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the French Republic on the protection of indications of source, designations of origin and other geographical names
USchadG Law on the prevention and restoration of environmental damage
ÜSchuldStatG Law on the Statistics of Overindebtedness of Private Individuals
USG Law on benefits for reservists and for securing the livelihood of relatives of voluntary military service
UStatG Environmental Statistics Act
UStBMG Law to adapt the sales tax law and other legal provisions to the EC internal market
UStG Sales Tax Act
UVBBErG Law establishing the Federal and Railway Accident Insurance
UVGÄndG 3 Third Law on Changes in Accident Insurance
UVPG Environmental Impact Assessment Act
ÜvPÜbkG Act on the Convention of March 21, 1983 on the Transfer of Sentenced Persons
UWG Law against Unfair Competition
UZwGBw Law on the application of direct coercion and the exercise of special powers by soldiers of the Bundeswehr and allied armed forces as well as civil security guards
UZwG Law on direct coercion when exercising official authority by federal law enforcement officers
VA AufsG Law on the supervision of the supply institution of the German theaters and the supply institution of the German cultural orchestras
VAG Law on the Supervision of Insurance Companies
VAGEWGDG 3 Third law for the implementation of insurance directives of the Council of the European Communities
VaSBRLUmsG / VOSBVDG Law to implement the directive on alternative dispute resolution in consumer matters and to implement the regulation on online dispute resolution in consumer matters
VBVG Law on the remuneration of guardians and carers
VDG Trust Services Act
VerbrVerbG Law on the supervision of criminal and other transfer bans
VerbÜbkParisHaagG Law on the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property, revised in The Hague on November 6, 1925
VerdStatG Law on Statistics of Earnings and Labor Costs
VereinsG Law regulating public association law
VerifZusAusfG Implementation Act to the Convention of April 5, 1973 between the Non-Nuclear Weapon States of the European Atomic Energy Community, the European Atomic Energy Community and the International Atomic Energy Organization in implementation of Article III Paragraphs 1 and 4 of the Treaty of July 1, 1968 on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (Verification Agreement) and to the Additional Protocol to this Convention of September 22, 1998
VerkdHSpFruSpPflEG Law introducing a storage obligation and a maximum storage period for traffic data
VerkFinG 1971 Law on the further financing of measures to improve the traffic conditions of the municipalities and the construction of federal trunk roads
VerkFinG Transport Finance Act 1955
VerkFlBerG Law to adjust the legal relationships in traffic areas and other publicly used private land
VerkLG Law to secure transport services
VerkPBG Law to accelerate planning for traffic routes in the new federal states and in the state of Berlin
VerkSiG Law to ensure traffic
VerkStatG Law on the statistics of sea and inland waterway transport, road haulage, air transport, rail transport and commercial road passenger transport
VerkVereinfG Law on Simplified Announcements and Announcements
VerlG Law on Publishing Law
VermAnlG Asset Investment Act
Property Law to regulate open property issues
VermRglVtrISR / AUSG Law to the Treaty of April 21, 1965 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Australian Confederation on the division of the compensation paid by the Government of the State of Israel for German secular property in Israel between Germany and Australia
VermSammlG Law on the collection of news about prisoners of war, civilians detained or abducted, and missing persons
Obligation Law on the formal obligation of non-civil servants
VersaillerVtrAbkBELGABest Implementing provisions of the law relating to the German-Belgian Agreement on Article 312 of the Peace Treaty of July 20, 1921 (Reichsgesetzbl. P. 1177)
Assembly Act Gatherings and Elevators Act
VersAnsprReglG Law regulating claims from life and pension insurance
VersAnsprReglGÄndG 2 Second law amending and supplementing the law regulating claims from life and pension insurance
VersAnsprReglGÄndG Law amending and supplementing the law regulating claims from life and pension insurance
VersAusglG Law on pension equalization
VersAusglKassG Law on the pension equalization fund
VerschÄndG Law amending the provisions of the law of disappearance
VerschG Absence Act
VersRücklG Law on a federal pension reserve
VersRuhG Law on the suspension of claims from special and supplementary pension schemes
VersStG Insurance Tax Act
VerstromG 1 Law to promote the use of hard coal in power plants
VerstromG 3 Law on the further safeguarding of the use of community coal in the electricity industry
VerstromG 5 Law on aid for German hard coal mining until 2005
VerstromG3AbwG Law to wind up the compensation fund according to the Third Electricity Act
VertLastÄndG Act Amending the NATO Forces Statute Act and other laws
ContractGebErstG Law on the reimbursement of fees of the assigned representative in patent, utility model, design, topography and plant variety protection matters
Contract Goods Act Law on the matrimonial property regime of displaced persons and refugees
VerwFöG Law to encourage the other use of professional soldiers and civil servants
VGG Law on the exercise of copyright and related rights by collecting societies
VgHilAbkUSAG Law on the Agreement of June 30, 1955 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the United States of America on Mutual Defense Assistance
VIFGG Law on the establishment of a transport infrastructure financing company to finance federal transport routes
VIG Law to improve health-related consumer information
VISZG Law on Police, Law Enforcement and Intelligence Services Access to the Visa Information System
VKAbgG Law on the legal relationships of the members of the People's Chamber of the German Democratic Republic
VkBkmG Law on the promulgation of ordinances and notices
VkENOG Law on the reorganization of responsibility in nuclear waste management
Full-strength cover Act implementing the Agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Kingdom of Belgium of 30 June 1958 on the mutual recognition and enforcement of judgments, arbitral awards and public documents in civil and commercial matters
VollstrAbkGBRAG Act implementing the Agreement of 14 July 1960 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland on the mutual recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters
VollstrAStrVEGÜbkG Law on the Convention of 13 November 1991 between the Member States of the European Communities on the Enforcement of Foreign Criminal Convictions
VollstrVtrESPG Law on the contract of November 14, 1983 between the Federal Republic of Germany and Spain on the recognition and enforcement of judicial decisions and settlements as well as enforceable public documents in civil and commercial matters
VollstrVtrGRCAG Act implementing the contract of November 4, 1961 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Kingdom of Greece on the mutual recognition and enforcement of judicial decisions, settlements and public documents in civil and commercial matters
VollstrVtrNLDAG Act implementing the contract of August 30, 1962 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Kingdom of the Netherlands on the mutual recognition and enforcement of judgments and other debt instruments in civil and commercial matters
VollstrVtrTUNAG Law for the execution of the contract of July 19, 1966 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Tunisian Republic on legal protection and mutual assistance, the recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters, and on commercial arbitration
VollstrZustProtG Law on the Protocol of June 3, 1971 on the interpretation by the Court of Justice of the Convention of September 27, 1968 on Jurisdiction and the Enforcement of Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters
VollstrZustÜbk1988G Law accompanying the Convention of September 16, 1988 on Jurisdiction and the Enforcement of Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters
VollstrZustÜbk2007Prot2ÜG Act on the transmission of judicial decisions under Protocol 2 to the Convention of October 30, 2007 on Jurisdiction and the Recognition and Enforcement of Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters
VoZählG 1987 Law on population, occupation, building, housing and workplaces census
VReformG Law on the implementation of the supply report
VRG Law on the Promotion of Early Retirement Benefits
VSBG Law on Alternative Dispute Resolution in Consumer Matters
VSchDG EC Consumer Protection Enforcement Act
VsorglastVteilStVtrG Law on the State Treaty of December 16, 2009 and January 26, 2010 on the distribution of pension burdens in the case of changes of employer across federal and state levels
VStG Wealth Tax Act
VStGB International Criminal Code
VStRG Law to reform wealth tax law and to amend other tax laws
VtrLUXG Law on the Treaty of July 11, 1959 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
VtrRKonvG Law on the Vienna Convention of 23 May 1969 on the Law of Treaties
VVG Insurance contract law
VVGEG Introductory Act to the Insurance Contract Act
VWDG Law establishing a Visa Warning File
VwDVG Law on the use of administrative data for economic statistics purposes
VWGmbHG Law on the regulation of legal relationships at the Volkswagenwerk limited liability company
VWGmbHÜG Law on the transfer of the shares in Volkswagenwerk limited liability company into private hands
VwGO Administrative court code
VwRehaG Law on the repeal of unlawful administrative decisions in the accession area and the subsequent claims linked to them
VwVfG Administrative Procedure Act
VwVfRÄndG Law amending administrative procedural regulations
VwVG Administrative Enforcement Act
VwZG Administrative Service Act
VZOG Law on the determination of the allocation of former state-owned property
WaffG weapon law
WaffGÄndG Law amending the Arms Act
WahlPrG Election Examination Act
Currency conversion act Law to complete the currency conversion
WalfÜbkG Law accompanying the International Convention of December 2, 1946, Regulating Whaling
WasKwVÄndG Law amending the ordinance on tax breaks for hydropower plants
WasSiG Law on Ensuring Services in the Field of Water Management for Defense Purposes
WassLÜbkÄndG Law amending the Convention of March 17, 1992 for the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes
WaStrAbG Federal Waterways Expansion Act
WaStrAbgG Law on the expansion of German waterways and the collection of shipping taxes
WaStrG Federal Waterways Act
WaStrÜbgVtrG Law on the State Treaty on the Transition of Waterways from the Länder to the Reich (Appendix to the Act on the Property Relationship of Federal Waterways)
WaStrVermRG Law on the property ratios of federal waterways
WBeauftrG Law on the Defense Commissioner of the German Bundestag
WBO Military Complaint Regulations
WBStiftG Law on the establishment of a Federal Chancellor Willy Brandt Foundation
WBVG Law regulating contracts for housing with nursing or care services
WDNeuOG Law on the reorganization of military disciplinary law
WDO Military disciplinary code
PATH Law on home ownership and permanent residence
WeinG 1994 Wine Law
WerraSalzGAufhG Law to repeal the law on the mining of salts in the border area on the Werra
WertAusglG Law on the regulation of legal relationships with structural measures on previously used land
WFStG Law on the assumption of guarantees to maintain the solvency of the Hellenic Republic, which is necessary for financial stability in the currency union
WG HE Hessian water law
Flat share Bill of Exchange Act
WGemRefKiVtrG Law on the contract of April 14, 2014 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the World Community of Reformed Churches - corporation under public law -
WGLeistVtrITAG Law relating to the contract of June 2, 1961 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Italian Republic on benefits for Italian citizens affected by Nazi persecution
WGSVG Law regulating the reparation of National Socialist injustices in social insurance
WGSVGÄndG Law amending and supplementing the provisions on the reparation of National Socialist injustices in social insurance
WGÜbfG Law to transfer non-profit housing to the general housing market
WHG Law on the organization of the water balance
WHGÄndG 4 Fourth law amending the Water Resources Act
WiKrAusglWG Law to balance different economic strengths and to promote economic growth in the new federal states
WildTArtÜbkG Law relating to the Convention of 23 June 1979 for the Conservation of Migratory Wildlife Species
WindSeeG Law on the Development and Promotion of Wind Energy at Sea
WiPrO Law on professional regulations for auditors
WiSiG 1965 Law on the provision of services in the field of commercial economy as well as the movement of money and capital
WismutAGAbkG Law on the Agreement of May 16, 1991 between the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on the termination of the activities of the Soviet-German Stock Corporation Wismut
WissFG Act to make budgetary framework conditions more flexible for non-university academic institutions
WissZeitVG Law on Fixed-Term Employment Contracts in Science
WiStrG 1954 Law to further simplify white collar crime
WoBauÄndG 1965 Law on the increased formation of property in residential construction and on securing the purpose of social housing
WoBauG1 / 2ÄndG Law amending the First Housing Act and the Second Housing Act
WoBauG2ÄndG Law amending the Second Housing Act, other housing construction regulations and the reimbursement of building cost subsidies
WoBindG Law to ensure the intended use of social housing
WoEigG Law on home ownership and permanent residence
WoFG Law on Social Housing Promotion
WofüG Law on the transfer of social housing subsidies to the federal states
WOGeistEigÜbkuaG Law on the Conventions in the field of intellectual property signed in Stockholm on July 14, 1967
WoGenVermG Law regulating property matters of housing cooperatives in the acceding area
WoGG Housing Benefit Act
WoPG 1996 Housing Construction Premium Act
WoStatG Law on Building and Housing Statistics
WoStichPrG 1972 Law on the implementation of representative statistics in the field of housing and town planning
WoStichPrG Law on the implementation of representative statistics in the field of housing
WoVermRG Law regulating housing brokerage
WPapBerSchlG Fourth law amending and supplementing the Securities Adjustment Act
WPapUmstG Law on the listing of converted securities
WPflG Conscription Act
WpHG Securities Trading Act
WPostVtr1984G Law on the treaties of July 27, 1984 of the Universal Postal Union
WPostVtr1989G Law on the treaties of December 14, 1989 of the Universal Postal Union
WPostVtr1994G Law on the treaties of September 14, 1994 of the Universal Postal Union
WPostVtr1999G Law on the treaties of September 15, 1999 of the Universal Postal Union
WpPG Law on the preparation, approval and publication of the prospectus which is to be published when securities are offered to the public or when securities are admitted to trading on an organized market
WpÜG Securities Acquisition and Takeover Act
WreckBKostDG Law on the enforcement of cost claims under the 2007 Nairobi International Convention on the Disposal of Wrecks
WRegG Law on the establishment and operation of a register to protect competition for public contracts and concessions
WRMG Law on the environmental compatibility of detergents and cleaning agents
WSG Law on remuneration in cash and in kind for soldiers who do military service on the basis of compulsory military service
WStatG Law on general and representative electoral statistics for elections to the German Bundestag and for the election of members of the European Parliament from the Federal Republic of Germany
WStG Military Penal Act
WStrGEG Introductory Act to the Military Penal Act
WSVZustRVenÄndG Act amending statutory ordinances with regard to the competences of federal authorities in the area of ​​federal waterway and shipping administration
WTOÜbkG Law accompanying the Convention of April 15, 1994 establishing the World Trade Organization and amending other laws
WUFG Law regulating the consequences of illegal actions when converting the currency from Mark of the German Democratic Republic to German Mark
WVG Law on Water and Soil Associations
WVögelAbkG Law to the Convention of June 16, 1995 for the Conservation of African-Eurasian Migratory Waterfowl
WVwAÜG Law on the transfer of tasks of the Bundeswehr administration to new authorities of the Bundeswehr personnel management organization
WWSUG Law to the contract of May 18, 1990 on the creation of a monetary, economic and social union between the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic
YUGStrGHG Law on Cooperation with the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia
ZAG Law on the Supervision of Payment Services
ZahlVGJG Law on payment transactions with courts and judicial authorities
ZahnFinAnpG Law to adjust the financing of dentures
ZDG Law on civil service for conscientious objectors
ZDVG Law on the shop steward for civil service workers (Article 2 of the law on the participation of soldiers and civil service workers)
ZensG 2011 Law on the register-based census in 2011
ZensTeG Law to test a register-based census
ZensVorbG 2011 Law on the preparation of a register-based census including a building and housing census 2011
ZensVorbG 2021 Law to prepare a register-based census including a building and housing census in 2021
ZerlG Decomposition Act
ZFdG Law on the Customs Criminal Police Office and Customs Investigation Offices
ZGÄndG 14 Fourteenth Law Amending Customs Law
ZGÄndG 4 1957 Law amending the Customs Act
ZGÄndG 4 1964 Fourth law amending the customs law
ZHG Law on the Practice of Dentistry
ZHG§19ZG Law on the admission of persons authorized according to § 19 of the Dentistry Act to treat the insured in the statutory health insurance
ZIdPrüfV Ordinance on the determination of documents that are authorized to verify the identity of a person to be identified under the Money Laundering Act for the purpose of concluding a payment account contract
ZISAG Law implementing the Council Decision 2009/917 / JHA of 30 November 2009 on the use of information technology in the customs area and Regulation (EC) No. 515/97 of the Council of 13 March 1997 on mutual administrative assistance between administrative authorities of the Member States and the cooperation of these authorities with the Commission to ensure the correct application of customs and agricultural regulations
ZJDVtrÄndVtr2011G Law on the contract of November 30, 2011 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Central Council of Jews in Germany - public corporation - amending the contract of January 27, 2003 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Central Council of Jews in Germany - public body Right - last amended by the contract of March 3, 2008
ZJDVtrÄndVtrG Law on the contract of March 3, 2008 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Central Council of Jews in Germany - corporation under public law - amending the contract of January 27, 2003 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Central Council of Jews in Germany - public corporation Right -
ZJDVtrG Law on the contract of January 27, 2003 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Central Council of Jews in Germany - a public corporation
ZKDSG Law on the protection of access-controlled services and access control services
ZKG Law on the comparability of payment account fees, switching payment accounts and access to payment accounts with basic functions
ZollVG Customs Administration Act
ZPAbkAG Law Implementing the Convention on Civil Procedure of July 17, 1905
ZPO Code of Civil Procedure
ZPOEG Law on the introduction of the Code of Civil Procedure
ZPÜbkHaagG Act implementing the Hague Convention of March 1, 1954 on Civil Procedure
ZPVtrAUTAG Law for the execution of the contract between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Austria of June 6, 1959 on the mutual recognition and enforcement of court decisions, settlements and public documents in civil and commercial matters
ZRBG Law on the Payment of Pensions from Employment in a Ghetto
ZSHG Law on Harmonizing the Protection of Vulnerable Witnesses
ZSKG Law on civil protection and federal disaster aid
ZTLPreissenkG Law to lower prices for dental services
ZuG 2007 Law on the national allocation plan for greenhouse gas emission allowances in the allocation period 2005 to 2007
ZuG 2012 Law on the national allocation plan for greenhouse gas emission allowances in the allocation period 2008 to 2012
ZuInvG Law for the implementation of future investments by municipalities and states
Condition Act Act to adapt legal provisions to changed responsibilities or designations of authorities within the federal government
Delivery Act Law supplementing competences in the areas of civil law, commercial law and criminal law
Delivery Act Law to facilitate administrative reform in the countries
SuppliG Act to transfer the jurisdiction of the Supreme Restitution Courts to the Federal Court of Justice (Article 9 of the Administration of Justice Simplification Act)
ZVALG Law on the establishment of a supplementary pension fund for employees in agriculture and forestry
ZVG Foreclosure Auction and Foreclosure Act
ZVGEG Introductory Act to the Act on Foreclosure Auction and Forced Administration
ZVsG Law on equality with supplementary pension schemes in the acceding area
ZweckVG Law on the federal special-purpose assets at the Landwirtschaftliche Rentenbank
1. BesVNG First law to standardize and reorganize salary law in the federal and state levels
1. EheRG First law to reform marriage and family law
1st NOG First law to reorganize self-administration and personal responsibility in statutory health insurance
1. RAG First law on the adjustment of pensions from the statutory pension insurance due to the change in the general assessment base for 1958
1. SGB XI-Amendment Act First law amending Book Eleventh Social Security Code and other laws
1. WasSV First water safety ordinance
1. WOMitbestG First election regulations for the Codetermination Act
10. AnpG-KOV Tenth Act on the Adjustment of Benefits to the Federal Pension Act
10. RAG Tenth law on the adjustment of pensions from the statutory pension insurance as well as on the adjustment of cash benefits from the statutory accident insurance
11. AMG LAG Eleventh law amending the law on equalization of burdens
11. RAG Eleventh law on the adjustment of pensions from the statutory pension insurance and on the adjustment of cash benefits from the statutory accident insurance
12. RAG Twelfth law on the adjustment of the pensions from the statutory pension insurance and on the adjustment of the cash benefits from the statutory accident insurance (Art. 4 of the Third Pension Insurance Amendment Act - 3rd RVÄndG)
13. RAG Thirteenth Act on the Adjustment of Pensions from Statutory Pension Insurance and on the Adjustment of Cash Benefits from Statutory Accident Insurance
14th Amendment LAG Fourteenth law amending the law on equalization of burdens
14. RAG Fourteenth law on the adjustment of pensions from the statutory pension insurance and on the adjustment of cash benefits from the statutory accident insurance
15. RAG Fifteenth law on the adjustment of pensions from the statutory pension insurance and on the adjustment of cash benefits from the statutory accident insurance
16. AMG LAG Sixteenth law amending the law on equalization of burdens
16. RAG Sixteenth Act on the Adjustment of Pensions from Statutory Pension Insurance and on the Adjustment of Cash Benefits from Statutory Accident Insurance
17. RAG Seventeenth law on the adjustment of pensions from the statutory pension insurance and on the adjustment of the cash benefits from the statutory accident insurance and the retirement benefits in old-age assistance for farmers
18. RAG Eighteenth law on the adjustment of the pensions from the statutory pension insurance as well as on the adjustment of the cash benefits from the statutory accident insurance and the retirement benefits in the old-age assistance for farmers
19. RAG Nineteenth law on the adjustment of the pensions from the statutory pension insurance schemes and on the adjustment of the cash benefits from the statutory accident insurance and the retirement benefits in the old-age assistance for farmers
1 DM Gold Coin Act Law on the minting of a 1 DM gold coin and the establishment of the "Money and Currency" foundation
2. AAÜG-AmendmentG Second law to amend and supplement the entitlement and expectancy transfer law
2. BesVNG Second law for the standardization and new regulation of salary law in the federal and state levels
2. ERP-BürgschG Law to supplement the Third Law on the assumption of security deposits and guarantees to promote the German economy
2. GleiBG Law to enforce equality between women and men
2. HStruktG Second law to improve the budget structure
2. RAG Second law on the adjustment of pensions from the statutory pension insurance schemes due to the change in the general assessment base for 1959
20. RAG Law on the twentieth pension adjustment and the improvement of the financial basis of the statutory pension insurance
21. RAG Twenty-first law on the adjustment of pensions from the statutory pension insurance as well as on the adjustment of the cash benefits from the statutory accident insurance and the old-age benefits in old-age assistance for farmers
3. RAG Third law on the adjustment of pensions from the statutory pension insurance due to the change in the general assessment base for 1960
3. WOMitbestG Third election regulation for the Codetermination Act
4th Amendment LAG Fourth law amending the Burdens Equalization Act
4. RAG Fourth law on the adjustment of pensions from the statutory pension insurance due to the change in the general assessment base for 1961
5. AnpG-KOV Fifth law on the adjustment of the benefits of the Federal Pension Act
5. RAG Fifth law on the adjustment of pensions from the statutory pension insurance due to the change in the general assessment base for 1962
5. SGG-AmendmentG Fifth law amending the Social Court Act
5. VermBG Fifth law to promote the creation of wealth for employees
6. RAG Sixth law on the adjustment of pensions from the statutory pension insurance and on the adjustment of cash benefits from the statutory accident insurance
6. SGGÄndG Sixth law amending the Social Court Act
7. RAG Seventh law on the adjustment of pensions from the statutory pension insurance and on the adjustment of cash benefits from the statutory accident insurance
8. RAG Eighth law on the adjustment of pensions from the statutory pension insurance and on the adjustment of cash benefits from the statutory accident insurance
9. AnpG-KOV Ninth law on the adjustment of the benefits of the Federal Pension Act
9. RAG Ninth law on the adjustment of pensions from the statutory pension insurance and on the adjustment of cash benefits from the statutory accident insurance