List of cities in Equatorial Guinea

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This is a list of cities in Equatorial Guinea .

The following table lists the cities with more than 1,000 inhabitants, the results of the census of July 4, 1983 and July 4, 2001, a calculation for January 1, 2005 and the province to which the city belongs. The population figures refer to the actual city without the suburbs. The capital and second largest city of Equatorial Guinea is Malabo with 155,963 inhabitants.

Cities in Equatorial Guinea
rank city Residents province
1983 census 2001 census Calculation 2005
1. Bata 24,390 132,235 173.046 Littoral
2. Malabo 31,650 132,440 155.963 Bioko Norte
3. Ebebiyín 3,540 19,515 24,831 Kié-Ntem
4th Aconibe 1,700 8,795 11,192 Wele-Nzas
5. Añisoc 1,100 7,586 10.191 Wele-Nzas
6th Luba 2,450 9,011 8,655 Bioko Sur
7th Evinayong 3,170 7,997 8,462 Centro Sur
8th. Mongomo 2,370 5,791 6,393 Wele-Nzas
9. Mengomeyen k. A. 5,294 5,947 Wele-Nzas
10. Micomeseng 1,300 5,327 5,813 Kié-Ntem
11. Rebola k. A. 5,445 5,450 Bioko Norte
12. Bidjabidjan k. A. 5,167 4,998 Kié-Ntem
13. Niefang 1,200 4,292 4,858 Centro Sur
14th Cogo k. A. 3,952 4,693 Littoral
15th Nsok 500 3,929 4,620 Kié-Ntem
16. San Antonio de Palé 910 5,008 4,433 Annobón
17th Mbini 1,229 3,421 4,062 Littoral
18th Nsork k. A. 3,355 3,769 Wele-Nzas
19th Ayene k. A. 3,099 3,482 Wele-Nzas
20th Nkimi k. A. 3,217 3,313 Centro Sur
21st Machinda k. A. 2,440 2,897 Littoral
22nd Acurenam 1,500 2,748 2,736 Centro Sur
23. Corisco k. A. 2.140 2,541 Littoral
24. Baney k. A. 2,363 2,365 Bioko Norte
25th Bicurga k. A. 2,251 2,318 Centro Sur
26th Nsang k. A. 2,194 2.122 Kié-Ntem
27. Ncue k. A. 1,740 1,683 Kié-Ntem
28. Bitica k. A. 1,233 1,464 Littoral
29 Río Campo k. A. 931 1.105 Littoral
30th Riaba 200 1,086 1,071 Bioko Sur
31. Ciudad de la Paz ( under construction ) - - - Wele-Nzas

See also

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