List of stumbling blocks in Müllheim

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The Stolpersteine in Müllheim are part of a Europe-wide project by the artist Gunter Demnig . These are memorials that are supposed to remind of the fate of the people who lived in Müllheim and were deported by the National Socialists and murdered in concentration and extermination camps , among other places . The first of a total of 25 stones was ceremoniously laid on April 8, 2006, the last on June 30, 2006.

List of stumbling blocks in Müllheim

Combined addresses indicate that several stumbling blocks have been moved in one location. The table is partially sortable. The basic sorting takes place alphabetically according to the address. The Person, Inscription column is sorted alphabetically by the person's name.

image address person Laying
inscription information
Stolperstein Ida Meier Müllheim.jpg Badstrasse 6th
Erioll world.svg
Ida Meier 0Apr 8, 2006
June 30, 2006
Here lived
Ida Meier
Jg. 1887
November 1938
Stumbling Stone Rosa Renle Wolff Müllheim.jpg Rosa 'Renle' Wolff
Rosa 'Renle' Wolff
nee lived here . Meier
Born 1890
murdered 1942
Stumbling Stone Hilde Kahn Müllheim.jpg Gällelegässle
Erioll world.svg
Hilde Kahn
Hilde Kahn
nee lived here . Günzburger
born in 1887
deported in 1940 Gurs
murdered in 1942
Stumbling Stone Siegfried Kahn Müllheim.jpg Siegfried Kahn
Siegfried Kahn,
born in 1884
, lived here, deported 1940 Gurs
murdered 1942
Stumbling Stone Arthur Meier Müllheim.jpg Main street 37
Arthur Meier
Arthur Meier,
born in 1912
, lived here, deported and
murdered in 1942 in
Stumbling Stone Helene Zivi Müllheim.jpg Main street 61
Helene Zivi
Helene Zivi,
born in 1878
, lived here, deported
murdered January 21, 1943
Stumbling Stone Josef Zivi Müllheim.jpg Josef Zivi
Josef Zivi,
born in 1868
, lived here, deported to
murdered 10.1.1943
Stumbling Stone Leopold Alfred Meier Müllheim.jpg Main street 73
Leopold Alfred Meier
Leopold Alfred
born in 1905, lived here .
Escape 1935
Camp Drancy
murdered in 1942 in
Stumbling Stone Fritz Schaller Müllheim.jpg Main street 79
Fritz Schaller
Fritz Schaller,
born in 1880
, lived here, expelled 1934
Lemberg / Poland,
shot dead on November 15, 1941
Stumbling block Irmgard Schaller Müllheim.jpg Irmgard Schaller
Irmgard Schaller,
born in 1923
, lived here, expelled 1934
Lemberg / Poland,
dead in 1938
Stumbling Stone Carry Zivi Müllheim.jpg Main street 91
Carry civilian
Carry Zivi,
born in 1885
, lived here .
Gurs / Drancy was deported and
murdered in
Stolperstein Synagogue Müllheim.jpg Main street 94
synagogue Here stood the
built in 1852
desecrated in 1938,
demolished in 1968
Stumbling Stone Julius Moses Müllheim.jpg Main street 109
Julius Moses
Julius Moses,
born in 1892, lived here .
Escape France
Camp Drancy
murdered in
Majdanek in 1942
Stumbling Stone Mina Moses Müllheim.jpg Mina Moses This is where
Mina Moses,
born in 1890, lived .
Escape 1935 France
Drancy camp
murdered in
Auschwitz in 1942
Stumbling Stone Rebekka Moses Müllheim.jpg Rebekah Moses
Rebekka Moses lived here,
born in 1881,
lived in France.
Camp Drancy,
murdered in
Auschwitz in 1944
Stumbling Stone Samuel Moses Müllheim.jpg Samuel Moses
Samuel Moses
born in 1888 lived here .
Escape 1936 France
Camp Drancy
murdered in 1942 in
Stumbling Stone Jewish Community House Müllheim.jpg Main street 113
Parish hall | nl = 1 Jewish community hall
1828 - 1939
Ghetto house
1939 - 1940
Stumbling Stone Jacob Alperowitz Müllheim.jpg Jacob Alperowitz
Jacob Alperowitz,
born in 1883
, lived here, arrested 1938
Dachau concentration camp,
Escape 1939 Palestine
dead 1944
Stumbling Stone Frieda Bernheim Müllheim.jpg Main street 118
Frieda Bernheim
Frieda Bernheim
nee lived here . Günzburger
born in 1879
dead April 4th, 1936
Stumbling Stone Leo Bernheim Müllheim.jpg Leo Bernheim Here lived
Leo Bernheim
Jg. 1871
dead 01.05.1931
Stumbling Stone Max Bernheim Müllheim.jpg Max Bernheim
Max Bernheim,
born in 1919, lived here .
Escape 1936 Denmark
Survives Sweden
Stumbling Stone Sophie Bernheim Müllheim.jpg Sophie Bernheim
Sophie Bernheim,
born in 1903
, lived here . Deported 1940
murdered in
Stumbling Stone Isaak Günzburger Müllheim.jpg Main street 121
Isaak Günzburger
Isaak Günzburger,
born in 1886
, lived here, deported in 1942,
murdered in 1942
Stumbling Stone Mathilde Zivi Müllheim.jpg Kirchgasse 4
Mathilde Zivi
Mathilde Zivi,
born in 1884
, lived here, deported in 1940,
murdered in
Stumbling Stone Jeanette Schwab Müllheim.jpg Werderstrasse 3
Jeanette Schwab
Jeanette Schwab,
born in 1875
, lived here, deported in 1942,
murdered in

supporting documents

  1. Commercial schools in Müllheim - Stolpersteine ( Memento of the original from February 19, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /