List of auxiliary bishops in Płock

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The following people were auxiliary bishops in the diocese of Płock :

Michal Jerzy Poniatowski
Adolf Piotr Szelążek
Andrzej Suski
time Surname Office
1595-1604 Jan Zamojski Titular Bishop of Philippi
1614-1643 Stanislaw Starczewski
1643-1655 Wojciech Tolibowski Titular Bishop of Sebaste in Cilicia
1655-1664 Zygmunt Czyżowski Titular Bishop of Lacedaemonia
1664-1690 Stanisław Całowański
1691-1698 Ludwik Tolibowski
1696-1709 Marcin Załuski Titular Bishop of Rosmen (Russia)
1710-1719 Paweł Antoni Załuski Titular Bishop of Alba
1732-1765 Marcin Załuski II. Titular Bishop of Draso
1764-1779 Kazimierz Rokitnicki Titular Bishop of Alalis
1773-1775 Michal Jerzy Poniatowski Titular Bishop of Cydonia Coadjutor Bishop
1778-1799 Antoni Narzymski Titular Bishop of Euroea in Phenicia / Evaria
1779-1782 Michał Żurawski
1782-1791 Józef Wojciech Gadomski Titular Bishop of Benda
1791-1814 Michał Maurycy Mdzewski Titular Bishop of Dercos
1805-1822 Antoni Luboradzki Titular Bishop of Tanis
1823-1838 Konstanty Wincenty Plejewski Titular Bishop of Legio
1828 Lorenzo Gutkowski Titular Bishop of Gerasa
1842-1856 Antoni Melchior Fijałkowski Titular Bishop of Hermopolis Maior
1872-1883 Aleksander Kazimierz Gintowt-Dziewałtowski Titular Bishop of Helenopolis in Bithynia
1908-1913 Stefan Denisiewicz Titular Bishop of Claudiopolis in Isauria
1918-1925 Adolf Szelążek Titular Bishop of Barca
1928-1941 Leon Wetmański Titular Bishop of Camachus
1950-1970 Piotr Dudziec Titular Bishop of Camuliana
1961-1991 Jan Wosiński Titular Bishop of Abaradira
1985-2017 Roman Marcinkowski Titular Bishop of Bulla Regia
1986-1992 Andrzej Suski Titular Bishop of Pulcheriopolis
since 2016 Miroslaw Milewski Titular Bishop of Villa Nova

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