List of flowering plants endemic to the Galápagos Islands

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The list of endemic to the Galápagos Islands angiosperms contains all taxa of angiosperms only on the Galapagos Islands happen there so endemic are. These are 227 of the approximately 1300 native taxa. In addition, there are the five taxa Acacia rorudiana , Cranichis werffii , Euphorbia equisetiformis , Scutia spicata var. Pauciflora and Sesuvium edmondstonii , for which it is not clear whether they are endemic to the Galapagos Islands.

For almost all taxa, according to the criteria of the Red List of Endangered Species of the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN), information on the degree of endangerment is available. The two species Delilia inelegans and Sicyos villosus , first described by Joseph Dalton Hooker in 1847, are considered to be extinct . They are only known from the type specimen collected by Charles Darwin in 1835 . The third extinct species is blood aparon rigidum . 25 taxa are directly threatened with extinction.

family Taxon IUCN status
Malvaceae Abutilon depauperatum not endangered not endangered
Euphorbiaceae Acalypha abingdonii endangered endangered
Euphorbiaceae Acalypha baurii endangered endangered
Euphorbiaceae Acalypha parvula not endangered not endangered
Euphorbiaceae Acalypha wigginsii threatened with extinction threatened with extinction
Asteraceae Acmella darwinii endangered endangered
Amaranthaceae Alternanthera filifolia subsp. filifolia not endangered not endangered
Amaranthaceae Alternanthera filifolia subsp. glauca endangered endangered
Amaranthaceae Alternanthera filifolia subsp. glaucescens endangered endangered
Amaranthaceae Alternanthera filifolia subsp. microcephala endangered endangered
Amaranthaceae Alternanthera filifolia subsp. nudicaulis endangered endangered
Amaranthaceae Alternanthera filifolia subsp. pintensis endangered endangered
Amaranthaceae Alternanthera filifolia subsp. rabidensis endangered endangered
Amaranthaceae Alternanthera flavicoma endangered endangered
Amaranthaceae Alternanthera galapagensis endangered endangered
Amaranthaceae Alternanthera helleri endangered endangered
Amaranthaceae Alternanthera nesiotes endangered endangered
Amaranthaceae Alternanthera snodgrassii endangered endangered
Amaranthaceae Amaranthus anderssonii not endangered not endangered
Amaranthaceae Amaranthus furcatus endangered endangered
Amaranthaceae Amaranthus sclerantoides not endangered not endangered
Poaceae Aristida divulsa low risk low risk
Poaceae Aristida repens not endangered not endangered
Poaceae Aristida subspicata not endangered not endangered
Poaceae Aristida villosa low risk low risk
Asteraceae Baccharis steetzii endangered endangered
Amaranthaceae Blood aparon rigidum extinct extinct
Rubiaceae Borreria dispersa endangered endangered
Rubiaceae Borreria ericaefolia insufficient data insufficient data
Rubiaceae Borreria linearifolia endangered endangered
Rubiaceae Borreria perpusilla threatened with extinction threatened with extinction
Rubiaceae Borreria rotundifolia threatened with extinction threatened with extinction
Rubiaceae Borreria suberecta insufficient data insufficient data
Cactaceae Brachycereus nesioticus not endangered not endangered
Burseraceae Bursera malacophylla endangered endangered
Portulacaceae Calandrinia galapagosa threatened with extinction threatened with extinction
Solanaceae Capsicum galapagoense endangered endangered
Sapindaceae Cardiospermum galapageium endangered endangered
Simaroubaceae Castela Galapageia not endangered not endangered
Poaceae Cenchrus platyacanthus not endangered not endangered
Euphorbiaceae Chamaesyce abdita endangered endangered
Euphorbiaceae Chamaesyce amplexicaulis not endangered not endangered
Euphorbiaceae Chamaesyce galapageia insufficient data insufficient data
Euphorbiaceae Chamaesyce nummularia var. Glabra endangered endangered
Euphorbiaceae Chamaesyce nummularia var. Nummularia endangered endangered
Euphorbiaceae Chamaesyce punctulata not endangered not endangered
Euphorbiaceae Chamaesyce recurva not endangered not endangered
Euphorbiaceae Chamaesyce viminea not endangered not endangered
Asteraceae Chrysanthellum fagerlindii insufficient data insufficient data
Asteraceae Chrysanthellum pusillum not endangered not endangered
Verbenaceae Clerodendrum molle var. Glabrescens endangered endangered
Boraginaceae Cordia anderssonii insufficient data insufficient data
Boraginaceae Cordia leucophlyctis insufficient data insufficient data
Boraginaceae Cordia revoluta low risk low risk
Boraginaceae Cordia scouleri insufficient data insufficient data
Orchidaceae Cranichis lichenophila endangered endangered
Euphorbiaceae Croton scouleri var. Brevifolius insufficient data insufficient data
Euphorbiaceae Croton scouleri var. Darwinii insufficient data insufficient data
Euphorbiaceae Croton scouleri var. Grandifolius insufficient data insufficient data
Euphorbiaceae Croton scouleri var. Scouleri not endangered not endangered
Convolvulaceae Cuscuta acuta not endangered not endangered
Convolvulaceae Cuscuta gymnocarpa not endangered not endangered
Orchidaceae Cyclopogon werffii threatened with extinction threatened with extinction
Cyperaceae Cyperus anderssonii not endangered not endangered
Cyperaceae Cyperus elegans subsp. rubiginosus low risk low risk
Cyperaceae Cyperus grandifolius threatened with extinction threatened with extinction
Fabaceae Dalea tenuicaulis low risk low risk
Asteraceae Darwiniothamnus alternifolius threatened with extinction threatened with extinction
Asteraceae Darwiniothamnus lancifolius subsp. glabriusculus endangered endangered
Asteraceae Darwiniothamnus lancifolius subsp. glandulosus low risk low risk
Asteraceae Darwiniothamnus lancifolius subsp. lancifolius insufficient data insufficient data
Asteraceae Darwiniothamnus tenuifolius var. Santacruzianus endangered endangered
Asteraceae Darwiniothamnus tenuifolius var. Tenuifolius
Asteraceae Delilia inelegans extinct extinct
Asteraceae Delilia repens endangered endangered
Sapindaceae Dodonaea viscosa var. Galapagensis low risk low risk
Caryophyllaceae Drymaria monticola threatened with extinction threatened with extinction
Asteraceae Encelia hispida endangered endangered
Orchidaceae Epidendrum spicatum endangered endangered
Solanaceae Exodeconus miersii not endangered not endangered
Amaranthaceae Froelichia juncea subsp. alata endangered endangered
Amaranthaceae Froelichia juncea subsp. juncea endangered endangered
Amaranthaceae Froelichia nudicaulis subsp. curta endangered endangered
Amaranthaceae Froelichia nudicaulis subsp. lanigera endangered endangered
Amaranthaceae Froelichia nudicaulis subsp. nudicaulis endangered endangered
Malvaceae Fuertesimalva insularis endangered endangered
Rubiaceae Galium galapagoense endangered endangered
Scrophulariaceae Galvezia leucantha subsp. leucantha endangered endangered
Scrophulariaceae Galvezia leucantha subsp. porphyrantha threatened with extinction threatened with extinction
Scrophulariaceae Galvezia leucantha subsp. pubescens threatened with extinction threatened with extinction
Malvaceae Gossypium darwinii not endangered not endangered
Malvaceae Gossypium klotzschianum low risk low risk
Boraginaceae Heliotropium anderssonii endangered endangered
Apiaceae Hydrocotyle galapagensis endangered endangered
Lamiaceae Hyptis gymnocaulos threatened with extinction threatened with extinction
Solanaceae Iochroma ellipticum endangered endangered
Convolvulaceae Ipomoea habeliana not endangered not endangered
Convolvulaceae Ipomoea linearifolia not endangered not endangered
Convolvulaceae Ipomoea tubiflora endangered endangered
Asteraceae Jaegeria gracilis not endangered not endangered
Solanaceae Yaltomata werffii endangered endangered
Cactaceae Jasminocereus thouarsii var. Delicatus endangered endangered
Cactaceae Jasminocereus thouarsii var. Sclerocarpus endangered endangered
Cactaceae Jasminocereus thouarsii var. Thouarsii endangered endangered
Acanthaceae Justicia galapagana low risk low risk
Zygophyllaceae Kallstroemia adscendens not endangered not endangered
Verbenaceae Lantana peduncularis not endangered not endangered
Asteraceae Lecocarpus darwinii endangered endangered
Asteraceae Lecocarpus lecocarpoides endangered endangered
Asteraceae Lecocarpus leptolobus threatened with extinction threatened with extinction
Asteraceae Lecocarpus pinnatifidus threatened with extinction threatened with extinction
Linaceae Linum cratericola threatened with extinction threatened with extinction
Linaceae Linum harlingii endangered endangered
Verbenaceae Lippia rosmarinifolia var. Latifolia threatened with extinction threatened with extinction
Verbenaceae Lippia rosmarinifolia var. Rosmarinifolia endangered endangered
Verbenaceae Lippia rosmarinifolia var. Stewartii endangered endangered
Verbenaceae Lippia salicifolia threatened with extinction threatened with extinction
Amaranthaceae Lithophila radicata endangered endangered
Amaranthaceae Lithophila subscaposa threatened with extinction threatened with extinction
Solanaceae Lycium minimum not endangered not endangered
Asteraceae Macraea laricifolia not endangered not endangered
Melastomataceae Miconia robinsoniana endangered endangered
Molluginaceae Mollugo crockeri endangered endangered
Molluginaceae Mollugo flavescens subsp. flavescens low risk low risk
Molluginaceae Mollugo flavescens subsp. gracillima not endangered not endangered
Molluginaceae Mollugo flavescens subsp. insularis endangered endangered
Molluginaceae Mollugo flavescens subsp. striata endangered endangered
Molluginaceae Mollugo floriana subsp. floriana endangered endangered
Molluginaceae Mollugo floriana subsp. gypsophiloides endangered endangered
Molluginaceae Mollugo floriana subsp. santacruziana endangered endangered
Molluginaceae Mollugo snodgrassii endangered endangered
Solanaceae Nolana galapagensis endangered endangered
Cactaceae Opuntia echios var. Barringtonensis endangered endangered
Cactaceae Opuntia echios var. Echios endangered endangered
Cactaceae Opuntia echios var. Gigantea endangered endangered
Cactaceae Opuntia echios var. Inermis endangered endangered
Cactaceae Opuntia echios var. Zacana endangered endangered
Cactaceae Opuntia galapageia var. Galapageia endangered endangered
Cactaceae Opuntia galapageia var. Macrocarpa endangered endangered
Cactaceae Opuntia galapageia var. Profusa endangered endangered
Cactaceae Opuntia helleri endangered endangered
Cactaceae Opuntia insularis endangered endangered
Cactaceae Opuntia megasperma var. Megasperma endangered endangered
Cactaceae Opuntia megasperma var. Mesophytica threatened with extinction threatened with extinction
Cactaceae Opuntia megasperma var. Orientalis endangered endangered
Cactaceae Opuntia saxicola threatened with extinction threatened with extinction
Poaceae Paspalum galapageium var. Galapageium not endangered not endangered
Poaceae Paspalum galapageium var. Minoratum not endangered not endangered
Poaceae Paspalum redundans endangered endangered
Passifloraceae Passiflora colinvauxii endangered endangered
Passifloraceae Passiflora foetida var. Galapagensis not endangered not endangered
Passifloraceae Passiflora tridactylites endangered endangered
Asteraceae Pectis subsquar pink not endangered not endangered
Asteraceae Pectis tenuifolia not endangered not endangered
Poaceae Pennisetum pauperum endangered endangered
Piperaceae Peperomia galapagensis var. Galapagensis not endangered not endangered
Piperaceae Peperomia galapagensis var. Ramulosa not endangered not endangered
Piperaceae Peperomia obtusilimba not endangered not endangered
Piperaceae Peperomia petiolata not endangered not endangered
Ericaceae Pernettya howellii endangered endangered
Fabaceae Phaseolus mollis low risk low risk
Viscaceae Phoradendron henslovii not endangered not endangered
Solanaceae Physalis galapagoensis not endangered not endangered
Urticaceae Pilea baurii not endangered not endangered
Nyctaginaceae Pisonia floribunda not endangered not endangered
Plantaginaceae Plantago galapagensis endangered endangered
Amaranthaceae Pleuropetalum darwinii endangered endangered
Polygalaceae Polygala anderssonii low risk low risk
Polygalaceae Polygala galapageia var. Galapageia not endangered not endangered
Polygalaceae Polygala galapageia var. Insularis endangered endangered
Polygalaceae Polygala Sancti-georgii var. Oblanceolata insufficient data insufficient data
Polygalaceae Polygala sancti-georgii var. Sancti-georgii endangered endangered
Polygonaceae Polygonum galapagense endangered endangered
Portulacaceae Portulaca howellii not endangered not endangered
Myrtaceae Psidium galapageium var. Galapageium endangered endangered
Myrtaceae Psidium galapageium var. Howellii endangered endangered
Rubiaceae Psychotria angustata threatened with extinction threatened with extinction
Rubiaceae Psychotria rufipes endangered endangered
Bromeliaceae Racinaea insularis not endangered not endangered
Cucurbitaceae Rytidostylis Carthaginensis var. Cordatum endangered endangered
Lamiaceae Salvia prostrata endangered endangered
Lamiaceae Salvia pseudoserotina endangered endangered
Asclepiadaceae Sarcostemma angustissimum not endangered not endangered
Asteraceae Scalesia affinis subsp. affinis
Asteraceae Scalesia affinis subsp. brachyloba
Asteraceae Scalesia affinis subsp. gummifera
Asteraceae Scalesia aspera endangered endangered
Asteraceae Scalesia atractyloides var. Atractyloides threatened with extinction threatened with extinction
Asteraceae Scalesia atractyloides var. Darwinii threatened with extinction threatened with extinction
Asteraceae Scalesia baurii subsp. baurii endangered endangered
Asteraceae Scalesia baurii subsp. hopkinsii endangered endangered
Asteraceae Scalesia cordata endangered endangered
Asteraceae Scalesia crockeri endangered endangered
Asteraceae Scalesia divisa endangered endangered
Asteraceae Scalesia gordilloi threatened with extinction threatened with extinction
Asteraceae Scalesia helleri subsp. helleri endangered endangered
Asteraceae Scalesia helleri subsp. santacruziana endangered endangered
Asteraceae Scalesia incisa endangered endangered
Asteraceae Scalesia microcephala endangered endangered
Asteraceae Scalesia microcephala var. Cordifolia endangered endangered
Asteraceae Scalesia microcephala var. Microcephala endangered endangered
Asteraceae Scalesia pedunculata var. Parviflora
Asteraceae Scalesia pedunculata var. Pedunculata
Asteraceae Scalesia retroflexa threatened with extinction threatened with extinction
Asteraceae Scalesia stewartii endangered endangered
Asteraceae Scalesia villosa endangered endangered
Cucurbitaceae Sicyocaulis pentagonus threatened with extinction threatened with extinction
Cucurbitaceae Sicyos villosus extinct extinct
Iridaceae Sisyrinchium galapagense endangered endangered
Solanaceae Solanum cheesmaniae f. cheesmaniae not endangered not endangered
Solanaceae Solanum cheesmaniae f. minor not endangered not endangered
Boraginaceae Tiquilia darwinii not endangered not endangered
Boraginaceae Tiquilia fusca not endangered not endangered
Boraginaceae Tiquilia galapagoa not endangered not endangered
Boraginaceae Tiquilia nesiotica endangered endangered
Boraginaceae Tournefortia pubescens not endangered not endangered
Boraginaceae Tournefortia rufo-sericea endangered endangered
Poaceae Trichoneura lindleyana var. Albemarlensis not endangered not endangered
Poaceae Trichoneura lindleyana var. Lindleyana not endangered not endangered
Poaceae Trisetum howellii endangered endangered
Poaceae Urochloa multiculma not endangered not endangered
Apocynaceae Vallesia glabra var. Pubescens not endangered not endangered
Verbenaceae Verbena grisea endangered endangered
Verbenaceae Verbena sedula var. Darwinii insufficient data insufficient data
Verbenaceae Verbena sedula var. Fournieri insufficient data insufficient data
Verbenaceae Verbena sedula var. Sedula insufficient data insufficient data
Verbenaceae Verbena townsendii insufficient data insufficient data
Jasminocereus thouarsii is endangered.


  • P. Jaramillo Díaz, A. Guézou, A. Mauchamp, A. Tye: CDF Checklist of Galapagos Flowering Plants - FCD Lista de especies de Plantas con flores de Galápagos . In: F. Bungartz, H. Herrera, P. Jaramillo, N. Tirado, G. Jiménez-Uzcátegui, D. Ruiz, A. Guézou, F. Ziemmeck (eds.): Charles Darwin Foundation Galapagos Species Checklist - Lista de Especies de Galápagos de la Fundación Charles Darwin. Charles Darwin Foundation . Fundación Charles Darwin, Puerto Ayora, Galapagos 2011 ( PDF ).
  • Alan Tye: Revision of the threat status of the endemic flora of Galapagos . Galapagos Report, Volume 6, Fundación Natura, Quito 2002.
  • Alan Tye, Javier Francisco-Ortega: Origin and evolution of Galapagos endemic vascular plants . In: David Bramwell, July Caujapé-Castells (Ed.): The Biology of Island Floras . Cambridge University Press, 2011, ISBN 978-0-521-11808-8 , pp. 89-153.


  1. The status listed here does not have to match that in The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species , as it was taken from the Galapagos Species Checklist .

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