List of protected parts of the landscape in Burgenland

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Protected part of the landscape is one of the protection categories of the Burgenland Nature Conservation and Landscape Management Act (NG 1990) . The category includes small-scale, naturally preserved parts of the landscape or cultural landscapes such as historical gardens and parks .

Legal basis

The legal basis for being placed under protection as a protected part of the landscape is set out in Section 24 of the Burgenland Nature Conservation and Landscape Management Act (law of November 1990 on the protection and maintenance of nature and landscape in Burgenland). As a prerequisite for being placed under protection, the parts of the landscape or cultural landscapes to be protected must particularly characterize the landscape and townscape, contribute to the revitalization or structure of the landscape and townscape or be significant for the recreation of the population. The state government provides protection by ordinance. All measures that could endanger the objectives pursued with the protection are subject to approval by the district administrative authority. The measures to be approved must neither adversely affect the structure of nature's household in the affected habitat nor the character of the affected landscape. Except from these restrictions, however, a permit can be granted provided that the public interest in the requested measures from the point of view of the common good is valued higher than the public interest in protecting nature and the landscape from disruptive interference. Public interests are in particular those of national defense, environmental protection, national economy and tourism, land reform and agriculture, schooling, regional spatial planning, transport, public safety, supplying the population with food or energy, and health , science and research, monument protection, overall water management planning and mining.

Protected parts of the landscape

photo   Surname ID

district Location description

surface date
1Lahnbach German Kaltenbrunn Upload file Lahnbach German Kaltenbrunn 10391039 Jennersdorf German Kaltenbrunn
The protected part of the Lahnbach Deutschkaltenbrunn landscape encompasses the upper reaches of the Lahnbach with accompanying woodland over a length of more than 5 km. 31 ha May 16, 1979

Web links

Commons : Protected parts of the landscape in Burgenland  - collection of images, videos and audio files