List of protected parts of the landscape in the Tamsweg district

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The list of protected parts of the landscape in the Tamsweg district contains the protected parts of the landscape in the Tamsweg district ( Land Salzburg ). The district is home to a total of 10 protected parts of the landscape, with three protected areas in the municipality of Weißpriach . In addition, the communities of Mariapfarr , Sankt Michael im Lungau and Tamsweg each have a share in two protected areas. The protected parts of the landscape mainly include stretches of water and bog areas as well as a monastery garden and a natural forest reserve.

Protected parts of the landscape

photo   Surname ID Location description

surface date
1Althofener moss
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Althofener moss GLT00002GLT00002 Mariapfarr
KG:  Mariapfarr or Pichl
GrStNr: 2206; 2207; 2209; 2213–2216
The Althofener Moos in the Lungau Taurach Valley is located near the confluence of the Lonka and the Taurach. The Altenhofer Moos is of great importance as a breeding and food biotope for numerous rare birds, and it also serves as a development area for insects, amphibians and reptiles. 12.3 ha 03/01/1980
1Lonka meander part south
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Lonka meander part south GLT00090GLT00090 Mariapfarr , Weißpriach
KG:  Mariapfarr, Weisspriach
GrStNr: 16/1; 206; 207; 1624/5 ff
The Lonka (also Weißpriachbach) flows through the area between Bruggarn and Hinterweißpriach in extensive meander loops, whereby the meander formation was favored by the fine sand-silt subsoil and the low gradient. In addition to the Lonka itself, the adjacent floodplain areas are also protected. 34.86 ha 05/08/1991
1Saumoos near Oberbayrdorf Upload file Saumoos near Oberbayrdorf GLT00009GLT00009 Sankt Margarethen im Lungau , Sankt Michael im Lungau
KG:  St. Margarethen or St. Michael
GrStNr: 1104/1; 706/1
The Saumoos is a mountain pine raised bog on the southern edge of the Lungau Murtal. While the eastern part is heavily affected by peat extraction and is much more tree-lined than the western part, mountain pine bushes occur in the western part. 43.78 ha July 16, 1980
0BW Upload file Mur meander GLT00060GLT00060 Sankt Michael im Lungau
KG:  Unterweißburg
GrStNr: 408/1
The river Mur was designated as a protected part of the landscape in the municipality of St. Michael im Lungau in order to preserve the character of the landscape and the communities. The river has rambling meanders between the village of Unterweißburg (Lattendorf) and the municipal boundary of Muhr (Schellgaden), with a 20 m strip along the two river banks being protected. 20.32 hectares 05/20/1987
1Old monastery garden
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Old monastery garden GLT00076GLT00076 Tamsweg
GrStNr: 4; .262
The old monastery garden in the former Tamsweg Capuchin monastery represents an important eco-cell in the built-up area of ​​Tamsweg, which has the character of the undergrowth of a meadow orchard. The monastery garden offers birds in particular an important habitat and, in addition to small climatic advantages, also offers a local recreation area for the population. 0.43 ha 11/15/1989
0BW Upload file Langmoos GLT00115GLT00115 Tamsweg
KG:  Sauerfeld
GrStNr: 893/4, 985 (tw)
The Langmoos consists of a high spruce bog with larger groups of spruce trees and a beak-sedge swamp. There is also an unwooded raised bog, a mountain pine raised bog and transitional bog and low bog areas. 33.53 ha 06/17/2002
0BW Upload file Ullnwald natural forest reserve GLT00098GLT00098 Tweng
KG:  Tweng
The Ullnwald natural forest reserve is home to a sub-alpine larch-spruce forest with stone pines as well as numerous animal species such as red deer, deer and chamois, hare, red fox, mountain lizard and adder. The protection was placed to preserve the characteristic natural landscape, the communities of plants and animals as well as the special landscape character. The area is also of natural scientific importance. 7.86 hectares 11/17/1993
1Mooshamer moss
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Mooshamer moss GLT00072GLT00072 Unterberg
KG:  Voidersdorf
The Mooshamer Moos is located south of the Murtal main road below the Moosham Castle. It is made up of a 70 cm high pine felt and a former peat cut that houses turf-like cotton grass. The rest of the area has different degrees of forest cover. The protection was placed to preserve special communities, whereby the protected area is home to numerous rare and protected plants. 26.69 ha December 21, 1988
1Lonka at the Lahntörl
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Lonka at the Lahntörl GLT00037GLT00037 Weißpriach
KG:  Weißpriach
GrStNr: 1136/1
The course of the Weißpriach brook, also known as "Lonka", is designated as a protected part of the landscape from the Lahn bridge around 400 m upstream and 500 m downstream. It was protected because of its importance for the recovery of the effect on the large-scale landscape. In this area, the brook meanders in a bed of fine sand through pastures that are bordered by mountain forests before it turns into a wild brook after the bridge at the Lahntörl. 1.59 ha 09/19/1984
1Lonka meander part north
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Lonka meander part north GLT00099GLT00099 Weißpriach
KG:  Weisspriach
GrStNr: 616; 625; 626; 628/1; 676; 636; 634/2; 536; 639; 124; 125/1; 123; 126/1 ff.
The protected area Lonka Meander Part North includes the Lonka and the adjacent flood areas in the northern area of ​​the municipality of Weißpriach. 20.74 ha 05/06/1994

Web links

Commons : Protected parts of the landscape in the Tamsweg district  - collection of images, videos and audio files