List of natural forest reserves in the state of Salzburg

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In the state of Salzburg there are currently 12  natural forest reserves with a total area of ​​2.5  km² . The natural forest reserves only make up about 0.035% of the land area of Salzburg .

The natural forest reserves in Salzburg's nature conservation law

Natural forest reserves are an international network of areas that contribute to the conservation and natural development of biological diversity and are used for research, teaching and education. There is no influence on the natural development, they are predominantly planted with completely or largely original (or near-natural) forest. Natural forest reserves are organized as contractual nature conservation at the federal level, mostly in the form of 20-year contracts between the Republic of Austria and the forest owner. The concrete measures follow on the part of the contractual provisions by the owner, who renounces use and provides services such as ongoing control, and receives standardized remuneration payments for this. Scientific monitoring is carried out by the Federal Research and Training Center for Forests, Natural Hazards and Landscape  (BFW) on behalf of the Ministry of Environment .

From 1983 there were 5 reserves in Salzburg. They have been organized as a nationwide network since 1985 on the initiative of the Salzburg State Parliament. Under state law, they are usually designated as a protected part of the landscape , a moderately strong protection class, some of the areas are classified in stricter protection classes. At the state level, the state's nature conservation service is responsible for care.

Eight of the areas are in the European Network of Biogenetic Reserves , two in the context of the Hohe Tauern National Park are also European bird sanctuaries (Special Protected Area, SPA / BSG) in the Natura 2000 network.

In comparison with Austria, Salzburg has very few natural forest cells, Lower Austria has 8 times as many protected areas, and Tyrol has 10 times as many areas. To this end, it is the only federal state to have set up a nationwide network of natural forest reserves.

List of natural forest reserves in the state of Salzburg


  • No. ... serial number of the area
  • Name of the area (crossed out: former natural forest reserves)
  • Bez. ... Political districts in which the area is located or which have a share
  • Gem./Location ... Municipalities in which the area is located or which have a share, geo-coordinates of the area center
  • Fl. ... area in hectares (crossed out: areas of former natural forest reserves)
  • since ... date of expulsion
  • Property ... owner of the area, contracting party of the republic
  • fW / altitude ... forest growth area , (fW) altitude
  • Note ... other protection (sort.) And forest types, other


No. Surname Bez. Gem. / Location Ha since Property fW / height Notes (sort.)
1 Rainberg Salzburg
Erioll world.svg
6.2   1986 City of Salzburg Alpine foothills
GLT ( 00053 / Sbg: 19 ), partly Biogen.Res. (3.3 ha); in LSG  Mönchsberg-Rainberg (83.84 ha, 00042 ); adjacent GLT  Felsensteppe am Rainberg ( 00052 / Sbg: 20 );
collinous mixed deciduous forest
2 Gaisberg Salzburg
Erioll world.svg
17.4   1988 ÖBF
0Rim Alps 980–1220
Biogen.Res. and GLT ( 00068 / Sbg: 26 ); in the Protected Green Belt (REK) ;
montane spruce-fir-beech forest , pine forest on special locations (recently felling due to bark beetle infestation)
3 Mitterkaser Pinzgau
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approx.  90 0   1987? Bayr. Saalforste
Rim Alps 1460–1860
Biogen.Res.  ; in NDM ( 00133 , total 425.5 ha, NWR without wasteland); ;
Subalpine spruce-larch-stone pine forest , pine fields
4th Bumping Pinzgau
Erioll world.svg
78 0   1987 State of Salzburg
0Rim Alps 700–1400
Biogen.Res. and GLT ( 00063 , both 71.5 ha)
various forest associations alluvial forest / mountain forest
5 Rosswald Pinzgau
Erioll world.svg
0   1988 Private Between the Alps
Biogen.Res. (4.08 ha) and GLT ( 00065 , 4.17 ha)
subalpine spruce forest
6th Deciduous forest near Kesselfall Pinzgau
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approx  45 0   1988? (NDM 1933) Private Inner Alps
approx. 1000–1800
in Biogen.Res. Hardwood stand at - and NDM hardwood stand next to Kesselfall  ( 00023 , both 79.3 ha); not far from the NP core zone Hohe Tauern
inner-alpine mixed deciduous forest
7th Biederer Alps forest Tennengau (
Erioll world.svg
28.2   1989 ÖBF Rim Alps
Biogen.Res. and GLT ( 00078 ); in ESG and NSG  Kalkhochalpen ( AT3211012 / ESG00009 / NSG00012 )
carbonate plateau forest with spruce-pine larch ( flop )
8th Prossauwald Pongau
Erioll world.svg
45 0   1990 ÖBF Inner
Alps 1350–1850
Biogen.Res. (34.1 ha) and GLT  Prossauwald in Gastein ( 00080 , 43.1 ha); in ESG and NPK core zone Hohe Tauern ( ESG AT3210001 / NP00001 )
montane spruce-fir forest to subalpine larch pine forest with pine and mountain pine
9 Vorderweisstürchlwald Pinzgau
Erioll world.svg
4.9   1992 Private Inner
Alps 1670–1890
NDM ( 00241 , 6.4 ha, protective forest without avalanches / wasteland); in ESG and NPK core zone Hohe Tauern ( ESG AT3210001 / NP00001 )
silicate larch spruce forest (subalpine) with Swiss stone pine
10 Ullnwald Lungau
Erioll world.svg
7th 0   1993 ÖBF Interior Alps
GLT ( 00098 , 7.9 ha);
Silicate larch spruce forest (subalpine) with Swiss stone pine
11 Saalach oxbow lake Flachgau
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2.5   1995 Private Alpine foothills
GLT  Saalach-Altarm u. border. Wet meadows ( 00040 , 10.4 ha, core area is NWR);
White willow riparian forest
12 Hutterwald Pinzgau
Erioll world.svg
18.8   1998 Private Inner Alps
approx. 1600–1700
GLT ( 00109 , 29.8 ha);
subalpine and high montane spruce forest , alpine rose-larch forest
- Blühnbachtal, Wasserkar Pongau
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30th 0 ? ÖBF
Rim Alps 1350-1800
in ESG and NSG  Kalkhochalpen ( AT3211012 / ESG00009 / NSG00012 ), adopted in its management plan;
Larch - to limestone slope rubble - spruce forest
- Hardwood in the Stubach Valley Pinzgau
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8.1 ? ÖBF Inner
Alps 840–1100
ex lege (habitat protection § 24 NSchG)
Ash and sycamore ravine forest with sycamore elm
- Wiegenwald Pinzgau
40 0 ? ÖBF Inner
Alps 1400–1900
in ESG and NPK buffer zone Hohe Tauern ( ESG AT3210001 / NP00001 ), adopted in its management plan;
subalpine silicate spruce forest , larch forest , pine bushes
- Poschalm, Obersulzbachtal Pinzgau
Neukirchen am Großvenediger
Erioll world.svg
12.8   1983-84 ÖBF Inner
Alps 1550–1900
in ESG and NPK core zone Hohe Tauern ( ESG AT3210001 / NP00001 ), adopted in its management plan;
subalpine silicate spruce forest to stone pine forest
- Wandl-Rauris Pinzgau
Erioll world.svg
13.1 until 1992 ? Inner
Alps 1150–1490
now special protection area (SSG00002) of the NPK and ESG  Hohe Tauern ( ESG AT3210001 / NP00001 ), incorporated into its management plan;

Source and status: State of Salzburg / SAGIS, 2013
(fW) Forest growth areas in Salzburg (south to north):
(1.3) Subcontinental Inner Alps - Eastern part
(2.2) North. Intermediate Alps - Eastern part
(4.1) North. Rim Alps - western part
(7.1) Northern foothills of the Alps - western part
(Sort.) Sortable according to international, national and other protection

See also


  • Hermann Hinterstoisser: Natural forest reserves in the state of Salzburg . In: Hannes Mayer (Ed.): Proceedings IUFRO-Gruppe Urwald , Gmunden 1997, pp. 12-20.
  • Hermann Hinterstoisser: Natural forest reserves in Salzburg . In: Österreichische Forstzeitung No. 7/1990, pp. 20–22.
  • Hermann Hinterstoisser: Natural forest reserves in Salzburg . In: Wienerwaldkonferenz (Ed.): Naturwaldreservate , Purkersdorf 1994, pp. 37–49.

Web links

  • Natural forest reserves. In:> Environment / Nature / Water> Nature Conservation> International Nature Conservation. State of Salzburg, State Press Office / Nature Conservation Department, accessed in 2013 .

Individual evidence

  1. Homepage of the Natural Forest Reserves program , Federal Research and Training Center for Forests, Natural Hazards and Landscape (
    Natural Forest Reserves ,
    Natural Forest Reserves ,
    Natural Forest Reserves
    in Austria ,
  2. ^ Kurt Zukrigl: Natural forest reserves in Austria. In: ÖKO.L magazine for ecology, nature and environmental protection. 5/2, 1983, Table 1 Natural forest reserves in Austria , p. 23 (full article, p. 20–27, PDF on ZOBODAT ).
  3. see Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management (ed.): Natural forest reserves in Austria. Treasures of nature. Brochure, Vienna o. D., graphic natural forest reserves per federal state - May 2010 , p. 16 ( pdf  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove it this note. , 2Template: Toter Link /  
  4. Salzburg is the only federal state with a network of natural forest reserves . In: Land Salzburg: NaturLand Salzburg , Naturschutz-Informationsschrift, Volume 18, Issue 3/2011, pp. 4–5 ( pdf  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the Link according to instructions and then remove this note. , 2Template: Toter Link /  
  5. mostly that of the national reserve, not of the natural forest cell itself
  6. Protected landscape part 00053 Rainberg natural forest reserve , Salzburg nature
    protection book Protected landscape parts : Rainberg natural forest reserve ,
  7. Official Journal 23/1986
  8. Protected landscape section 00063 Gaisberg natural forest reserve , Salzburg Nature Conservation Book Protected landscape sections
    : Gaisberg natural forest reserve ,
  9. Official Journal 8/1988
  10. REK 2007 declaration 'Geschützes Grünland' , plan number: 2.05 Green belt for the Salzburg metropolitan area - area of ​​the city (pdf; 2.0 MB), both Salzburg urban planning
  11. forestry Legal decision of 13.7.2009
  12. Natural monument 00133 Mitterkaser natural forest reserve , Salzburg nature conservation book
  13. ^ NDM notification of May 10, 1976; Number 7.22-3638 / 6-1975; Bioge.Res. since 1991
  14. also Stoissen ; Protected part of the landscape 00063 Stoissen natural forest reserve , Salzburg nature reserve
  15. ^ GLT: Ordinance of September 25, 1987; SLZ 30/87 from November 17, 1987
  16. also Roßwald ; Protected part of the landscape 00065 Roßwald natural forest reserve , Salzburg nature reserve
  17. Ordinance of January 15, 1988, Zl. 4-96.525 / 7-1987
  18. Natural monument 00023 Mitterkaser natural forest reserve , Salzburg nature conservation book
  19. ^ Notice of February 23, 1933, number 333-III-1933
  20. Protected part of the landscape 00078 Biederer Alpswald natural forest reserve , Salzburg nature conservation book
  21. Ordinance of December 6, 1989
  22. Protected part of the landscape 00080 Prossauwald natural forest reserve , Salzburg nature conservation book
  23. Ordinance of February 8, 1990, Rl. 79/409
  24. also Vorderweißtürchelwald ; Natural monument 0000241 Vorderweisstürchlwald natural forest reserve , Salzburg nature conservation book
  25. ^ Decision of April 6, 1992; Number 4 / 253-551 / 4-1992
  26. ^ Agricultural community Rauris forest community
  27. Protected part of the landscape 00098 Ullnwald natural forest reserve , Salzburg nature reserve book
  28. Ordinance of October 28, 1993
  29. Protected part of the landscape 00040 Saalach-Altarm natural forest reserve , Salzburg nature reserve book
  30. a b alluvial forest on GP 154/1; Ordinance of 25 January 1995
  31. Protected part of the landscape 00109 Hutterwald nature forest reserve , Salzburg nature protection book
  32. promulgation 4 / 253-2611 / 2-98 of 23 February 1998, Regulation SLZ no. 21 of 28 July 1998
  33. Biotope code 555080231 Lärchenwald im Oberen Wasserkar ( Memento of the original from December 22nd, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , Salzburg biotope mapping
  34. ^ W. Brennsteiner (1987): The deciduous forest in the Stubachtal. In: Institut f. Silviculture, Univ. f. Bodenkultur, Vienna: Remnants of primeval forest, natural forest reserves and natural forests worthy of protection in Austria. Pp. 414-443.
    Ursula Moritz: The breeding bird fauna of the natural forest reserve hardwood in the Stubachtal. A qualitative and quantitative inventory of the montane deciduous forest. In: Salzburger Vogelkundl. Ber. 9, 2000, pp. 20-29 ( pdf ,
    Biotope code 570230018 Ahorn-Eschenwald 1 NO Wiedrechtshausen ( Memento of the original from December 1, 2015 in the Internet Archive )
    Info: The
     @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , Salzburg biotope mapping
  35. ^ Special protection area 00002 Wandl-Rauris , protection area inventory of the state of Salzburg
  36. LGBl. 5/1992
  37. ^ Rauris primeval forest . In: Salzburger Nachrichten : Salzburgwiki .
  38. Lammertal Primeval Forest . In: Salzburger Nachrichten : Salzburgwiki .