Loose-flowered bluegrass

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Loose-flowered bluegrass
Loose-flowered bluegrass (Poa remota)

Loose-flowered bluegrass ( Poa remota )

Order : Sweet grass (Poales)
Family : Sweet grasses (Poaceae)
Subfamily : Pooideae
Genre : Bluegrass ( Poa )
Type : Loose-flowered bluegrass
Scientific name
Poa remota

The distant- flowered bluegrass ( Poa remota ), also called distant- flowered bluegrass or loose-flowered bluegrass , is a plant species from the genus bluegrass ( Poa ) and thus the family of sweet grasses (Poaceae).


The distant bluegrass is a perennial, loose clump-forming grass. The stalks are 50–120 centimeters high, quite thick and strongly compressed at the base. The leaf sheaths are closed almost to the top. The ligule is a 2.5–4 mm long membranous border. The leaf blades are 7–8 millimeters wide, spread out flat, suddenly pointed and hood-shaped at the front. The flower panicle is 20-30 centimeters long, very loose and spread out. The side branches go to 3–5 from the main axis, they are widely protruding and up to 15 centimeters long. The spikelets are 2–4-flowered, 6–7 millimeters long and green, rarely tinged with pale purple. The glumes are three-veined and almost identical to each other. The lemmas are five-nerved and 3–5 millimeters long, lanceolate and glabrous. The palea are two-veined and almost as long as the lemma. The anthers are 1.6 to 2 millimeters long.

The flowering period is June to July.

The chromosome number is 2n = 14.


Poa remota occurs from Europe to the Caucasus and northeast China. The species is absent in Western Europe and reaches the western limit of its distribution in Switzerland. The species rises up to 970 meters in the German Alps and up to 1000 meters above sea level in the Ore Mountains. In Graubünden the species rises to 1760 meters above sea level near Zernez .


The loose-flowered bluegrass thrives in Central Europe in floodplain forests or ravine forests of the montane level on seep-moist, nutrient-rich and base-rich, mild to neutral, humus-rich, loose loam or clay soils. It is a character species of the Alno-Ulmion association.


Poa remota was by Forselles at Acta Inst. Linn. Upsal. 1: t. 1 (1807) first described. Synonyms are: Glyceria remota (Forselles) Fr. , Poa sudetica var. Remota (Forselles) Fr. and Poa asiaeminoris H.Scholz & Byfield .


  • Hans Joachim Conert: Poa remota . In: Gustav Hegi : Illustrated flora of Central Europe . 3rd ed., Volume I, Part 3, pages 684-686. Verlag Paul Parey, Berlin, Hamburg, 1987. ISBN 3-489-52320-2 (description, distribution, ecology)

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Erich Oberdorfer : Plant-sociological excursion flora for Germany and neighboring areas . With the collaboration of Angelika Schwabe and Theo Müller. 8th, heavily revised and expanded edition. Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart (Hohenheim) 2001, ISBN 3-8001-3131-5 , pp.  225 .
  2. Rafaël Govaerts (ed.): Poa remota. In: World Checklist of Selected Plant Families (WCSP) - The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew . Retrieved June 13, 2020.

Web links

Commons : Flowering bluegrass ( Poa remota )  - Collection of images, videos and audio files