Local name

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Local name (field name)
Hüttnersee , Hüttnerseeli, Hüttnerweiher, Swiss German. "Hüttnerseeli"
Local name (place name, settlement name) Oberwil, municipality of Dägerlen

A local name (from Latin localis local, French dénominations locales ) is the name given to a small geographical area ( locality ).

In the German-speaking Switzerland , a local name is the roll designation of an inhabited or uninhabited locality and thus forms an umbrella term for the local and field names . Geographical names of the national surveying and official surveying are officially referred to as local names in the instructions on the collection and spelling of the geographical names of the national surveying and official surveying (instructions 2011) . As names of topographical objects, local names form a separate class of geographical names (which also include names of municipalities , (official / postal) localities , streets and stations). Local names are popular local and field names ( French nom local called), z. T. in the general sense and place names or place names .

Overview of local names

Local names in Switzerland include the names of the following topographical objects (ordinance on geographical names):

  • Settlements (town, village, district, hamlet, individual farms)
Settlement names are also called place names .
Larger settlements / places are colloquially called localities, which, however, must not be confused with official localities in the postal sense.
  • Landscapes (e.g. meadows, forests, areas, valleys, Alps)
  • Bodies of water (e.g. streams, rivers, lakes, ponds, waterfalls, springs)
  • glacier
  • Terrain (e.g. mountains and hills)
  • Cultural objects (e.g. castles, palaces, monasteries, churches, chapels)
  • Public buildings (e.g. school buildings, hospitals, mountain huts)
  • Special objects of traffic connections (e.g. bridges, passes, tunnels, airfields)

Local names as common names with cultural and historical significance

Some local names came about a long time ago. Local names were chosen by the owners to identify their property. The names were used as a guide for other people. Local names and names derived from local names such as B. Street names nowadays name numerous locations and facilitate understanding and orientation (e.g. for rescue services, transport, public facilities, planning, environmental protection, research, etc.). Local names play an important role on maps as the designation of topographical objects . Earlier national maps (with local names at the time) were published on map.geo.admin.ch as “ time travel maps” from 1864 onwards. Geographical names are very important as an important cultural asset. Various local names allow cultural-historical conclusions to be drawn about the way of life at that time and the cultivation of the cultivated land. For example, the local name «Kalchtharen» (today spelled «Chalchtaren» in dialect) refers to the burning and drying of lime. In the case of numerous components of local names, it is possible to indicate their origin. The ortsnames.ch portal makes the results of Swiss place name research available to the public, provides information on the status of name research in Switzerland and grants access to the online name database.

Local names, as basic geographical names, arouse expectation and convey reputation, they are crucial for forming an identity. Names not only indicate the awareness of a linguistic and cultural heritage, you also need them to orient yourself in the modern technical world and to plan and shape the future.


Examples of naming local names.

  • Landforms
    • Soil quality (e.g. Steinacher, Felsen, Rötiboden)
    • Valleys (e.g. Grüental, Eichtal, Neutal)
    • Terrain shape (e.g. Buck, Büel am Rotweg, Schönegg)
    • Slopes, heaps (e.g. Aahalden, Sagenrain, Obersaum)
    • Swamp and reed landscape z. B. (Sunft, Mosli, Rietliau)
    • Water (e.g. Giessen, Krähbach, Aueren)
    • Ground cover (e.g. Eichweid, Buechhof, Gebisholz)
  • Wind and weather (e.g. air, Allen winds; Winterberg)
  • Animals (e.g. fox bills)
  • Clearing names (e.g. Rüti, Stocken, Oedischwänd)
  • Personal and family names (e.g. Naglikon from the personal name Nagal, Wädenswil von Wadin, Erni von Erni Rusterholz)
  • Cultural landscape
    • Arable farming (e.g. Gerberacher, Hofacher, Wändel von Wenden des Plow?)
    • Meadows, pastures, mats (e.g. Langwies, Kleinweid, Neumatt)
    • Location, shape or abandonment of houses (e.g. Rothus, Grossengaden, Neugut)
    • Commercial (e.g. Eichmüli, Chalchtaren, Chüefer)

Spelling of local names in German-speaking Switzerland

Principles of writing

Principles of the Ordinance on Geographical Names (GeoNV) on the spelling of geographical names, which also include local names:

  1. Geographical names are easy to write and read and are generally accepted.
  2. As far as possible and sensible, they are formulated based on the standard language (written language) of the language region.
  3. Geographical names and their spelling may only be changed in the public interest.

Notes on these principles:

  • “Based on the standard language ” means, on the one hand, the traditional spelling , which is usually based on the standard language , and, on the other hand, that the spelling of dialect names is based as much as possible on the typeface of the standard language . The principle of using names “as far as possible and meaningful in the standard language” applies to all geographical names, e.g. B. also on field names . Because of their supraregional use, their meaning and function (e.g. error-free communication or quick findability in directories), the spelling of names of municipalities and postal locations is based on the traditional, standard-language-oriented spelling. This requirement also applies to place names and significant field names , from which names of municipalities and postal locations are often derived.
  • In 2005 the draft for a dialect-closer spelling of the local names was given for consultation . Many card users opposed this. Since this year (2005), the website Lokalnamen.ch has been reporting on this problem and is promoting compliance with the principles of the Ordinance on Geographical Names (GeoNV), in particular that the current spelling should remain unchanged for local names on national maps . This goal has now been largely achieved.

Writing rules

According to the instructions regarding the collection and spelling of the geographical names of the state surveying and official surveying (Instructions 2011) , local names of local importance are always noted in dialect , but as required by map users in a spelling that complies with the usual, standard German- based typeface ( moderate spelling).


It is not always easy to find the right prepositions for local names such as. B. am, an der (a de), auf (uf), auf dem (uf em), auf der (uf de), in der (i-der, i de), im, zu.

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. cf. Scale levels global - regional - national - local
  2. a b c d e Ordinance on Geographical Names (GeoNV)
  3. a b Instructions regarding the collection and spelling of the geographical names of the national surveying and official surveying (Instructions 2011) ( Memento of the original from January 4, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.cadastre.ch
  4. Recommendations on the spelling of community and place names Chap. 1.4 Terms ( Memento of the original from January 4, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.cadastre.ch
  5. ↑ List of localities Federal Statistical Office with approx. 6,000 localities in the colloquial sense ( memento of the original from September 26, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.bfs.admin.ch
  6. Official locality directory Federal Office of Topography with approx. 4,100 official localities in the postal sense ( memento of the original from September 25, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.cadastre.ch
  7. Local name «Mugeren» (poor soil) in Wädenswil (Switzerland) is z. B. first handed down from the year 1270; Further examples illustrating the old age of local names: Hof und Flurnamen Wädenswil ( Memento of the original from January 9, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. and can be found on the online database Ortsnamen.ch @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.dokumentationsstelle.ch
  8. a b map.geo.admin.ch
  9. Ortsnames.ch
  10. ^ StAGN The Standing Committee on Geographical Names
  11. ^ Courtyard and field names Wädenswil
  12. Recommendations on the spelling of community and place names, guidelines on the spelling of station names ( Memento of the original from January 4, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. Cape. 2.1 General principles @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.cadastre.ch
  13. Draft for a dialect-closer spelling of local names
  14. Localnames.ch
  15. ^ Canton of Thurgau. Back to the moderate spelling
  16. Current field names cf. Spelling in Switzerland
  17. Examples of prepositions for local names in Wädenswil