Longinos Navás Ferrer

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Longinos Navás Ferrer (born March 7, 1858 in Cabacés , Tarragona , † December 31, 1938 in Girona , Girona ) was a Spanish Jesuit and entomologist . His specialties were the plecoptera and neuropteroidea . He described 105 new dragonfly species ; 48 of them are still recognized today. He also described the four new and still used dragonfly genera Neureclipa , Remartinia , Rialla and Daemhippus . The dragonfly species Trithetrum navasi was named in his honor . He was a co-founder of the Academia de Ciencias de Zaragoza , the Sociedad Entomológica de España , the Sociedad Ibérica de Ciencias Naturales and the Sociedad Aragonesa de Ciencias Naturales .


Longinos Navás Ferrer was the fourth child of a total of twelve siblings. After graduating from the Piarist School in Reus at the age of 14, he studied law at the University of Barcelona and spiritual studies at the Barcelona Seminary . In 1875 he began his novitiate with the Jesuits in Château-Dussède , France . There he not only studied Latin and ancient Greek , but also began his philosophy studies , which he later completed in Tortosa . He worked for four years at the Colegio of Manresa before he was ordained a priest at the end of 1890 . At the latest when he began teaching in 1892 at the Colegio in Salvador de Zaragoza , where he was responsible for natural history , he turned to biology . Four years later he became a member of the Sociedad Española de Historia Natural and worked in the fields of entomology, botany and geology . He expanded the scientific base with a two-year bachelor's degree in natural sciences in 1904. In the following year, 1905, he was the only Spaniard to take part in the international botanical congress in Vienna.


  • Joachim Hoffmann: 2013 - The year of remembrance for great odonatologists . In: Dragonfly News . No. 31 , February 1, 2014, ISSN  1437-5621 , p. 6-10 .

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