Lorico Asuwain

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Memorial ceremony at the Heroes' Cemetery in Metinaro for martyrs of RENETIL

The name Lorico Asuwain (other spellings: Lorico Aswain, Lorico Asswain, Loriku Aswa'in ; German  Lori warrior ) was used in the 1990s to describe young activists who protested against the occupation of East Timor by Indonesia .


A rainbow lorikeet , the symbol of the young warriors

"Lorico" is the East Timorese name of Loris , which is used here as a synonym for the young people. "Asuwain" ( Asswain ), literally translated as "war dogs", the Timorese warriors are called because dogs fight wildly and bravely. "Lorico Asuwain" means something like "youthful warriors". Usually a Timor Rainbow Lorikeet ( Trichoglossus capistratus ) is used as a symbol .

The name initially referred to the participants in the demonstration on November 12, 1991, which ended in the Santa Cruz massacre . With it one distinguished them from the old generation of independence fighters, who proclaimed the independence of East Timor from Portugal on November 28, 1975 and led the armed and diplomatic resistance against the Indonesian invaders. From 1994 the resistance of the younger generation was reorganized and tried by demonstrations and actions in East Timor and Indonesia to get the attention of the world public that had awakened after the Santa Cruz massacre and the filming of it by Max Stahl . Two East Timorese youth organizations were founded: the Presidium Juventude Lorico Aswa'in and the Organização Popular da Juventude Lorico Asswain de Timor-Leste (OPJLATIL) in 1995. Influences came from the armed arm of the resistance, the FALINTIL . The centers of resistance were the Universitas Timor Timur (UNTIM) and the Dili Polyteknik. East Timorese students in Indonesia organized themselves in the RENETIL . This infiltrated the official student organization Ikatan Mahasiswa dan Pelajar Timor Timur (IMPETTU) and maintained contacts with opponents of the Suharto regime. At times there were such massive riots that the Indonesian military lost control. In contrast, the occupations of foreign embassies in Jakarta remained peaceful in the following years.

Usage today

The flag of the Partidu Libertasaun Popular

The name and Lori himself can be found again and again today in East Timor. In Dili there is the communal radio station Lorico Lian ("Voice of Lori" / "Voice of Youth") and in Suco Balibar the Aldeia Lorico . The Ordem Lorico Asuwain honors survivors and posthumous victims of the Santa Cruz massacre.

The Partidu Libertasaun Popular (PLP) uses the Rainbow Lorikeet on its logo and party flag . However, the 12 de Novembru committee criticized the use of the bird as a party symbol and called for it to be abandoned.


See also

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Dan Nicholson: The Lorikeet Warriors: East Timorese new generation nationalist resistance, 1989-99 , p. 25.
  2. ARKTL - Asosiasaun Radio Komunidade Timor-Leste (English)
  3. Jornal da República : Edition of December 20, 2006 , accessed April 10, 2018.
  4. Timor Agora: Komite 12 de Novembru Kestiona Parpol Balun Uza Simbulu Loriku ba Interese Partidu , November 12, 2018 , accessed on May 23, 2018.