Lorin Dreyfuss

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Lorin Henry Dreyfuss (born December 4, 1943 in Brooklyn , New York City ) is an American actor , screenwriter and producer. He is the older brother of actor Richard Dreyfuss and father of actress Natalie Dreyfuss .


Lorin Henry Dreyfuss was born in Brooklyn in late 1943. His father Norman was a legal advisor , his mother Gerry was active in the peace movement. He has a younger brother Richard and a younger sister Cathy. The family moved to Los Angeles in the 1950s, where he attended Beverly Hills High School.

He gained fame as an actor in the 1980s with the films Die Klugscheißer and Swoop into Chaos - When weird birds learn to fly . He wrote the scripts together with David Landsberg , and both played the leading roles. Financially, these films flopped. With fans of kitschy 80s comedies, however, the films enjoy a certain popularity.

Lorin Dreyfuss has been divorced twice and is currently married for the third time.

Filmography (selection)

As an actor

As a producer

  • 1979: Skatetown, USA (movie)
  • 1984: Second Edition (TV movie)
  • 2000: Whatever (TV series)

As a screenwriter

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Lorin Dreyfuss, IMDb Mini Biography. Retrieved August 15, 2020 .
  2. Richard Dreyfuss: 'The one topic on which my dad would open up was sex'. Retrieved August 15, 2020 .
  3. Sean Ferguson: DVD Review Detectives School Dropouts (in English). Retrieved August 15, 2020 .