Moon over Parador

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German title Moon over Parador
Original title Moon Over Parador
Country of production United States
original language English
Publishing year 1988
length 99 minutes
Age rating FSK 12
Director Paul Mazursky
script Leon Capetanos , Paul Mazursky
production Paul Mazursky
music Maurice Jarre
camera Donald M. McAlpine
cut Stuart H. Pappé

Moon Over Parador ( Moon Over Parador ) is an American film comedy by Paul Mazursky from the year 1988 .


Jack Noah is an unsuccessful actor based in New York . He was hired for a role in a film shot in Parador. During the filming, President Alphonse Simms, the country's dictator, dies of a heart attack. His right hand, Roberto Strausmann, offers Noah to play the outwardly similar Simms. He tells the actor that the role is "the role of his life". Strausmann flatters Noah and threatens him.

Noah agrees. On the second day he gave a speech in which he improvised. The crowd is excited. The domestic workers notice the deception, but want to keep their jobs and talk about the observations only among themselves.

Noah has an affair with the late President's mistress, Madonna Mendez. She recognizes him, but wants to keep the prominent position of the dictator's lover. Noah and Mendez appear together in public and announce their engagement through the media.

Noah becomes increasingly bored with the role. After the rebels attack him, he calls elections. An American film special effects expert helps him fabricate another attack and his death. Mendez points to Strausmann as the man behind the act, the angry crowd lynches him. She later becomes the country's new president.

Noah returns to New York where he is applying for a new role.


  • Roger Ebert described the film in the Chicago Sun-Times on September 9, 1988 as "disappointing". The director makes too much fun of the clichéd Land Parador instead of focusing more on the actors. The film is unnecessarily "warm-hearted" and "sweet"; Richard Dreyfuss plays well, but seems too "human".
  • film-dienst 10/1989: "Lively staged and accurately played comedy with satirical tips against the Central America policy of the USA and ironic illumination of the vanities of the film industry, which, however, loses steam towards the end."
  • epd Film 6/1989: “In Mond über Parador, Mazursky remains true to his light and humorous narrative style. With affectionate irony he turns to the guild of actors and their vain and careless pursuit of success. "


Raul Julia and Sonia Braga were nominated for a Golden Globe in 1989.

The German Film and Media Evaluation FBW in Wiesbaden awarded the film the title valuable.


The film was shot in New York and Brazil . It grossed approximately $ 11.4 million in US theaters.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Review by Roger Ebert
  2. Filming locations for Moon Over Parador
  3. Business Data for Moon Over Parador

Web links