Loose leaves

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Loose leaves

description Literary magazine
Area of ​​Expertise Poetry, prose, essay
language German
First edition 1997
attitude 2007
Frequency of publication quarterly
editor Renatus Deckert, Birger Dölling
Web link www.lose-blaetter.de

Lose Blätter was a quarterly magazine for literature published by Renatus Deckert and Birger Dölling in Berlin . Forty editions of poetry, prose and literary essays were printed from 1997 to 2007.


The editions, which usually comprised 32 pages, were composed in terms of motifs. There were special issues such as “Animals in Poems” or “Poetry and Music”. In the booklet “First Works”, twelve writers recalled their literary beginnings and their first book publication.

In addition to first publications by well-known authors, texts by younger authors were printed, which became known to a wider public for the first time at this time.

In the German feuilletons, the loose sheets were praised for their classic approach, their sense of form and their wealth of ideas. In the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung in November 2003 Ingeborg Harms spoke of “a modestly stitched literary magazine that deserves to be bound in linen”. Michael Braun called the Losen Blätter in June 2005 on Deutschlandfunk "currently the most inspired periodical of the young literary scene".

In the summer of 2007, Losen Blätter stopped appearing after a total of 1220 consecutively numbered pages.


The authors who regularly published in the Losen Blätter include Jürgen Becker , Marcel Beyer , Heinz Czechowski , Ulrike Draesner , Adolf Endler , Durs Grünbein , Friederike Mayröcker , Ingo Schulze , Lutz Seiler , Uwe Tellkamp , Jan Wagner and Ron Winkler . Durs Grünbein and Michel Tournier had their own special issues dedicated to them.

Other authors were Ilse Aichinger , Volker Braun , Wolfgang Hilbig , Reinhard Jirgl , Alexander Kluge , Sibylle Lewitscharoff , Robert Menasse , Oskar Pastior , Gerhard Roth and Peter Rühmkorf .

Three years before the publication of Uwe Tellkamp's novel The Tower , the loose leaves from the manuscript published the opening chapter “Driveway”. Early versions of Marcel Beyer's novel “Kaltenburg” and Ingo Schulze's novel “Neue Leben” could also be read in the magazine.

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