Lothar Grisebach

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Lothar Grisebach (born July 20, 1910 in Jena ; † September 6, 1989 in Hilchenbach ) was a German physicist , teacher and painter .


Lothar Grisebach was born in Jena in 1910. He was the oldest child of five children of the philosopher Eberhard Grisebach (1880–1945) and his wife Charlotte Grisebach nee Spengler (1890–1974). He spent most of his childhood and youth, from 1915 to his Abitur in 1928, with his maternal grandparents, the pulmonologist Lucius Spengler (1858–1923) and his wife Helene Spengler née Holsboer (1870–1943) in Davos / Switzerland . Grisebach completed a degree in physics. His dissertation in Berlin, completed in autumn 1934, is entitled The degree of polarization of the fluorescence of viscous dye solutions when excited in different absorption areas . At the age of 27 he decided to become an artist; But it was only after the end of World War II that he had a chance for independent artistic activity.


In 2016, the city of Hilchenbach organized an exhibition of various of his pictures in the city museum in Wilhelmsburg in memory of the painter .

One of his best-known works is the watercolor Marktplatz Hilchenbach , which u. a. shows the former Hilchenbach city director Hans Christhard Mahrenholz . The picture, which the former art teacher at the Jung-Stilling-Gymnasium created in 1984/1985, was exhibited between 2017 and 2019 in the council chamber of the city of Hilchenbach . In the course of the so-called “picture dispute” in April 2019, it was temporarily removed from the council chamber and later made accessible to the public again.

The self-portrait (1976) of the painter gives an insight into his life: a bookcase and paintings are in the background, to the right of him are canvases.


Grisebach also published various books. Among them as editor also a work about his father Eberhard Grisebach with the title painter of expressionism in correspondence with Eberhard Grisebach . Furthermore, one of the most important and most cited sources on the life and work of the painter Ernst Ludwig Kirchner can be found among Grisebach's works . Ernst Ludwig Kirchner's Davos Diary was first published by Grisebach in 1968 and later published in a new edition by his son Lucius Grisebach, director of the Kunsthalle Nürnberg .

Individual evidence

  1. archiv.ub.uni-marburg.de/eb/2012/0297/pdf/All.pdf
  2. https://www.hilchenbach.de/Bildung-Kultur/Museen/Stadtmuseum/Ausstellungen/index.php?La=1&object=tx,2632.2020.1&kat=&kuo=2&sub=0
  3. https://www.hilchenbach.de/Aktuelles/Ausstellung-Ein-Maler-in-Hilchenbach-Lothar-Grisebach-.php?object=tx,2632.7.1&ModID=7&FID=2632.2020.1&NavID=2632.2&La=1&startkat=2632.372
  4. https://www.ikz-online.de/staedte/siegerland/eklat-im-hilchenbacher-bilderstreit-id216821387.html
  5. https://www.wp.de/staedte/siegerland/bilderstreit-hat-personelle-konsequenzen-bei-der-uwg-id225882027.html
  6. https://katalog.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/cgi-bin/titel.cgi?katkey=3337355
  7. http://www.hatjecantz.de/ernst-ludwig-kirchners-davoser-tagebuch-715-0.html