Lothar Ring

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Lothar Ring , pseudonyms : Rudolf Marschall , Ernst N. , E. Schäffer and O. Hertwich (born November 15, 1882 in Vienna , † July 13, 1974 in Baden near Vienna ) was an Austrian journalist and writer .


Born in Vienna, Lothar Ring turned to studying law at the University of Vienna after completing his Matura , which he obtained in 1906 with the academic degree of Dr. iur. completed. Lothar Ring subsequently worked in the Austrian civil service. In addition, he worked from 1915 to 1938 as a theater critic for the "Österreichische Volkszeitung" . In 1936 and 1937 he held the office of president of the Association of German Journalists and Writers.

In 1938 Lothar Ring emigrated and from then on lived in Switzerland and Italy . In 1945 he returned to Vienna. Lothar Ring died very old in 1974 in Baden near Vienna and was buried at the Vienna Central Cemetery .

The literary work of Lothar Rings includes dramas , novels and radio plays .

Works (selection)

  • The smiling portrait: A nude from the Cinquecento, Wallishausser, Vienna, 1918
  • Eternal song: A Schubert novel, Jörgl, Klagenfurt, 1947
  • With Friedrich Alfons Leitenberger: The divine Leo: A people's book about Leo Slezak , K. Klebert, Vienna, 1948
  • The girl with onyx eyes: novel from the film world, Hönig, Vienna, 1950
  • Two sisters: the exciting society novel full of love, hate and passion, Hönig, Vienna, 1950
  • Sibylle and her suitors, Rhenania Druck- und Verlags-GmbH, Koblenz, 1952
  • A lucky girl: Roman, Editions de la Coupole, Strasbourg, 1954


  • Robert Stern, Hans Fabigan : Austria, Land on the rise, Europa-Verlag, Vienna, 1955, p. 63.
  • Zentralsparkasse und Kommerzbank Wien, University of Applied Arts (Vienna, Austria), Gabriele Koller, Gloria Withalm (eds.): The expulsion of the intellectual from Austria, 2nd edition, Zentralsparkasse und Kommerzialbank, Vienna, 1986, p. 94.
  • Walther Killy , Rudolf Vierhaus (ed.): German Biographical Encyclopedia . Volume 8. Saur, Munich 1996, ISBN 3-598-23163-6 , p. 315.

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