Lozmanska Kamjanka

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Coordinates: 48 ° 24 '  N , 35 ° 5'  E

The flag of the place
The coat of arms of the place

Lozmanska Kamianka ( Ukrainian Лоцманська Кам'янка , Russian Лоцманская Каменка / Lozmanskaja Kamenka ), also briefly Loz-Kamianka (Russian Лоц-Каменка ) is a former village ( Sloboda ) and a quarter in today's district Sobor of the Ukrainian city of Dnipro .


The name is derived from the pilots who have lived here for a long time . These steered the ships around the Dnieper rapids that began south of the city.

The Zaporozhian Cossack Nikita Korschtsch (russ. Никита Корж ) writes in his in 1842 Odessa published book "Oral Tradition" (Russ. Устное повествование, бывшего запорожца, жителя Екатеринославской губернии и уезда, селения Михайловки Никиты Леонтьевича Коржа , or "oral history" Устное повествование ) that the name comes from the first inhabitant a certain Lozman ( Лоцман ).


Lozmanska Kamjanka is located in the extreme southwest of the Sobor district. In the north-west it borders on the district and also the former village of Mandrykivka and in the south on the village of Stari Kodaki (ukr. Старі Кодаки ) with the Kodak fortress outside of today's city of Dnipro . In the northeast it borders on the Dnieper and the Kosa peninsula . Today it is largely part of the Peremoha district (Russian Pobeda Победа , in German "victory").


Map of the Dnieper rapids

The sustainable settlement took place from around 1750. A certain economic upturn began with the incorporation of the area into the Russian Empire , as this gave rise to trade across the Dnieper. Prince Potjomkin asked his trusted Colonel Leonti Faleew (Russian Леонти Фалеев ) to deal with the problem of river trade around the Dnieper rapids. He suggested building canals to avoid the most dangerous rapids . Some of them were implemented, but they quickly became too small or too shallow for the river boats . As an alternative to the canals, Faleew also suggested the use of pilots.

In 1785 there were 42 volunteer pilots, two years later there were already 120. In 1787 the pilots accompanied the flotilla of Tsarina Catherine the Great and Joseph II on their voyage across the Dnieper to the Crimea . For it was Lotsenataman Musii Piwtorak (russ. Мусий Пивторак ) and his assistant Nepokritenko (russ. Непокрытенко ) awarded by the Tsarina. After this event, on December 19, 1787, Prince Potjomkin proposed to the local treasury to move the pilots under the leadership of his trusted Colonel Leonti Faleew to Kamenke (Russian Каменке ).

He also initiated the tax exemption and the draft ban for the pilots. The task of the pilots was to bring ships safely to and from Khortyzja and Kitschkas (Russian Кичкас ), north of the island of Khortyzja in the Lenin town of Zaporizhia . They had an annual salary of 25 rubles.

The settlement quickly grew to 673 pilots. With an ukase from 1811, all residents of Kamenka and Stari Kodaki between the ages of 20 and 60 were considered pilots. In addition, all pilots were divided into three categories. Pilots of the first category were allowed to accompany ships and rafts, pilots of the second category were only allowed to accompany rafts and members of the third category were only allowed to accompany ships and rafts at the request of the captain if the other two categories were overloaded.

The Lotsmannsgemeinschaft - as the successor to the Cossack community - was organized democratically . For this purpose, elections were held twice a year in which general questions were dealt with, but the ataman, his assistant, as well as a treasurer and clerk were also elected.

Gradually the Sloboda arose - a settlement freed from the forced labor of residents or free farmers - the pilots. The first house of prayer was built in 1787 and the first church was built in 1794, which was renovated in 1874. The community was directly subordinate to the Ministry of Transport (Russian Министерству путей сообщения ) and was not subordinated to local administration until 1879.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g h Maxim Kawun : Ingenious Places - The Pilot Capital . In: City of Dnipropetrovsk. Retrieved May 14, 2015 (Russian, original title: Гений места. Лоцманская столица).