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Coordinates: 48 ° 26 ′  N , 35 ° 4 ′  O Mandrykiwka ( Ukrainian Мандриківка , Russian Мандрыковка / Mandrikowka ) is a former village ( Sloboda ) and a district in what is now the Sobor district ofthe Ukrainian city ​​of Dnipro .


It is named after Jessaul Andrij Mandryka ( ukr. Андрія Мандрики ) who lived here.


The village extends approximately from the beginning of Dmytro-Jawornyzkyj Prospect and the monastery island to "Balka Tunelna" -Abhang ( Ukr. Балка Тунельна ) and the south adjacent former Sloboda Lozmanska Kamianka . It extends about 5.7 km in north-south direction  , along the Dneprufer and just one kilometer in east-west direction. It borders the Nahirny district to the north, and the Gagarin district and its Tabirny and Pobedny districts to the west and southwest .


Mandrykivka originated in the 18th century. The local history is closely connected with the founding of Yekaterinoslav (today's Dnipro) in the north, in whose center the Sloboda Polowizja was located.

The “ Ukas for the resettlement of the city to the right Dneprufer” of the Empress Catherine II of January 22, 1784 caused the approximately 1,500 inhabitants of Polowizja to move to the surrounding settlements. Most of it moved upstream to Sukhachivka , while a small part moved downstream to what is now Mandrykivka. At that time only the Cossack Andrij Mandryka lived there , who was mainly engaged in fishing in the Dnieper. The inhabitants of Polovitsia, who now settled near Andrij Mandryka, soon named their settlement Mandrykivka. However, it is also conceivable that not only Andrij Mandryka settled here.

Although Mandrykivka developed into a Sloboda, the area was intended as Yekaterinoslavs urban pastureland . In 1799 a census took place in the city and its surroundings on the initiative of the Jekaterinoslav city council . This resulted in a population of 22 people “of different rank” for Mandrykivka. In the 18th and 19th centuries, Mandrykivka was considered a village or suburb with ordinary rural buildings. The inhabitants were engaged in agriculture and fishing and until the middle of the 19th century there were no notable changes in the everyday life of the inhabitants, except that in 1850 the population was 393 people on 61 farms and became part of the Jekaterinoslawer Ujesd . In 1858 the population was 366 and grew to 895 inhabitants and 97 farms by 1897. In addition to the “tribal residents”, artisans also lived here in order to be closer to the city.

It was not until the industrialization at the end of the 19th century that countless craft settlements emerged around Yekaterinoslav. In the course of this, many settled in Mandrykivka, many of whom hired themselves out in Yekaterinoslav, but also did homework or domestic industry . As a result, the place moved even closer to Yekaterinoslav and the northern part was already part of the city at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century. This pressure split the village into the “near” (northern) and “far” (southern) parts. The southern part was oriented towards Sloboda Lozmanska Kamjanka . In 1913, 1222 people lived here in 206 homesteads. In the northern part industrial operations emerged , including two roof tile plants , a furniture factory , a brewery , a gardening shop and a dye works . Only after the October Revolution were both parts incorporated into Yekaterinoslav in Soviet times .

After Alexander Pushkin , only because of the protection of influential friends from Saint Petersburg, was not exiled to Siberia but was transferred to General Insow in Yekaterinoslav, he probably also lived in Mandrykivka. He probably lived in a simple mud hut that was torn down by the new owners in the 1840s. He developed a fever two weeks after arriving. At that time, Pushkin's friend, General Rajewski , who was on his way to the Caucasus , was in the city. The general was accompanied by Yevstafi Rudikowski ( Russian Евстафий Рудыковский ) as a military doctor. Rudikowski reports that Rajewski's son asked him for help for his "sick friend Pushkin" and Pushkin, in the course of the examination, when asked by the doctor what he was doing here with " " Пишу стихи " ([I] write poems) “( Yevstafi Rudikowski's note about Pushkin's treatment :) replied. Pushkin was then dismissed from the service of General Insow and joined General Rajewski on his trip to the Caucasus. Some sources report that there was a prison ostrog here, from which two brothers are said to have fled during this time and to have escaped to the bank through the Dnieper, this can be used as a template for Pushkin's "The Robber Brothers Couple".

After the Russo-Turkish War from 1828 to 1829 , the Seraskan and Khan of the Crimea Arslan Giray fell into Russian captivity . He then moved to Russia, Mandrykowka was chosen as his place of residence. Emperor Nicholas I paid him a pension of 250 rubles a month there . On October 20, Arslan Giray converted to the Orthodox faith . He died here on April 11, 1887 at the age of 85 and was buried in the city cemetery (today's Dnipro Stadium ).

From the end of the 1960s, the intensive development of the place began with the first three "massifs" of today's Peremoha district , which is largely shaped by the Khrushchevkas and forms a satellite town . The city authorities decided to allocate a large area for the construction of a physical-technical institute at today's Monument of Eternal Glory at the beginning of Dmytro-Jawornyzkyj-Prospect . However, this did not succeed and so the area was assigned to other universities , including the National Metallurgical Academy , the Chemical-Technological University and most of the State Institute for Physical Culture and Sport . In 1990 PrivatBank , the largest non-state bank in Ukraine, moved into its headquarters on the part of the promenade running here .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. The city in parts - Mandrykivka. In: City of Dnipropetrovsk. Retrieved January 31, 2016 (original title: ГОРОД ПО КУСОЧКАМ - Мандрыковка ).
  2. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o Maxim Kawun : Ingenious places - Mandrykivka. In: City of Dnipropetrovsk. Retrieved January 31, 2016 (Original title: Гений места. Мандрыковка ).