Louis Énault

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Louis Énault

Louis Énault (born 1824 in Isigny-sur-Mer ; died March 28, 1900 in Paris ) was a French writer and journalist .


Énault first studied law in Paris and then worked as a lawyer. Politically, he was a believer in legitimism . As such, he was arrested after the June uprising in 1848 . After his release, he toured northern Europe and the Mediterranean region. In his travel diary he wrote a detailed description of the historical center of Genoa .

Back in France, he graduated from the University of Caen as a docteur ès lettre in 1851 . For this he submitted a work on the Greek poet Aeschylus . He then worked primarily as a journalist and worked for the newspapers La Vie à la campagne , au Le Constitutionnel et à la Gazette , Le Figaro , L'Illustration . He is also known as a translator of literary works. He did a translation of The Sorrows of Young Werther by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe and he translated Uncle Tom's Hut by Harriet Beecher Stowe into French. There was an intensive collaboration between Énault and Gustave Doré , who, for example, contributed graphics to his travel literature. Énaut also published under the pseudonym Louis de Vernon . He died in Paris in 1900. The writer Jules Romains named Louis Énault as an example of an author who was forgotten even before his death and was of no importance to the younger generation.

Publications (selection)

  • 1854: La Terre-Sainte, voyage des quarante pèlerins en 1853
  • 1857: La Norvège
  • 1857: La Rose blanche
  • 1857: Les amours de Chiffonnette
  • 1858: Christine
  • 1858: La Rose blanche. Brother Jean. Les Amours de Chiffonnette >
  • 1858: La Vierge du Liban
  • 1859: Angleterre, Écosse, Irlande, voyage pittoresque
  • 1859: Nadèje
  • 1860: Alba
  • 1860: Hermione
  • 1860: L'Amour en voyage
  • 1860: Histoire de la littérature des Hindous
  • 1861: L'Inde pittoresque
  • 1861: Un amour en Laponie
  • 1862: Pêle-mêle
  • 1863: La Rose blanche. Inès. Une larme, ou Petite pluie abat grand vent
  • 1863: La Méditerranée, ses îles et ses bords
  • 1867: L'Amérique centrale et méridionale
  • 1869: La Pupille de la Légion d'honneur
  • 1870: La destinée
  • 1871: Paris brûlé par la Commune
  • 1872: Histoire d'une femme , German 1875: The story of a woman
  • 1873: Stella
  • 1873: Le Baptême du sang
  • 1874: La Vie à deux. Les Malheurs de Rosette. Les Aventures de Madeleine. La Race maudite
  • 1876: Londres , with illustrations by Gustave Doré
  • 1880: Le Chien du capitaine. Trop curieux. Les roses you docteur. Le Mont Saint-Michel , German 1971: Strupp goes on board
  • 1881: Paris Salon
  • 1882: Paris Salon
  • 1883: Paris Salon
  • 1884: Paris Salon
  • 1884: Les Diamants de la couronne
  • 1884: Histoire d'amour
  • 1886: Paris Salon
  • 1886: Un amour en Laponie
  • 1891: Paris Salon
  • 1892: Paris Salon
  • 1896 La Tresse bleue. Aimée. La Chandelle romaine. Le Noël des oiseaux. Le Carnaval arlésien. Une rose au cap north. Un gentilhomme
  • 1855: Werther , translation by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: The sufferings of young Werther
  • 1859: La Case de l'oncle Tom, ou Vie des nègres en Amérique , translation by Harriet Beecher Stowe: Uncle Toms Hütte

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Jules Romains: Les Hommes de bonne volonté , Volume XI, p. 39. Flammarion, Paris 1936.