Louis de Rohan (Chevalier)

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Louis de Rohan-Guémené , called le Chevalier de Rohan (* 1635 ; † November 27, 1674 in Paris ) was the younger son of Louis VIII. De Rohan , Duc de Montbazon , and Anne de Rohan, Princesse de Guéméné .


As a 20-year-old he was Grand Hunter of France ( Grand Veneur de France ), then Colonel of the Guard Louis XIV. He later had to give up his job as Grand Hunter when he was involved in the escape of the royal mistress Maria Mancini .

He took part in the war against Spain (1654-1659) and from 1672 in the Dutch War . Highly in debt, he started in 1674 with his advisor Gilles du Hamel de Latréaumont (La Truaumont, * 1627 in Paris) at this time a plot of murder against the king, who was led by his underage son Louis de Bourbon, dauphin de Viennois (1661-1711) - in Captivity and under guardianship - should be replaced. At the same time a republic was to be proclaimed in Normandy . Louis de Rohan secured the support of the Republic of the Seven United Netherlands , which were to go ashore in the town of Quillebeuf-sur-Seine (where he was governor).

The plot was uncovered by the royal musketeer Jean Charles du Cauzé de Nazelle (* 1649), who stayed in Picpus in the guesthouse of the Maitre Affinius van den Enden (* 1601), and who visited a family member like Rohan Pension der Pariser Vorstadt was astonishing - van den Ende was also involved in the conspiracy, since he had drafted the republican constitution and had negotiated with the Dutch.

On August 31, 1674, Le Cauzé de Nazelles informed the Minister Louvois , on September 11, Rohan was arrested by men of the Parisian lieutenant général de police Gabriel Nicolas de la Reynie under the command of the guard major Brissac when he was leaving the mass in the Palace of Versailles . Latréaumont was killed by the same Brissac in Rouen. The Chevalier de Préaux (a nephew of Latréaumont) and his lover, the Marquise de Villars (Villiers), were also arrested.

Rohan was brought to the Bastille and sentenced to death for insulting majesty , although - unlike his co-conspirators - not previously subjected to torture . Louis de Rohan, Préaux and the Marquise was beheaded on November 27, 1674 in front of the entrance to the Bastille in Rue Saint-Antoine . Van den Ende was hung .

His property was confiscated but was later returned to his mother.

Voltaire wrote of this conspiracy: “It was more of a poorly instigated cowardly betrayal than a conspiracy” ( Ce fut plus une lâche trahison mal ourdie qu'une conspiration. )


  • Pierre Clément: Trois drames historiques . 1857, Didier Éditeurs
  • Pierre Clément: La police sous Louis XIV , Paris: Didier & Cie, 1866
  • Constantin von Wurzbach : Rohan, Louis Prinz de . In: Biographisches Lexikon des Kaiserthums Oesterreich . 26th part. Kaiserlich-Königliche Hof- und Staatsdruckerei, Vienna 1874, p. 278 ( digitized version ).
  • Jean Charles du Cauzé de Nazelle: Mémoires du temps de Louis XIV . 1899, plon, ed. by Ernest Daudet
  • Claude Derblay: L'affaire du chevalier de Rohan . 1945, la nouvelle édition
  • Bibliothèque nationale, Section des manuscrits, minutes of the interrogations and the trial
    • A large part was published in the F. Ravaisson Archives de la Bastille. Règne de Louis XIV (1681 et 1666 à 1674) , Paris: Durand & Pedone-Lauriel, 1874, pp. 402–490.
  • A. Maury Une conspiration républicaine sous Louis XIV. Le complot du chevalier de Rohan et de Latréaumont , Revue des deux mondes, année LVI, période 3, Volume 66, 1886, pp. 376-784.
  • H. Chérot La Conspiration du chevalier de Rohan (1674) d'après de nouveaux mémoires , in: Études. Revue bimensuelle publiée par des Pères de la Compagnie de Jésus , Volume 37, 1900, pp. 472–497.
  • L. Matte Crimes et procès politiques sous Louis XIV. Le procès de Foucquet, la conspiration du chevalier de Rohan, le masque de fer , Paris: Société Française d'Imprimerie er de Librairie, 1910, pp. 56-90.
  • Eliane Seuran, Serge Seuran: Le prince infortuné (ou le rêve d'une république au temps du Roi-Soleil) . Point de mire (Clamecy, 58), 2004
  • P. Lafuë: Rohan contre Le Roy , Paris: Le livre contemporain, 1959.
  • K. Malettke: Opposition and conspiracy under Louis XIV. Studies on criticism and resistance to the system and politics of the French king during the first half of his personal government , Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1976, (chapter on the Rohan conspiracy p. 137– 222)
  • K. Malettke Complots et conspirations against Louis XIV dans la deuxième moitié du XVIIe siècle , in Y.-M. Bercé, EF Guarini, Complots et conjurations dans l'Éurope modern , Rome: École française de Rome, 1996, pp. 347–371.
  • A. Smedley-Weill: Un conspiration au temps de Louis XIV: le chevalier de Rohan , in H. Méchoulan, J. Cornette L'État classique. Regards sur la pensée politique de la France dans le second XVIIe siècle , Paris: Librairie philosophique J. Vrin, 1996, pp. 373-385


  • Cecil Saint-Laurent: Le Cadet de Nazelle . ed. by Pierre de Meyer (novel)
  • Eugène Sue : Latréaumont . (romanticizing coat-and-sword story without historicity)

Individual evidence

  1. Affinius van den Enden is occasionally equated with Franciscus van den Enden, Baruch Spinoza's teacher
  2. ^ Pierre Benjamin Lafaye, Dictionnaire des synonymes de la langue française , 1858.