Luca Leoni

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Chart positions
Explanation of the data
Ballo fuori tempo
  IT 44 05/14/2005 (1 week)

Luca Leoni (* 1973 in Bari ) is an Italian pop singer. He has also emerged as a producer and arranger of commercial music and released two albums under his own name.


Leoni founded his first band, Blasfema , at the age of twelve . He learned guitar and took singing lessons in the 1990s. For four years he worked in the band Velvet and toured with them through Italy. In 1995 he started the progressive rock project Animetropolitane with Luciano Massa, which resulted in further concert activities and a self-produced CD. Leoni also worked on archaeological excavation sites .

With the D-cue project, Leoni released an album in 1999; the cover Lamette (originally by Donatella Rettore ) also found its way into the 2002 tribute album ClonAzioni - Tutti pazzi per Rettore . In 2001 the musician moved to Milan and began producing commercial music (for H3G , Danone and Renault among others ). Increasingly he came into contact with jazz and reggae and began to produce a solo album. In 2005 Leoni finally made his debut with the single Ballo fuori tempo and the album Io ballo fuori tempo .

In cooperation with the drag queen Platinette 2007 Leoni released the music video Amore in chat . His second album Armonico , on the other hand, was only released in 2010, together with a book project of the same name, in which twelve stories by different authors / musicians are collected. The album also included a collaboration with actor Alessandro Haber .



  • Io ballo fuori tempo (2005: Atlantic )
  • Armonico (2010: Aereostella / Fermenti vivi / Edel)


  • Ballo fuori tempo (2005)
  • Chris (2005)
  • Amore in chat (2007)
  • Mi sono accorto che (2010)

Web links

supporting documents

  1. Guido Racca & Chartitalia: Top 100 FIMI Singoli . Lulu , 2013, p. 111 .
  2. a b c Luca Leoni Live al Bistrot Bovisa. (No longer available online.) In:, December 6, 2010, archived from the original on March 5, 2016 ; Retrieved May 15, 2016 (Italian). Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  3. ^ Rosy Romano: Intervista a Luca Leoni. In: 06 Live - Musica a Roma. May 28, 2010, archived from the original on April 29, 2011 ; Retrieved May 15, 2016 (Italian).