Lucien Guissard

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Lucien Guissard AA (born October 15, 1919 in Mousny , Ortho municipality , Luxembourg province , † March 22, 2009 in Paris ) was a Belgian Catholic religious priest , journalist and author .


Lucien Guissard was born in Mousny in 1919 into a farming family from the province of Luxembourg . He attended the Collège d'Alzon in Bure and later the school in Sart-les-Moins. In 1937 he joined the order of the Assumptionists and studied theology in the Abbey of Saint-Gérard de Brogne. After his ordination in 1943 he studied political and social sciences at the Catholic University of Leuven .

Guissard became editor of the Catholic daily La Croix in 1950 and succeeded Luc Estang as literary critic for the newspaper in 1955 . From 1969 to 1974 he was editor-in-chief of La Croix .

On December 13, 1986, he took over from the late theologian Charles Moeller in the Académie royale des Sciences, des Lettres et des Beaux-Arts de Belgique .


Guissard received the Grand prix catholique de littérature in 1961 for his essay Écrits en notre temps . He was also awarded the Prix Juteau-Duvigneau by the Académie française in 1960 for his book Catholicisme et progrès social and in 1985 for his life's work. In 1980 the Académie de langue et de littérature françaises de Belgique awarded him the Prix Henri-Davignon for Histoire d'une migration .


  • Catholicisme et progrès social , 1960
  • Écrits en notre temps , 1961
  • Emmanuel Mounier , 1962
  • Littérature et pensée chrétienne , 1969
  • Histoire d'une migration , 1979
  • Les Chemins de la nuit , 1986
  • La Puce et les Lions (with Gabriel Ringlet ), 1988
  • Le Temps d'être homme , 1990
  • Les Promesses de la mer , 1993
  • La Ressemblance , 1995
  • Les Assomptionnistes d'hier à aujourd'hui , 1999

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Lucien Guissard. Académie française , accessed on February 7, 2020 (French).
  2. ^ Prix ​​Henri Davignon. Académie royale de langue et de littérature françaises de Belgique, accessed on February 7, 2020 (French).