Ludwig Diestel

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Ludwig Diestel

Ludwig Diestel (born September 28, 1825 in Königsberg , † May 15, 1879 in Tübingen ) was a German Protestant theologian and university professor.


After studying Protestant theology in Königsberg and Berlin , Diestel became a private lecturer at the University of Bonn in 1851 and an associate professor of theology there in 1858. Here he became close friends with Albrecht Ritschl . In 1862 he was appointed to a full professorship at the University of Greifswald , in 1867 he moved to the University of Jena , where he was rector in 1869 , and in 1872 to the University of Tübingen , where he died at the age of 54 after a short illness.

Diestel published numerous exegetical and religious-historical works, but made a name for himself especially through his history of the Old Testament in the Christian church (Jena 1869). It wants to be more than a presentation of the history of research, namely “a comprehensive presentation of the way in which the Old Testament has been scientifically treated, theologically understood and practically used within the Christian Church, from the beginning to the present day” (Preface , P. III). As a liberal theologian , in connection with the hostility against Karl Leopold Adolf Sydow in 1873 , he initiated the Jenenser Declaration in defense of freedom of teaching.


His wife was Sophie Henriette Emmy Antonie Delius (* 1844 in Versmold, † 1923 in Tübingen). The couple had three daughters and three sons each. His son Max later became superintendent and general superintendent in Berlin, his daughter Meta was a well-known singer.

Selection of works

  • Jacob's blessing in Genes. xlix historically explained, CA Schwetschke & Sohn, Braunschweig, 1853
  • History of the Old Testament in the Christian Church. Maukes Verlag, Jena, 1869 (reprint of the original edition with an afterword by Siegfried Wagner.- Leipzig: Zentralantiquariat der DDR, 1981)
  • The flood and the flood legends of antiquity. C. Habel 1871


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