Ludwig Hofmann (singer)

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Ludwig Hofmann (born January 14, 1891 in Frankfurt am Main , † December 28, 1963 in Wiesbaden) was a German opera singer ( bassist ) who achieved worldwide success as a singer in Wagner roles since the late 1920s . He worked at the opera houses in Berlin and Vienna and appeared at the Bayreuth Festival from 1928 to 1942 .


He grew up in Frankfurt am Main, completed secondary school there and began studying singing with Ricutini, which he continued in Milan . From 1914 to 1918 he took part in the First World War. In 1918, at the age of 27, he made his debut as an opera singer at the Bamberg State Theater . He then had engagements at the Landestheater Detmold (1919–1920), the Stadttheater Bremen (1920–1925), the State Theater Wiesbaden (1925–1928), the Städtische Oper Berlin (1928–1932), the Deutsche Staatsoper Berlin (1932–1932). 1935) and at the Vienna State Opera (1935–1942).

From 1929 to 1936 he sang at the Salzburg Festival . From 1930 to 1938 he had guest appearances at leading opera houses in Europe and overseas (e.g. La Scala in Milan , Covent Garden Opera London, Théâtre des Champs-Élysées Paris, Teatro Colón Buenos Aires, Metropolitan Opera New York).

After the Second World War he was able to continue his career with guest appearances in Berlin, Brussels, Tunis, London and Vienna. In 1953 he sang at the Salzburg Festival. In July 1957 he appeared in the Berlin State Opera as Hagen in the Ring des Nibelungen . He then worked as a teacher in London.

His son is the actor Wolfgang Hofmann (* 1927).

Bayreuth Festival

Ludwig Hofmann sang first in 1928 and later continuously from 1937 to 1942 at the Bayreuth Festival. In his subject he alternated there with Ivar Andrésen (1896–1940) and Josef von Manowarda (1890–1942).


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Ludwig Hofmann in the Bavarian Musicians' Lexicon Online (BMLO)
  2. ^ Program booklet for the new production of the Deutsche Staatsoper Berlin from July 21, 1957.
  3. ^ Ludwig Hofmann at Operissimo  on the basis of the Great Singer Lexicon
  4. ^ The cast of the Bayreuth Festival 1876–1960 . Edited by Käte Neupert; Edition Musica Bayreuth, 1961, pp. 75, 79, 81, 93, 96, 98, 111