Ludwig Holborn

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Ludwig Friedrich Christian Holborn (born September 29, 1860 in Weende (Göttingen) , † September 19, 1926 in Berlin-Charlottenburg ) was a German physicist .

The son of Louis († 1882) and Louise Holborn, née Oelsen († 1912), studied at the University of Göttingen from 1879 and passed the state examination for teaching in mathematics, physics, zoology and mineralogy in 1884. Then he was assistant to Ernst Christian Julius Schering at the observatory and at the Gaussian geomagnetic observatory. He used his measurements there for his dissertation entitled Results from the Observations of Magnetic Declination, which Klausthal employed during the years 1844 to 1886 , with which he was awarded a doctorate in 1887 in Göttingen. phil. received his doctorate .

From 1890 Holborn worked with Wilhelm Wien at the Physikalisch-Technische Reichsanstalt (PTR) in Charlottenburg, where he was assigned to the laboratory of Hermann von Helmholtz and later Friedrich Kohlrausch . In 1914 he became director of the department for heat and pressure and brought the engineer Max Jakob to the PTR, who took over his post after the First World War.

His experimental investigations concerned temperature measurement and compressibility measurements. The implementation regulations for the law on the temperature scale and the heat unit of August 1924 was an important part of his life's work. In 1901 he designed the filament pyrometer with Ferdinand Kurlbaum .

Holborn had three children with his wife Helene, nee Bußmann (1867–1937): Friedrich Holborn (1892–1954), Louise Holborn (1898–1975; political scientist, professor at Connecticut College for Women in New London ) and Hajo Holborn (1902 –1969; historian, professor at Yale University ).


Individual evidence

  1. Ludwig Holborn: Results from the observations of the magnetic declination, which are employed at Klausthal during the years 1844 to 1886 . In: News from the Royal. Society of Sciences and the Georg August University of Göttingen No. 16 of October 15, 1887, pp. 469-488.
  2. ^ Ernst Schmidt: Max Jakob on the 75th birthday . In: Research in the field of engineering. Volume 20, 1954, No. 3, p. 65, doi : 10.1007 / BF02558851 .
  3. a b Werner Röder and Herbert A. Strauss (eds.): Biographical manual of German-speaking emigration after 1933 . 3 volumes, Munich et al. 1980–1983.