Ludwig Reindl

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Ludwig Reindl (born May 16, 1893 ; † February 12, 1994 in Vienna ) was an Austrian inventor .

Reindl was admitted to the NSDAP on January 1, 1942 with membership number 9.032.052 during the Second World War . In addition, Reindl was a member of the NSV , the German Labor Front and the Reich Air Protection Association . Due to his activity as the company and managing director of the “Tox ink and adhesive plant”, in which the Wehrmacht was 67% involved, Reindl was classified as “indispensable” . After 1945, Reindl was categorized as a “minor” .

Ludwig Reindl developed the adhesive tape TIXO in the 1950s as laboratory manager at Kores . He remained largely unknown as an inventor, but made it onto the list of hundred-year-old Austrians.

Reindl was buried at the Vienna Central Cemetery . Ludwig-Reindl-Gasse in the 22nd district of Vienna has been named after him since 2003 .


  1. ^ Street names in Vienna since 1860 as “Political Places of Remembrance” (PDF; 4.4 MB), p. 274, final research project report, Vienna, July 2013