Ludwig Ritter

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Ludwig Ritter (born February 3, 1935 in Mömlingen , Miltenberg district ) is a German politician ( CSU ) and was a member of the Bavarian State Parliament from 1970 to 2003 .


After attending commercial school , Ludwig Ritter began an apprenticeship as a tailor and businessman in 1951 . In 1955 he continued his training in the United States , and in 1957 he joined his parents' clothing factory. From 1984 to 2000 he was Deputy Chairman of the Bavarian State Sports Association .

Political career

In 1965 he joined the CSU and was elected to the local council in the same year and to the district council the following year. In 1970 he moved into the Bavarian state parliament, to which he was a member until 2003. From 1977 to 2003 he was deputy chairman of the committee for petitions and complaints ( petitions committee ) and a member of the CSU parliamentary group executive committee in the state parliament.

