Ludwig von Mussinan

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Ludwig Mussinan , knight of Mussinan since 1870 (born February 5, 1826 in Bogen , † May 21, 1908 ) was a Bavarian lieutenant general and honorary citizen of his native city.

Ludwig Ritter von Mussinan
City of Bogen: Mussinansstr. 7, Mussinan House
Memorial plaque at the Mussinan House


At the age of 19, Mussinan volunteered in the 1st field artillery regiment "Prince Regent Luitpold" of the Bavarian Army in Munich in 1845 . For his brave behavior in the Battle of Sedan on September 1, 1870 during the Franco-German War , he was awarded the Military Max Joseph Order . With the award was connected to the elevation to the personal nobility and he was allowed to call himself Knight of Mussinan after the entry in the nobility register .

During his time as colonel and commander of the 4th field artillery regiment "König" in Augsburg from December 4, 1874 to November 1, 1882, his stick trumpeter Carl Karl dedicated the "Mussinan March " to him. This march became Karl's most famous composition and is, among other things, the command march of the IV medical command stationed in Bogen in the Graf Aswin barracks . From 1882 to 1889, Mussinan was in command of the 1st Field Artillery Brigade in Munich.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Günter Wegmann (Ed.), Günter Wegner: Formation history and staffing of the German armed forces 1815-1990. Part 1: Occupation of the German armies 1815–1939. Volume 3: The occupation of active regiments, battalions and departments from the foundation or formation until August 26, 1939. Cavalry, artillery, pioneers, motor and driving departments, armored forces, traffic forces and intelligence departments. Biblio Publishing House. Osnabrück 1993. ISBN 3-7648-2413-1 . P. 446.