Luigi Moretti (ancient historian)

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Luigi Moretti (born September 27, 1922 in Rome , † August 8, 1991 ibid) was an Italian ancient historian and epigraphist .

Moretti studied at the University of Rome , where he received his doctorate in 1944. He was a student of Gaetano De Sanctis , whom he supported from 1948 as an assistant for many years at the Chair of Greek History at the University of Rome. From 1964 on he was Professor of Ancient History, first in Palermo (1964–1966), then in Bari (1966–1971), then Professor of Greek Epigraphy at the University of Naples (1971–1973) and from 1973 at the University of Rome.

From 1947 Moretti also worked at the Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana in Rome, where he worked on various appendices of the Enciclopedia Italiana , then he was editor for the keywords on classical antiquity in the Dizionario enciclopedico italiano , worked at the Lessico universale italiano , whose supplement he he in 1985 / 86, and from 1986 to 1991 he edited the Dizionario enciclopedico La Piccola Treccani .

In 1971 he became a corresponding member of the Pontificia Accademia Romana di Archeologia , in 1981 a full member and in 1983 its secretary.

His sons are the film director Nanni Moretti , in whose films Luigi Moretti took on minor roles, and the literary scholar Franco Moretti .

Publications (selection)

  • Iscrizioni agonistiche greche. 1953
  • Olympionikai, i vincitori negli antichi agoni olimpici. In: Memorie della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Classe di Scienze Morali, Storiche e Filologiche 8, 8, 2 (1957), pp. 57-198.
  • Ricerche sulle leghe greche. 1962.
  • Iscrizioni storiche ellenistiche. 2 volumes, 1967–1976
  • Inscriptiones Graecae Urbis Romae. 4 volumes, 1967–1990.
  • Supplemento al catalogo degli Olympionikai. In: Klio 52 (1970), pp. 295-303.
  • Nuovo supplemento al catalogo degli Olympionikai. In: Miscellanea greca e romana 12 = Studi pubblicati dall'Istituto italiano per la storia antica 39 (1987), pp. 67-91.
  • Tra epigrafia e storia. Quasar, Rome 1990, ISBN 88-7140-009-7 (collection of excerpts, including p. 11-15 complete list of publications).


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