Luise Neumann (painter)

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Luise Neumann (1837–1934) portrait painter
"Hey! After Rauschen! ”Children's cup for a trip to Rauschen

Luise Neumann (born June 22, 1837 in Königsberg i. Pr. , † March 16, 1934 in Leipzig ) was a German painter .


Luise was the daughter of the physicist Franz Ernst Neumann and sister of the mathematician Karl Gottfried Neumann , the economist Julius von Neumann and the pathologist and hematologist Ernst Neumann . She devoted herself to the art of painting and was a student of Johannes Heydeck and Hugo Knorr . Here she created landscapes and portraits as well as interiors of culturally and historically remarkable rooms in Königsberg. She also painted on china.

After a stay in Joachimsthal in Brandenburg , where her father went to school, she wrote his life story Franz Ernst Neumann, memorial sheets . She donated his estate to the City History Museum in Königsberg , which furnished a Franz Neumann room. This museum owned u. a. her portraits of Franz Neumann and the art historian Ernst August Hagen . With the exception of a landscape painting, a porcelain painting and a few portraits, her entire work was lost in Rauschen in Samland in 1945.

Luise continued the Franz Neumann Scholarship Foundation founded by her father, today's Franz Neumann Foundation in the Königsberg Foundation , which her father had founded in 1876 to promote the next generation of scientists. After the death of her father, she first moved to Joachimsthal, then in 1918 to her brother Karl Neumann in Leipzig. She died here in March 1934. Her grave was next to her brother's grave in the Johannis cemetery, today's Friedenspark (Leipzig) .

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Luise Neumann: Franz Neumann memorial sheets . Ed .: Paul Siebeck. second edition edition. JCBMohr, Tübingen 1907, p. 464 .
  2. ^ Robert Albinus: Königsberg Lexicon . Würzburg 2002, ISBN 3-88189-441-1 .
  3. ^ Franz Neumann Scholarship Foundation . Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage, Berlin (GStA PK I. HA Rep. 76 Va, Sect. 11, Tit. XI, No. 50 Volume I 1876, file p. 8).