Luise zu Stolberg-Stolberg

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Friederike Luise Countess zu Stolberg-Stolberg , b. Countess Reventlow, widowed von Gramm (born August 21, 1746 in Copenhagen , † November 29, 1824 in Pederstrup ) was a Danish countess.

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Luise Gräfin zu Stolberg-Stolberg was a daughter of Christian Ditlev Reventlow (1710–1775) and his wife Johanna Sophie, geb. Baroness von Bothmer (1718–1754). The land reformer Christian Detlev von Reventlow was one of her brothers. On May 22, 1761, at the age of 14, she married the Danish chief hunter and chamberlain Christian Friedrich von Gram (m) (born June 11, 1737 in Copenhagen), a grandson of Friedrich von Gram and nephew of Friedrich Carl von Gram , who was nine years her senior died on October 27, 1768 after a problematic marriage. She hesitantly entered into a second marriage on June 15, 1777 with Christian Graf zu Stolberg-Stolberg .

In Stolberg's noble house Countess Luise played a special role. She was considered to be spiritually significant, but next to Katharina zu Stolberg-Stolberg she was also not easy to deal with. She tried to portray life in her family at Tremsbüttel Castle as harmonious. Letters that Heinrich Christian Boie and Luise Mejer wrote to each other, however, present this differently; Luise zu Stolberg-Stolberg is described as an imperious tyrant whose moods were difficult to bear.

Friederike Brun visited Luise zu Stolberg-Stolberg in Weimar in 1784 . She described her as a brittle and often cold person. They were both friends and wrote numerous letters to each other until the end of their lives. Luise zu Stolberg-Stolberg was mainly occupied with writing letters and in some years wrote almost 1,000 pieces. She kept a meticulous record of this. From 1783 to 1792 she carried out extensive, largely preserved correspondence with Charles Bonnet . There is an entry from her dated April 13, 1794 in Friedrich von Matthisson's family book .

Luise zu Stolberg-Stolberg's letters are sources that have meaning beyond private life. She read extensively in several languages ​​and also dealt with philosophers such as Immanuel Kant . She worked on Christian zu Stolberg-Stolberg's drama Otanes . As a writer she dealt with a sequel to Emile or about education and wrote the little drama Emil


  • Jürgen Behrens: Stolberg Stolberg, Countess Luise von . in: Schleswig-Holstein Biographical Lexicon . Volume 1. Karl Wachholtz Verlag, Neumünster 1970, pp. 264-265

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ The family book of Friedrich von Matthissons. [ Bonstettiana , special volume.] [Part 2.] Transcription and commentary on the facsimile . Edited, commented and with an afterword by Erichwege, Doris and Peter Walser-Wilhelm and Christine Holliger in collaboration with Bonstettiana, Archive and Edition and the Anhaltische Landesbücherei Dessau. Wallstein-Verlag, Göttingen 2007, ISBN 978-3-8353-0002-6 , pp. 45f. No. 26