Luna 1960B

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Luna 1960B
Mission goal Earth moon
Client Soviet UnionSoviet Union Soviet Union
Launcher Vostok (8K72)
Takeoff mass 279 kg
Course of the mission
Start date April 16, 1960, 16:07 UTC
launch pad Baikonur Cosmodrome
End date April 16, 1960
04/16/1960 begin
04/16/1960 Missile failure

Luna 1960B , also known as Luna E-3 No.2 , was a Soviet lunar probe and, like Lunik 3 , was supposed to orbit the moon on a free return path and photograph it including the far side of the moon. Shortly after take-off, however, the launcher broke because a booster developed too little thrust, so that the probe never reached space. The launch pad was also severely damaged as a result. The launch of the first model from the Luna E-3 series a day earlier failed due to a failure of the upper stage.



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