Luna space

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Luna Utopia , starting with volume 29 Luna Universe was a West German science fiction - novel series of booklets that from 1956 to 1960 in Hanover Lehning publishing house appeared in 57 editions.


Lehning-Verlag was basically specialized in comics like Sigurd , Akim and Tibor , but also produced paperback series like the utr and atr series. After Alpers, the Luna series was on the one hand one of the first of its kind in Germany and was in the context of the science fiction literature boom of the 1950s, but on the other hand it was one of the most “trivial” of its kind.

Of the 57 editions, 47 were reprints of loan book editions by relevant authors such as KH Scheer , Walter Ernsting alias Clark Darlton or Eberhard Seitz alias JE Wells. Wolf Detlef Rohr published in the series both under his name and under the pseudonym Wayne Coover, which also applies to EH Richter alias William Brown. Only issues 7 and 47 were translations from English . According to Galle, the "striking cover design" was reminiscent of American pulp magazines , but without reaching their quality. Galle also considers the term “reprint” to be inappropriate, since it was practically new texts that were created by shortening the 250 to 300 pages of the loan book editions to 60 pages of booklet novels.


1. Wayne Coover: Invasion from Outer Space (1956)

2. Wolf Detlef Rohr: Doomsday 1966? (1956)

3. JE Wells: Death Robot 1000 (1956)

4. Wolf Detlef Rohr: Signals from Mars (1956)

5. Axel Jeffers (di Hans-Peter Weissfeld ): The Star Spider (1957)

6. Wolf Detlef Rohr: The Monsters of Jupiter (1957)

7. Jonathan Burke: Battle in Space (1957, original edition "The Echoing Worlds", 1954)

8. Robert O. Steiner ( i.e. Hans R. Queiser ): Peace over the nuclear desert (1957)

9. Robert O. Steiner: Eron (1957)

10. JE Wells: Space Without Life (1957)

11. K. Merten: Gangsters in Space (1957)

12. Wolf Detlef Rohr: Experiment with Death (1957)

13. JE Wells: Rise of the Damned (1957)

14.Clark Darlton: Assault Out of Nowhere (1957)

15. Wayne Coover: The Secret of the Black Sunspots (1957)

16. Wolf Detlef Rohr: Neptune - Star of the Blue Dwarfs (1957)

17. Lee van Dovski (ie Herbert Lewandowski ): Journey to the Year 3000 (1957)

18. Axel Jeffers: Emperor Titanios (1957)

19. EH Richter: The volcanoes break open (1957)

20. Wolf Detlef Rohr: Uranus is silent (1957)

21. KH Scheer: Battle for the Moon (1957)

22. Wayne Coover: Planet in Alpha Centauri (1957)

23.William Brown: Star of Horror (1957)

24. K. Merten: Murder on the Moon Express (1957)

25. JE Wells: Abduction into Space (1957)

26. Wolf Detlef Rohr: Hell Venus (1957)

27.William Brown: Call from Space (1957)

28. KH Scheer: Pirates between Mars and Earth (1958)

29. Wolf Detlef Rohr: Mercury's ghost town (1958)

30. Wolf Detlef Rohr: The White Planet Pluto (1958)

31.Anonymous: Munchausen in Space I - How I Threw Myself Into Space (1958)

32.Anonymous: Münchhausen in Space II - How the sky giant ate us (1958)

33.William Brown: Eviction of a Planet (1958)

34. IV Steen: Trace through four dimensions (1958)

35. Hanns Kurth : Duel in Space (1958)

36th KH Scheer: Discussions Company (1958)

37. KH Scheer: The Yellow Block (1958)

38th KH Scheer: Major alarm in space (1958)

39.Wolf Detlef Rohr: The Glass City (1958)

40. JE Wells: The Billionaires' Ship (1958)

41. H. Ch. Leroy: Star present in the ice (1958)

42. JG Thieme : Experiment in the Arctic (1958)

43. Jim Gray: Ambassadors from the Universe (1958)

44. CB Rellum: Help for Usuria (1958)

45. Th. Tirossi (di Theodor Rossiwall): Olympia 2000 (1958)

46. ​​CB Rellum: The Legacy of Qui-Se-Ma (1958)

47. Brian Berry : Gyrotaxi 430 Disappears (1959, original edition "From What Far Star?", 1953)

48. K. Merten: Reach for the Sun (1959)

49. Axel Jeffers: Escape into Space (1959)

50. Egon Hillgenberg: Free from Matter (1959)

51. Erik Silversen: SOS from Space (1959)

52.William Brown: Fall of the Galaxy (1959)

53. Erik Silversen: 12,000 m below sea level (1959)

54. Marco Janus (di Horst Zahlten ): The Cosmos Calls (1959)

55. Marco Janus: Force Majeure (1959)

56. Erik Silversen: Gate to Hell (1959)

57. Klaus Petroff: Ambassador of the Extra-Terrestrial (1959)


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Alpers u. a., Volume 2, p. 915.
  2. Alpers u. a., Volume 1, p. 681.