
from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Májovci was a group of authors who promoted the flourishing of Czech literature after 1848 . The name is derived from the poem Máj by Karel Hynek Mácha . The first almanac was published in 1858 , in which Vítězslav Hálek, Jan Neruda, Adolf Heyduk, Rudolf Mayer, Karolina Světlá, Jakub Arbes, Karel Sabina, Josef Václav Frič and Gustav Pfleger-Moravský participated. After Hálek's death in 1874, the group disbanded. After that, the literary scene was shaped by the opposing Ruchovci and Lumírovci .

The Májovci program consisted of Macha's legacy and his revolutionary romanticism and prepared the ground for realism . They campaigned for democracy and propagated world citizenship . According to the ideas of the Májovci, literature should also deal with social issues, such as dealing with technical progress, the position of women or the social responsibility of the individual. Further goals were the elevation of Bohemian literature to a level comparable to other European literatures and above all the publication of works.
