Miller style

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Trout miller style

Müllerinart , also Müllerin-Art or in the manner of the miller , ( French à la meunière ) is a classic method of preparation for not too large fish such as trout , plaice or fillets of haddock as well as crabs and the like. Ä.

The flaked and gutted fish or the fish fillets are pulled through salted milk , turned in flour , fried in butter until golden brown, drizzled with lemon juice and finally sprinkled with chopped parsley on the serving plate and poured with brown almond butter. The usual side dish is swivel potatoes . The trout Müllerinart prepared in this way is particularly widespread, also named after the kind of the beautiful Müllerin in allusion to two musical works by Franz Schubert .

By turning it in flour - which the name Müllerinart alludes to - the very protein-rich fish is added to the surface of carbohydrates , which are necessary for the Maillard reaction that creates the flavor during frying. So there are more aromatic roasted substances than if the fish were fried directly. In addition, the flour binds part of the fat , which in turn absorbs and preserves aromas.