Munich Commentary on the Criminal Code
The Munich Commentary on the Criminal Code ( abbreviated as MK , MüKo or MünchKomm for citations ) is a legal commentary on the German Criminal Code from the Munich publisher C. H. Beck ( Munich Commentary series ).
The first edition appeared in six volumes (eight books) from 2003 to 2009 under the editorship of Wolfgang Joecks and Klaus Miebach . The third edition of the entire work has been published in eight volumes by 2019.
- Volume 1: §§ 1–37 StGB, 3rd edition, Munich 2017 (volume editor: Bernd von Heintschel-Heinegg )
- Volume 2: §§ 38–79b StGB, 3rd edition, Munich 2016 (volume editor: Bernd von Heintschel-Heinegg)
- Volume 3: §§ 80-184j StGB, 3rd edition, Munich 2017 (volume editor: Klaus Miebach)
- Volume 4: §§ 185–262 StGB, 3rd edition, Munich 2017 (volume editor: Günther M. Sander )
- Volume 5: §§ 263–358 StGB, 3rd edition, Munich 2019 (volume editors: Roland Hefendehl , Olaf Hohmann)
- Volume 6, JGG (excerpt), ancillary criminal law I : criminal provisions from: AMG , AntiDopG , BtMG , BtMVV , GÜG , TPG , TFG , GenTG , TierSchG , BNatSchG , VereinsG , AssembliesG , 3rd edition, Munich 2018 (volume editors: Otto Lagodny , Klaus Miebach)
- Volume 7, Ancillary Criminal Law II: Criminal provisions from: MarkenG , UrhG , UWG , AO , SchwarzArbG , AÜG , BetrVG , AktG , AWG , BauFordSiG , BörsG , DepotG , GenG , GewO , GmbHG , HGB , InsO , KWG , WpHG , TKG , TMG , 3rd edition, Munich 2019 (band editor: Roland Schmitz )
- Volume 8, ancillary criminal law III: Penal provisions from: AufenthG , FreizügG , AsylVfG , StAG , WaffG , KrWaffG , SprengG , WStG , EGWstG, 3rd edition, Munich 2018 (volume editor: Otto Lagodny )