Maciej Paderewski

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Maciej Paderewski (born October 5, 1943 in Marcali ; † October 13, 2010 in Warsaw ) was a Polish pianist and music teacher.

Paderewski studied piano with Maria Wiłkomirska at the Warsaw Music Academy and was already involved in the lessons of Irena Dubiska , Kazimierz Wiłkomirski , Tadeusz Wroński and others as a piano accompanist for the students . He performed in almost all European countries, in America and Japan. As a piano accompanist, he received diplomas at the Jacques Thibaud violin competition in Paris and the Pablo Casals competition in Budapest. His chamber music partners included among others Vadim Brodsky , Zdzislaw Donat , Tadeusz Gadzina , Nicolai Gedda , Andrzej Hiolski , Piotr Janowski , Stefan Kamasa , Konstanty Andrzej Kulka , Galina Pisarenko , Stefan Stałanowski , Krystyna Szostek-Radkowa , Wanda Wilkomirska , Stefania Woytowicz and Teresa Żylis- Gara .

At the invitation of Svyatoslaw Richter , he performed at the December Music Evenings in Moscow in 1987, where he performed songs by Fryderyk Chopin with Henryk Janiszewski , while Richter played his cello sonata with Natalia Gutma . He made numerous radio, television and CD recordings and received the French Diapason d'or critic's prize for a recording of Witold Lutosławski's chamber music .

For more than thirty years, Paderewski taught at the Warsaw Music Academy (Fryderyk Chopin University for Music) as a full professor and head of the piano chamber music department. He initiated and directed the International Masterclasses in Warsaw, which have been named after him since 2021, conducted courses and workshops and acted as a juror at Polish and international piano and chamber music festivals.

With Tadeusz Wroński he edited three violin sonatas and a scherzo for violin and piano by Johannes Brahms , with Kazimierz Michalik transcriptions of Chopin's works for cello and piano. For his work he was awarded the Silver Cross of Merit of the Republic of Poland , the Silver Gloria Artis Medal for Cultural Merit and as an Honored Cultural Activist.
