Malachias Koll

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Malachias Koll OCist (born October 14, 1783 in Baden (Lower Austria) , † December 4, 1844 in Münchendorf ) was an Austrian Cistercian monk , priest and historian .


Malachias Koll was clothed in Heiligenkreuz on October 3, 1801 , made his profession on October 21, 1804 and celebrated his first ceremony on November 1, 1806 . From 1806 to 1807 he was Konviktprefect and abbot ceremonial , from 1807 to 1812 he worked as a professor at the Cistercian High School in Wiener Neustadt , from 1812 to 1820 as professor of New Testament Bible studies at the Institutum Theologicum in Heiligenkreuz, where he also lectured on Old Testament biblical studies and the oriental languages ​​from 1817 to 1819 .

From March 1820 to October 1824 he was parish administrator in Pfaffstätten , from 1824 to 1832 treasurer, from 1825 to 1832 at the same time chef and office administrator. From 1832 to 1841 he was the administrator of the Heiligenkreuzerhof in Vienna. There he was responsible for the administration of the city courtyard and looked after the Heiligenkreuzer Stiftsarchiv, which was located in the building at the time.

From November 1841 until his death he worked as a parish administrator in Münchendorf. The private library, which became part of the collection of the abbey library after his death, consisted of 1200 volumes.

Koll's publications testify to an enthusiasm for the emerging Austrian historical research, but they do not yet fall back on the thorough source work that represented the scientific standard for subsequent generations.


  • To celebrate the fifty-year priesthood of the Venerable Mr. P. Engelbert Schwan, Capitulars of the Cist.-Stifts Heiligenkreuz and St. Gotthardt, emer. Prior and d. Z. Administrator of the Trumau monastery. In the Stift Heiligenkreuz on November 15, 1828. In the name of all Stiftskapitularen dedicated to the same reverently by P. Malachias Koll, d. Z. Chamberlain. A cantata set to music by Franz Xaver Fischer, orphan administrator. Vienna, printed in the Steyrerhof No. 727.
  • In vol. IV of the historical and topographical representation of Baden and the Heiligenkreuz Abbey (Vienna 1825 near Doll) the following representations by Koll: Sparbach p. 19-22; Tallern p. 146-147; Abbey and Parish Heiligenkreuz p. 175-237; Münchendorf p. 245-248; Pfaffstätten p. 255-263; Raisenmarkt p. 263-269; Sittendorf p. 270-276; Sulz p. 279 to 280; Trumau p. 809-812.
  • The double secular celebration of the combined Cistercian monasteries Heiligenkreuz and St. Gotthard. (Pletz: Neue theol. Zeitschr. 1834. 7th year. 2nd vol. P. 271–274.)
  • The Heiligenkreuz Abbey in Austria VUWW with the parishes and possessions belonging to it, together with the unified St. Gotthardt Abbey in Hungary. Topographically and historically represented by ... With 5 views. Vienna 1834.
  • Chronicon breve Monasteriorum Ord. Cisterc. Ad Sanctam Crucem in Austria et ad St. Gotthardum in Ungaria. Adjecta series omnium nobilium benefactorum ibidem sepultorum; una cum catalogo religiosorum omnium, qui from anno 1534 et ultra usque nunc ibidem vixerunt et adhuc vivunt. Vindobonae. 1834.
  • For the consecration of the seventh Säcularfeyer in 1134 from the Heil. Leopold, Margrave of Austria , founded the Cistercian Abbey of Heiligenkreuz, September 14, 1834, by Malachias Koll, capitular of this abbey. A cantata set to music by Johann Gänsbacher , Kapellmeister at the Archbishop's Cathedral at St. Stephan in Vienna.
  • Sermon for the celebration of the canonization of St. Alphons Maria Liguori in the Church of the Women's Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer in Vienna, November 24, 1839, spoken by P. Malachias Koll. Vienna 1839.
  • He also has handwritten notes and notes from the archive, as well as travel reports .


  • Florian Watzl : The Cistercians of Heiligenkreuz . Graz 1898, pp. 211-213.