Malte Mienert

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Malte Mienert in Bad Boll (2010)

Malte Mienert (* 1975 in Görlitz ) is a German psychologist , professor and author.


Malte Mienert grew up in Neubrandenburg and graduated from high school there. He studied psychology and medicine in Berlin . He received his diploma in psychology in 1999. From 1999 to 2004 he was a research assistant at the chair for developmental psychology at the Humboldt University in Berlin. With the theme of "development task automobility" In 2002 he was graduated . From 2004 to 2010 he was junior professor for developmental and educational psychology at the University of Bremen .

There he headed the “Teaching and Learning” forum and was a member of several committees. For his teaching activity he was honored with the " Berninghausen Prize for excellent teaching and its innovation ". The focus of his scientific work is the self-image and self-reflection of educators, the recording of individual values ​​and the possibility of recording intercultural skills .

For several years he has been active in adult education in the further training of educators, teachers, social workers and parents.

Since October 2011 Mienert has been Professor of Higher Education at Gorgasali University (GEO) at the University Institute for International and European Studies UNIES in Kerkrade. At the European University in Kerkrade he is Dean of the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences. The scientist's homepage provides information on key research areas (see below).


  • with U. Braun, S. Müller and H. Vorholz (eds.): Designing and implementing early childhood education in a team - concepts, practical examples, materials. Raabe, Berlin 2007.
  • with H. Vorholz: Conversations with parents - development talks, conflict talks, information talks. Bildungsverlag EINS, Troisdorf 2007.
  • Totally diffuse - growing up in a youthful society. VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, Wiesbaden 2008.
  • with H. Vorholz: Small children - big steps. Basics of educational work with crèche children. Schubi, Braunschweig 2009, ISBN 978-3-86723-515-0 .
  • with H. Vorholz: Opening up everyday life - expanding perspectives. Design open work in the daycare centers according to the educational plans. Schubi, Braunschweig 2011, ISBN 978-3-86723-495-5 .
  • with S. Pitcher: Educational Psychology: Theory and Practice of Lifelong Learning. Wiesbaden 2011, ISBN 978-3-531-16945-3 .
  • with H. Vorholz: Students and teachers in conflict. New strategies for a respectful cooperation. (= HELP series). Schöningh Verlag, Paderborn 2011, ISBN 978-3-506-77181-0 .
  • Behavioral (in) conspicuous children. Link Verlag, Kronach 2014.

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